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Fight! (Eric and Michael)


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Note the word "can". I really dont think that either will be kicked out...I will be upset because Maggie will have no partner. And I will Cappy :cry: . I hope Micheal at least gets another warning, he was staring him down (IT LOOKS LIKE, not 100%) and is partly to blame (and I admit IVETTE provoked it as well). But honestly, if someone burped in my face I would have reacted just as dramatically.

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So if Eric gets booted, what do they do for HOH for the rest of the week?

Do they cancel the eviction all together?  Do they choose a new HOH?  What about the POV comp?  Who would put someone new up if the veto was used?

Hmmm....quite a pickle CBS is in!

a pickle indeed I would say hold new HOH monday have noms that day have POV the next and show it all Tuesday night.

Sort of like the speedy eviction of Marvin last season

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So if Eric gets booted, what do they do for HOH for the rest of the week?

Do they cancel the eviction all together?  Do they choose a new HOH?  What about the POV comp?  Who would put someone new up if the veto was used?

Hmmm....quite a pickle CBS is in!

The only possible reason that I see that Eric might stay. HOH would reach a whole new level then.

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Will be interesting to see what the sheep feel about Cappy after this if he stays. I means, hasn't most of this week been about them feeling "unsafe" around Michael? I think if Eric is in the house, Michael, Howie, whoever would feel more safe than the insane midget from hell. Even the girls. I just watched the closeup feed that someone posted of Eric as the fight was breaking out and it truly gave me chills. The anger in his eyes, the violence that you could see bubbling. It was uncomsfortable just to see, imagine being there. But the sheep will probably stand up for him regardless.

If Eric stays, CBS is asking for trouble.


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Guest MickeysMom

from what I read, BB was going to withhold the booze tonight until Eric pitched a fit.

And when it came in, he sent Beau upstairs with a bottle for Mike and Jen.

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They don't have to cancel evictions because they have more people this year and would have to eventually do two evictions in a week. The only thing is if the HOH gets kicked out, what about the veto ceromony? If the veto is used there would be nobody to put another HG on the block.

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Nodoubt575 wrote:    

I really dont think either should be kicked out...they know after this incident they are on thin ice, I dont see them getting physical...although I see more between Ivette and Kaysar.

nebartist wrote:

Eric had to be held back!!

Held Back Symantics , what if Eric wanted it to look like he was rushing Michael . In order to make Michael throw the first punch or even to hold a hand up to Erics chest in self defence holding him back so to speak. If he had done that then he would of made first physical contact. But as it can not be proved that Eric would of done that and he is not a danger to the house so to speak , and Eric is the type that once he calms down will listen to BB reason , then I think both will be there tomorrow.

Also as a small reminder , I remember hearing many time not just Eric but alot of the girls say they do not feel safe around Michael , and the knives were taken out of the house . I don't know if was cause of Michael or not and really no one does . But threat to house if asked the entire house the majority would say Michael. But then who knows if BB will even ask them.

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Guest Tareq's No1 Fan
They don't have to cancel evictions because they have more people this year and would have to eventually do two evictions in a week. The only thing is if the HOH gets kicked out, what about the veto ceromony? If the veto is used there would be nobody to put another HG on the block.

If I was a producer and had to eject Eric I would look at it in this way.

- Eric is no longer part of the game therefore his decisions regarding nominations are voided

- Reconvene houseguests and have a new HoH competition with the winner making fresh nominations.

- Let the game continue to it's conclusion

That would be 'fair' in terms of this game I would say

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but Wolfrider, the only reason everyone is say9ing they are threatened by mMichael is because Eric has drilled it into them that he is a threat. And so they go along becuase it takes the attention off of them. Michael has not been a threat to anyone in that house physically. As for the knives being removed, where did you see/hear that? That is new info to me


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Guest DraftKing

If Eric is ejected, they'll need to vote in a replacement HOH, pronto. Michael/Janelle would be ineligible to compete; they could do a quickie game to get someone in there, then have POV later in the day, or even delay it by a day if necessary.

I hope that there is a plan for a potential scenario with an HOH ejection. You'd think there would be...

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See the thing is, I dont think the producers will evict anyone unless they sock someone...they dont want to eff up the secret pairs (and if I were Maggie and they just threw out my secret partner, I would let it all out...remember she knows all the pairs (besides Howie Rachel)).

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but Wolfrider, the only reason everyone is say9ing they are threatened by mMichael is because Eric has drilled it into them that he is a threat. And so they go along becuase it takes the attention off of them. Michael has not been a threat to anyone in that house physically. As for the knives being removed, where did you see/hear that? That is new info to me


They have been talking about them not having knives since the first day of feeds... Wayyyy before anyone said anything about anyone being a threat... The knives being gone has nothing to do with Mike... I agree with you Dep Mike wasn't a threat until EIA started telling everyone he was...

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Thinking I really need to get some sleep before the baby wakes up but what they heck -

Isn't Crappy a fireman? I know my cousin is and I know that police and ff are use to being in stressful situations. I really hope that Crappy handles stress much better than he is in the BB house. Right now I don't think I could trust him to handle his temper while out on a call.

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Guest Kalla
See the thing is, I dont think the producers will evict anyone unless they sock someone...they dont want to eff up the secret pairs (and if I were Maggie and they just threw out my secret partner, I would let it all out...remember she knows all the pairs (besides Howie Rachel)).

season 4, scott threw a chair and was removed from the house..... eric clearly went after michael shouting obsenaties and threats....whats the difference, why should 'crappy' get to stay?

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Guest DraftKing
Looking at live feeds and have seen no people cross the back of the tank.

There's been a great deal of speculation that they have "standby" feeds up that aren't live at all.

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Yes Kalla I did , and yes it looked like he might really hit him , but from a legal standpoint , he did not get near him and it can be argued . That was what I meant.

I was not giving my oppinion just how it could be viewed and if BB puts him out for that , he may have a legal case since he did not touch him. Think about it last night Micheal said he can get Cappy kicked off by egging him into a physical confrontation.

So with all that in mind and the fact that besides us BB had to hear that and that Eric did not actuall come near him , at least no closer than a foot or two , I think they will just calm the two down and warn them.

Again this is a thought not what I thinks should or should not happen.

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Guest princess
Here's a thought... Janelle did come in second in the HOH comp...lol now there is a twist.

Great point! That would be the logical choice for HOH...

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