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Fight! (Eric and Michael)


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can this jerk think for a minute that he leads a great example for his kids? BB please please dump this short fat dispicable moron.

He can throw stones at michael but he cant even take michael looking at him lolol what a cowardly bas%^d. lololol!!!

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I think BB had the right idea in the first place of no offering them any alcohol at the beginning.  I think they sensed something like this might come about.   This is my first time posting on here !!!  :o

Your right then Eric went in the DR and told them he wanted the beer...

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After my last post I thought about something. We don't know what happened after they went to fish. I'm worried if something did happen that we didn't see, this could be the last BB, or it will be a watered down version.

Maybe Eric and Michael had a knife fight.

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Guest sunshine

what did michael say about erics family? and how did eric find out??

i think i heard janelle and michael say a couple things last night, but they were alone at the time...

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Guest kregger

Well GEES! I just signed up for the live feed tonight and now I got fish. I did get to see the fight, or almost fight.

This is my first time watching big brother and first time with a live feed. Do they cut away like this often. Seems kinda useless if we don't get the see the good stuff. hehe How long do they usually go to fish?


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Guest DraftKing

Upon further review, my transcript does have some holes (I've since then obtained the four-panel video, where you can hear the audio from Michael and see him intimate that Eric's manhood is small, which sets Eric off even more). And yes, at the very end you can hear a "come to the diary room right now" right before the fish.

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Guest Kalla
video of the incident

www.csnetserver.com/bb/6/FightClub1.rm     save target as

'Crappy ain't so happy now, is he?

He is a piss poor representative of firefighters. He tarnishes them with 'hero-itous' syndrom. Maybe all the press these guys have been getting about being heros has finally gone to their heads.

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All of us with live feeds know that Eric has been threatning to do this all week. He's a loose canon...

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Just a reminder guys - This is the psychological game called Big BRother and that is an Arena.

The rules are very clear and understood by all guests before entering - ANY AND ALL antagonising, trash talking and instigating are not only allowed but that IS the situation.

What you can NOT do is physically attack another player.

There is absolutely NO rationale or reason to think Michael should go because you think he was antagonising or instigating or 'asking for it'.

No sorry.

Im not sure but Michael might very well have just kept his promise and got Eric out of this house.

That IS how this game works.  He can literally stand in Cappys face and go 'Brok Bokkkk Chicken.. baldie.. jewboy.. I dare youu..." and that IS what is allowed.

Punching someone is NOT ALLOWED.

You are right no here. The ENTIRE game is about antagonizing and instigating, but they can not even HINT at physically attacking someone. Eric clearly heading in that direction and provided they have a NO tolerance policy on violence (which they should, or noone would go on big brother) he'll be out of that house tonight.

Legally, CBS can not afford to have someone in that house who they think might become physically agressive against another house guest.

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after watching the video capture of the incident, I don't think Eric or Mike will be kicked out.  They never really got near each other.  Just words with movements like they would go after each other if they weren't on tv.  HUGE THANK YOU TO Bullee2u for the video capture.

the only reason there was no fight is because Eric was held back...he has showed he can't control his temper his @ss is toast

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Guest trcolli

I had two feeds going plus the quad cam (and still are) how did people save them because I haven't closed mine yet. I didn't know if you can go back to the fight..

First time with live feeds.

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after watching the video capture of the incident, I don't think Eric or Mike will be kicked out.  They never really got near each other.  Just words with movements like they would go after each other if they weren't on tv.  HUGE THANK YOU TO Bullee2u for the video capture.

the only reason there was no fight is because Eric was held back...he has showed he can't control his temper his @ss is toast

When the feeds come on again, I wouldn't mind if Eric was absent.

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You and me (and many more) would love for that to happen.

Like its been mentioned you can do all the trash talking you want but I think Crappy overstepped a line tonight.

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I had  two feeds going plus the quad cam (and still are)  how did people save them because I haven't closed mine yet.  I didn't know if you can go back to the fight..  

First time with live feeds.

I haven't found a way to do this in BBreloader... but if you had up RP only you can go back by using the control panel the the stop and pause buttons... Pause it and move the bar back to the fight then unpause it...

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When the feeds come on again,  I wouldn't mind if Eric was absent.

Me Neither. :!: That man just doesn't know when to quit. He's been taking the entire game way to seriously. Yeah, Michael is a little weird, he's a bit annoying and sort of freakish. . .But Michael has not done a THING to even hint at violence.

Eric just showed that he can not hold his temper and will lash out with violence if provoked. He's out of the house tonight.

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Ok the fishy sounds are making me sleepy. Its reminding me of my sons Ocean Wonders toy on his crib. Afraid to fall asleep though just in case I miss something again.

I am going to be really disappointed if Crappy doesn't leave tonight. Of course if does or doesn't this has put a HUGE get rid of me sign on Michaels back

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Guest MickeysMom

It would not surprise me to see Ivette gone as well.

From what it sounds like reading the 'leading up to' posts...and seeing the video, this was planned by the two of them.

If she went after Jenelle as well.....Eric and Ivette would be gone. We don't need Mike and Jen on the block....it is a double elimination....THEM.


Seriously, I don't like Eric. He reminds me of my ex....power hungry little guy who has to control everything all the time. That is why he doesn't like Mike, Kayser, or Jen. They won't be controlled.

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jeez, quit speculating, they had it under control.

They had it under control when Scott threw the chairs in season 4 too but his arse went buhbye... I think this was the last straw and Eric is gone...

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Guest DraftKing

Eric's actions were pre-meditated. He even told Kaysar to leave because something was about to happen.

Unless I'm mistaken, it would be a Big Brother first for the HOH to be ejected from the house.

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