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James would only give Natalie the money if he has morals? Oh geez, I'm not sure how that works...I can only assume that means she either needs the money the most and we know she doesn't cause she isn't in any kind of debt or that she played the best game of people left which she hasn't because Adam is probably the strongest player in the game standing...she's a big threat physically, yes but otherwise...not so much

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At this point, I don't think anyone can beat Adam. I think everyone in the house could beat Nat - why get rid of her then? Because the HG's are inside and they think the opposite. Knowing what WE know about Natalie, it's easy to say she'd be perfect for the F2. However, they think everyone will reward her for being such a crafty player - it's happened before. I don't think James, Chelsia, Josh or Sharon would vote for Natalie AT ALL.

Unfortunately for Nat, Ryan and Sheila, they spent too much time secluding Chelsia, Josh and James and bad-mouthing them rather than actually bringing them in. Had they actually done that instead of acting self-riteous and vindicative, maybe they would have some insight on what kind of person they are and how they would vote. I'm not saying Chelsia, Josh and James were saints, by no means, but they accuse James of not playing a social game and yet, "TC" did the same thing. They were wonderful to TC, but they failed to think of their jury members - it was all about getting James out.

The REAL smart players in the game are Adam and Sharon. Adam because if he goes to the jury, I really believe he's got it locked in. He's made no real enemies in the game. He's kind of the weird, bungling buddy to everyone. I don't know that they even blame him for putting James up twice or Chelsia's eviction. Adam is so easily swayed and plays with emotion - I truly believe that they blame Nat and Ryan for it. Sharon is smart because she's playing a very social game, but a very dangerous one. If, like everyone suspects, she's been throwing competitions and obviously she's willing to go up on the block time and time again that could easily backfire - and yet she keeps perservering. But she's managed to be a low-key threat (James helped A LOT with this before he left) and she is very laid back and calm. She hasn't made the deals or lied nearly as bad as Nat or Sheila has. And Natalie gave that win to Sheila, but if Sharon hadn't stepped up and Ryan, Adam and Sharon hadn't kept pushing it, I don't think Natalie would've naturally said "I think I should give this to Sheila".

Nat has consistently proven that she tries really hard to look good in other people's eyes, but has never makes the effort by herself or without provocation to do something really nice. Think about it - She went after James FOR MATTY, so Matty would like her or be happy. She didn't start feeding the Guinea Pigs until after the voting competition where they said Sharon would be more likely to help a hurt squirrel - she picked up Sharon's mannerisms. Sharon suggested she would like to have the Guinea Pigs after the show...then Natalie piped up that SHE wanted them too. This HOH competition, she didn't want to be "like James" to Sheila. It wasn't until Sharon, then Adam and Ryan kept pushing her to let Sheila have it that she dropped. It's all for show IMO. People who do good acts don't need to make examples of other people and they don't need to boast about it - the act stands ALONE.

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Some good points but I do think that Crazy James and Chelsia isolated themselves and only came out when they wanted to cause havoc in the house.

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With the possibility of Natalie replacing Adam, do you think Adam and Ryan are really going to evict Natalie? All season these people have been sayng one thing and then chickening out the next.

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Will Nat be able to stay off the block?

If she does go up, will she be able to make it safely through eviction?

Love her or hate her, a lot of us have strong feelings about Natalie.

What do you think? Can she pull a rabbit out of her hat? (Presto!)

Or will she even need to?

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Seems that Natalie is in a bit of a pickle. I don't understand the animosity toward her since her game play isn't significantly differnt than anyone elses. Call her annoying, but so are the others in their own ways. She has played the game hard and has pulled out of tough spots before, so can she do it this time?

I think she can pull it off, but will she? I can't wait to see this week's game talk!

Will Sheila put Nat on the block as everyone says? I think so.

Will Nat campaign? Yep, you bet!

How? I don't know. Maybe if she can convince everyone James was just stirring the pot before he left and that Sharon is just continuing on in that mission, she has a chance.

Haha CTK! You're funny.

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The only way I can see it is if Adam and Ryan come to the conclusion that they cannot win against Sharon or She-bot. That would take a an enormous leap in logic and I for one do not see Ryan making the connection, even if Adam broached the subject.

I am 99.9% sure that Nat is gone, but then again I thought that Danielle would win out against ED last season.

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BB - I am 99% too....BUT (Everyone has a big butt, Simone.) -

If Nat can take them backward a ways and get them to see Sharon for what she is, then I think she may be able to pull it off.

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It is in Sheila's best interest for Natalie to leave before Sharon. They guys will either take Sheila or Natalie with them if they have control. The next target will be Sharon and she will be gone unless she wins HOH or wins those POV's.

I think Natalie will get more manic and drive the other HG crazy and they will evict her for that reason. The guys are not really that smart in game play.

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Even though Nat's playing a similar game as everyone else, their game hasn't been outed. Ryan has a deal with just about everyone. But Sharon hasn't gone to the pack and told them about her and Ryan's deal. On the other hand, they all have outed Natalie and told eachother what she has said and offered.

They seem to think Nat is a big physical threat, and should she win in the end? Yes. But so far, out of the four in the jury house, only Matt would vote for her in the end.

The remaining HGs need to realize that Nat doesn't really have many jury votes, therefore they might be able to win against her in the end.

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Nat has already said today that she WILL NOT campiagne so who knows she told this to Ryan and Adam. And said that she will let Sharon do that.

I think what hurt Nat is that her stroies stopped matching up, when she talks one on one its fine, but when there is 3 people in on then you have someone to back the story up. She got in trouble when she tried to align the girls together had she just stuck with the guys and simply lied to the girls then she would not be going home.

Its one thing to be with a group and lie to the other people, its another thing to try and be with 2 groups and lie to both.

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i really can not see ryan and adam voting nat off

they are too wimpy to go against her

we at home watch this and survivor and we see all that is going on and are sitting here like gee how dumb are they?? don't they realize what that person is doing? but they do not have the same view as us and evidently can not see past anything they always seem to keep that person in i wish nat would go i feel sorry for her when she gets out and sees what all matt did to her and how foolish she does look but i think the girl is actually naive she really doesn't understand or at least comprend much

i think she is probably a nice person but just very lost

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I don't know if she can save herself against Sharon. Sharon seems to have everyone in her pocket.

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Joyami - Yep. Sharon has done a stellar job at turning things against Natalie. I just wonder why everyone doesn't question Sharon's loyalty and tactics. It doesn't make sense to me that after she was part of the James Gang, they would trust her seemingly unquestioningly.

Go figure.

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MreFroman we are not dealing with the sharpest pencils in the desk here. I find myself yelling at the TV and computer questioning their intelligence all the time. If BB goal was to cast a group of HG's with the IQ approaching the Guinea Pigs they have succeeded. With that being said I will not be surprised in anything they decide as a group.

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The only way Natlie can be SAVED is by J.C.












Julie Chin = JC

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Smart or not my own selfish reason I want them to concentrate on getting Natalie out. I want Sheila to win. If by some chance Sharon does make it to the end then she might take Sheila with her. So the way they are going with this is the best for Sheila.

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