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I'm SO glad Natalie gave it to Sheila. I don't particularly like Sheila but if she gets Nat out, she definitely wins kudos from me! Good for Sharon and Sheila for pushing her to do it. Nat didn't drop out of the HOH comp out of the kindness of her heart - she did it because 1) she's already planning her moves for next week's HOH 2) in Natalie's warped mind, she thinks it predestined for her to win, 3) because she thinks it makes her look good that she's not "like James". And someone needs to tell Natalie that Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. She needs to get over herself!!!!

I can't wait for Natalie to leave. I hope she doesn't win POV. PLEASE!!!!!

And it'll be so great seeing Matt, Josh, James and Chelsia's face when she comes into sequester. To quote James from Survivor "Oh please let that happen! If that happens, it will be the best thing ever!" I will be so po'ed if they do the morph thing and she wins...

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I am REALLY going to enjoy watching her squirm if she doesn't win POV. I really am.

What was it she kept saying about Matt's eviction and James eviction and Chelsia's and Josh's? Something about God watching and judging them or something like that?

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And Big brother best not be bringing in that morph contest for POV. That would be cheating with Miss Artist.

I hope this is a joke.. Just because she is a artist, and they are playing a game that might be good for an artist doesnt mean Jack!!!

They have played this game since season 5 (pretty sure, seems like I remember The twins playing), and have every year.. SO its not cheating, they do ti every year around this time.

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I would imagine that BB can't keep the bible out of the house for First Amendment reasons. I would also imagine that if someone wanted to bring in the Quaran or the Torah they would be able to do so. Makes sense to me.

Go Nat.

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I hope Nat wins POV ...

I just hate to see the girl go out like this ...

She has fought so hard for Ry, Adam and Sheila to make it to final 4 ... Though she planned on taking out Sheila in final 4 she still stayed true to the final 4 alliance and someone has to go ... Sheila would have just had to fight for it ... So I don't see anything wrong with the plan

Nat deserves better from them and I can't believe they are going to seriously backdoor her like that ... Even James got break ... I would think Nat deserves one too...

Lastly why in the world are they all still wispering ... Let it out already its final 5 ... Sheesh be done with it ... Everyone should be out for self at this point ...

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I am sorry, Natalie is drivin me crazy, and I do not care how she is goin out she is gonna reap what she has sowed, she has bragged and made every comp and every little thing in this game about her, she acts like she knows what is going to happen like right now while they are waiting for the pov, the girls even said a while ago she is like a Gnat, hello , we have been callin her that for a while now, a little humility would have possibly have helped her right now at this very moment, cause these people have long memories and Natalie has really been a pest lately big time.

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Has anyone ever seen the other HGs in her alliance tell her to shut the hell up? I would imagine that since her behavior has been acceptable up to this point, she thinks it still is. If no one has told her she's making enemies, how is she supposed to know? Most of us in life have someone to keep us in check and it doesn't seem to me that she has that here. There are those who do...like Adam. Sheila keeps his ass in line.....

I'm not saying that she should expect it, but it's a thought. She's so naive is so many ways that it doesn't surprise me she's in this predicament.

Cat, I agree..she's annoying as all hell! (as we like to joke around here....what's a noing?) I still want her to do well though.

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Nat deserves better from them and I can't believe they are going to seriously backdoor her like that ... Even James got break ... I would think Nat deserves one too...

Lastly why in the world are they all still wispering ... Let it out already its final 5 ... Sheesh be done with it ... Everyone should be out for self at this point ...

Cocoa, I can appreciate you rooting Nat on, but if everyone should be out for self, then why are you surprised that anybody is going to be backdoored? It is the final 5 so therefore, all is fair in love and war. Nat cannot say that she was not forewarned. James DID warn her. She chose not to listen.

I hope this is a joke.. Just because she is a artist, and they are playing a game that might be good for an artist doesnt mean Jack!!!

They have played this game since season 5 (pretty sure, seems like I remember The twins playing), and have every year.. SO its not cheating, they do ti every year around this time.

King, you're going to have to forgive those who have not been watching the show for very long. I only started watching for All Stars, so I have no clue what has "always been done". It was said seriously, but you know what... I don't care as long as she does not win POV. Once she is gone, all will be right in the BB house.

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I like nat and think she is a great player, but damn, if she really gave this hoh to sheila she is an idiot as big as Kaysar and Marceles/Dustin! Bad move! It may turn into a half million dollar mistake.

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I can appreciate you rooting Nat on, but if everyone should be out for self, then why are you surprised that anybody is going to be backdoored? It is the final 5 so therefore, all is fair in love and war. Nat cannot say that she was not forewarned. James DID warn her. She chose not to listen.

True, I'm just saying stop with all of the dang wispering and secrets its stupid at this point ... Sheila should straight up say Nat I will not put you up on the block however if you do not win POV you are going up ...

I think the girl deserves atleast that much respect ... She did stay true to the F4 alliance between them ... and she also threw the HOH comp to Sheila ...

I don't care if she goes home I just don't agree with dogging her out like that ... Be straight up with the girl tell her whats going down ... I could see if she were in the James alliance and they did this to her but come on... backdooring her?

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IT HAPPENS. Backdooring is always a possibility and regardless of alliances they always fall apart at some point. Its a game and nobody is guaranteed a heads up before being backdoored. Most times they avoid that to hold off the drama in the house for as long as possible. Once people know they are going it is more than likely going to get ugly with her alliance turning on her. Also it gives her less time to try to change things around or do more yapping as I would say.

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That might make sense if we were in a normal situation. However, if Sheila can get Nat out without it looking like she was the target all along, Sheila could still end up winning Natalie's vote in the jury house. Additionally, if Nat wins POV, then why would ANYBODY in the house want Nat to know they were after her? They would have made an enemy when its not a wise time to make enemies.

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That might make sense if we were in a normal situation. However, if Sheila can get Nat out without it looking like she was the target all along, Sheila could still end up winning Natalie's vote in the jury house. Additionally, if Nat wins POV, then why would ANYBODY in the house want Nat to know they were after her? They would have made an enemy when its not a wise time to make enemies.

I don't think Natalie respects Sheila as a player enough to give her a vote against Ryan or Adam. Against Sharon, she definitely would.

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Because for some strange reason there have been many hg this season who had/have a sense of entitlement. They think because they spend a couple of months locked up that they should win. This bothered me about Chelsia and James and with comments like that; Gnat too.

I'm so sick of the hard life stories...there are probably people more down on their luck than any of those losers and will never be chosen. You have to have a "hard luck" story to tell and willing to take your clothes off and trade sexual favors to get on the show.

In the real world, people who need money just work 2 maybe three jobs to get what they need.

From what i'm reading, there are just as many viewers with a weird sense of entitlement too...maybe for the same reason...they spend so much time locked up watching the show, they think "their" favorite should win, or that the HGs should use their strategy to play the game.

While I'm at it, just what is this strategy thing I keep reading about? As far as I can tell, strategy is nothing more than being the best liar, which is lauded...sometimes in the same post where the author is complaining about the HG's lack of morals (Do you think what they really mean when they complain is that the HG's don't share their morals?)!


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From what i'm reading, there are just as many viewers with a weird sense of entitlement too...maybe for the same reason...they spend so much time locked up watching the show, they think "their" favorite should win, or that the HGs should use their strategy to play the game.

True, there are posters here that will attack other posters when they state their opinions. I could care less what it said about these people and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some act like you were commenting about their family members. Caused all kind of problems on this board last season (when people voiced opinions about Dick and Dani) and its causing all kinds of problems this season.

I dont spend hours/days/months looking up these peoples personal histories, I just comment what's on this board and from what I see on CBS.

Strategy is lying, cheating and backstabbing as I've said numerous times---throwing things, degrading other hg and trading sexual favors is not IMO - I've also said this numberous times and I stand by it now.

Unfortunately, there are some that wrap their lives around these hgs and for me they're just a bunch of actors, living together to win money.

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Evel's myspace status

EvelDick hates Natalie and hopes she dies. She started Cum Guzzlers for Jesus, where she asks.... What would Jesus swallow?? Jesus answered, "a cyanide pill, please On Tuesday.

Mood: annoyed

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if Sheila can get Nat out without it looking like she was the target all along, Sheila could still end up winning Natalie's vote in the jury house. Additionally, if Nat wins POV, then why would ANYBODY in the house want Nat to know they were after her? They would have made an enemy when its not a wise time to make enemies.

Great point Misha!

Now that we know Adam won POV, Shiela can readily put her up and keep her hands clean. Let's now see if Sharon is as good a manipulator as Naty and if she can save herself over Nat.

I'm not a RatyNaty fan, but this week is going to be interesting. If you ever had a real Gnat infestation, then you know they are pesty and hard to get rid of..... :animated_bouncy:

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She would not leave Sheila alone last nite and when Sahron and Sheila tried to escapee to HOH room, she followed them, Sheila is going to put her up, but Natalie may not get as bad about it cause she thinks she can get the votes against Sharon, but was worried about Being up against Adam, but she does want Sheila to put up Ryan, this is gonna be crazy.lol

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