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Fight! (Eric and Michael)


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Guest MickeysMom

That guy who held a knife to krista's throat was kicked out. It was a stupid stunt.....and obviously krista did not feel threatened.

The DNA one with Sean(?) All he did was throw chairs.

Cappy went over the top. He started the whole thing whipping the table up to a frenzy.

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Guest sunshine

Draft... i dont think michael was staring eric down, i think he was watching kaysar because ivette was going off on him... as someone else said if it was my friend, i would be watching too, making sure my friend was ok...

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Guest DraftKing
April for having a fake chin

LOL -- that made me laugh hard. She also admitted tonight that she has breast implants. I wonder what else on her is fake?

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I don't think it's against the rules to stirred the pot, I still kind of iffy on whether Eric should go or not, he actually didn't hit anybody but he did charge Michael so I'm just not sure, glad I'm not the one making the decision

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Guest sunshine

coachp - then kaysar is.. then some of the other house guests..

i wasnt saying that in a rude way.. just she shouldnt be using racist comments towards him, or anyone....

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That guy who held a knife to krista's throat was kicked out.  It was a stupid stunt.....and obviously krista did not feel threatened.

The DNA one with Sean(?) All he did was throw chairs.

Cappy went over the top.  He started the whole thing whipping the table up to a frenzy.

was not the dna.. was the x-factor and that was scott

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Guest DraftKing
Draft... i dont think michael was staring eric down, i think he was watching kaysar because ivette was going off on him... as someone else said if it was my friend, i would be watching too, making sure my friend was ok...

Hmm, well you can only see Michael from behind, so it's not possible to tell where exactly he's looking. Point taken. Either way, it doesn't excuse what Eric did.

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Guest Tareq's No1 Fan
Draft... i dont think michael was staring eric down, i think he was watching kaysar because ivette was going off on him... as someone else said if it was my friend, i would be watching too, making sure my friend was ok...

If it was my friend I would have gone and sat at the table and see what they would say then. That would probably have gotten Eric arrested because there wouldn't be anyone to hold him back from knowing my lights out.

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Okay...I was watching the feeds and saw the following:

Ivette whispering to Beau "Dont get drunk!", and then Micheal walked by and belched in her face. "I hope your mother enjoyed that" "I hope your mother enjoyed that too" After that Micheal says that Ivette mumbled something under her breath right before he belched at her? (can anyone attest to this happening? If so did u pick up what she said?

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Guest Shockalot
Eric had to be held back!!  :lol:

Your bang on Neb.

The fact that Eric tried to rush him and was held back.

Not only that but he tried to break away from Howie and Ivette and rush at him a second time.

Plus the fact he shouted "You are going down!"

Now of course if this was a court of law Eric could argue technicalities etc.. maybe he meant 'Your going down in this game or in the Veto competition"

Well in this case BB makes the final judgement.

Based on the moments before the feed ends - Eric is most definately the one who 'may' get booted.

He was the one who tried to run at Mike and made the 'threat' to do so.

Hey did anyone phone the police like feed-viewers did in BBUK when that fight broke out?

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I just re-watched the near-fight yet again...  With the quad feed, you get a good feel for it.  Michael stared down Eric for approx. 12 seconds before Eric shouted "You got a f***ing problem?" and Eric turned into Bruce Willis' character from Pulp Fiction.  Basically, it appears that Michael was trying to screw with Eric to get him to start something, and he got his wish.  That ties in with reports that Michael conspired late last night with Janelle on how he might provoke Eric into becoming a physical threat toward him.  Believe me, I'm no Eric defender, but I didn't catch the long stare-down until just now...

Still doesn't excuse what Eric did, he could have just gotten into a verbal confrontation with him. Eric just made the wrong choice. Alot of people are to blame, Michael Ivette Janelle and a few others for fanning the flames, and BB producers for giving them beer when they knew this house was ready to explode but utlimately(sp) it's boils down to Eric because he's the one who tried to physically get to Mike, had Howie and Kaysar not been there he would have succeed.

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Guest DraftKing

Oh, I didn't realize that actually made the feeds... I heard Ivette's description of it, but didn't see it. That pretty much matches her description, minus the advice to Beau not to get drunk and her mumbling under her breath, of course.

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Guest sunshine

i can only imagine what the house guests will do if eric is kicked out... seeing as they are all his little followers... will be interesting to see once the feeds come back!!!

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i can only imagine what the house guests will do if eric is kicked out... seeing as they are all his little followers... will be interesting to see once the feeds come back!!!

They will be walkign around blindly bumping into walls



call the cops!! :lol:

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Guest DramaQueen

We should all make a point and go to CBS.com and vote in the fav houseguest ratings and vote eric a 1 and mike a 10. Maybe theyll get the point that were sick of eric and we want mike to stay. who knows.. it may work.. CBS only cares about image and ratings and if they think the fans would love to see mike stay then i bet they might be even more prone to kick eric out. Its all about the ratings and mike=drama in the house.

Go michael and Kaysar

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"Anyone making verbal or physical threats against another player can immediately be removed from the house and disqualified from the game."

The rule doesn't say staring down or saying "you got a problem with me" as being at fault. I don't consider Mike's action or statement as a verbal or physical threat.

Eric clearly violated the rules he should be out!!!

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I think she left the Beau part out cuz the whole house already suspects her and Beau.

Lol, when I first saw it I thought it was Beau for some reason and I was like WTF? Ugh! I should have taken screen caps, I thought "oh...im sure it will get posted 1000 times over, who cares."

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Guest princess

So if Eric gets booted, what do they do for HOH for the rest of the week?

Do they cancel the eviction all together? Do they choose a new HOH? What about the POV comp? Who would put someone new up if the veto was used?

Hmmm....quite a pickle CBS is in!

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I don't care how long someone stares you down. To charge someone and to try to become physical is ERIC's responsibility not Michael's. If Eric was a mature, rational and mild tempered person then he wouldn't even acknowledge Michael stares/attention (which would get boring and Michael would stop) or walk out of the room.

As a person that has been in a violent relationship. I never "deserved" what happened and when I was being humiliated, accusations being made towards me and intimidated I wanted to stare him down too!!!

I'm also sure if I had someone to "trash talk" to in a gold room with after one of these instances I would have been dumping a landfill worth of thoughts about him and his family too.

Michael isn't perfect and rightly so needed and needs to be talked about how to interact with women. Eric is the one that took this mob by the reigns and lead an attack on Michael that is more than game playing... they are out to maliciously and knowingly destroy his character.


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