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LOL Peaches now just a minute there... I too am from Georgia and I have to say that I have traveled all over this world and have always thought that the Georgia Peaches are just a beautiful as anywhere else... We have some here that look better than any in the house right now... If that is you base your opinion of what's hot is looks only... I for one don't think that way... I feel that Janelle is nice to look at but her personality is lacking... She and Mike made some off color remerks about some of the other HG's and that is what made her lacking in my opinion... Don't get me wrong I like her group but she's not my favorite in that group...

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omg - Janelle is gorgeous. But funny, before this show started I thought Ivette was the most stunning . . . then she opened her mouth and everything changed.

Quite frankly, all the houseguests are like a 9 or 10 in the looks department except for Eric who's about a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10. I mean, they're all so good-looking (Eric excepted) that you can't help but feel the need to comment on their appearances. I actually kind of felt sorry for him when I saw who he had to live with, because he's the kind of person that gets evaluated on his personality and we all know that his kind of sucks.

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Guest snazydood

The cross dressing doods from white chicks?


Im not trying to be mean or anything because I really like Jannel but i just notice a resmblance

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Guest Katarina

I'm sure you do realize that the camara puts ten pounds on you. She is a model and if you want to be a model, or actress, you need to keep up with the size zero, lollipop head cycle, of hollywood. I'm not putting her down as I've seen some of her modeling pics and found her to be very beautiful.

Now, I'm a woman and have no problem saying this. I'm not gay, not that should matter. Just making a point.

I have to say that there are far and few men who would say what Shock has said. Not all men would view women the way you do and it goes both ways for women who view men.

Shock, I believe you think that Rachel is beautiful. If you're comparing the looks of Janelle and Rachel....I would say that's like comparing apples to oranges. Two totally different looking women all together. It's just prefrence.

I'm a hair stylist and believe me when I say this......most blondes are not real blondes. If you have a blonde base that is natural, most will enhance it to look very blonde.

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I'm a woman who is not gay (stupid we have to point that out) and I think Janelle is gorgeous. I really can't find her to have even one flaw. Even in her mugshot she looks really pretty. I just love Shock though because he seems to appreciate natural, regular women. Even if she did spend money on plastic surgery-big deal! I know I would if I could afford it.

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Guest Katarina
I'm a woman who is not gay (stupid we have to point that out) and I think Janelle is gorgeous.  I really can't find her to have even one flaw.  Even in her mugshot she looks really pretty.  I just love Shock though because he seems to appreciate natural, regular women.  Even if she did spend money on plastic surgery-big deal! I know I would if I could afford it.
I think it's great that Shock feels that way. It's not very often that you come along men like that.

Haha....if I could afford plastic surgery I would check it out....but I'm forty, so I guess I'm at the age that makes you feel like you really need to lift what gravity has taken over........ewww....too much said??? LOL! Sorry, but working out doesn't always help all of it.....lol!

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Guest Jillio

Some women are flat chested and might want a little boob ya know? It doesn't instantly mean someone is gross because they have fake ones. It isn't their fault they look the way they do. :(

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Guest Jillio
Some women are flat chested and might want a little boob ya know? It doesn't instantly mean someone is gross because they have fake ones. It isn't their fault they look the way they do. :(

I meant it isn't their fault the fake boobs look like balls. lol

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Guest Katarina
Some women are flat chested and might want a little boob ya know? It doesn't instantly mean someone is gross because they have fake ones. It isn't their fault they look the way they do. :(

I meant it isn't their fault the fake boobs look like balls. lol

Not all breast enhancements look like balls...lol! That depends on the surgeon.
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I'm a woman who is not gay (stupid we have to point that out) and I think Janelle is gorgeous.  I really can't find her to have even one flaw.  Even in her mugshot she looks really pretty.  I just love Shock though because he seems to appreciate natural, regular women.  Even if she did spend money on plastic surgery-big deal! I know I would if I could afford it.
I think it's great that Shock feels that way. It's not very often that you come along men like that.

Haha....if I could afford plastic surgery I would check it out....but I'm forty, so I guess I'm at the age that makes you feel like you really need to lift what gravity has taken over........ewww....too much said??? LOL! Sorry, but working out doesn't always help all of it.....lol!

My husband finds most blondes unattractive - he prefers women like Rachel, Sarah or even Jennifer

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Guest Katarina

See, preferance. I'm attracted to long hair on men. I would have to say someone like Bo Bice from American Idol. Damn, that man is the package for me. Now some people wouldn't find that attractive...but I sure do and he's even better in person..... *swoons*

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See, preferance. I'm attracted to long hair on men. I would have to say someone like Bo Bice from American Idol. Damn, that man is the package for me. Now some people wouldn't find that attractive...but I sure do and he's even better in person..... *swoons*

You know I usually like the ones that look like Mike. But I have to admit Bo Bice was great looking and his voice was perfect. Waiting to buy his cd.

Now my husband is the total opposite of what usually attracts me but he is the whole package for me

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Guest essie6

I think Janelle is really pretty, but I think Sarah and Rachel are prettier, because they have a more natural look. Janelle has the Pam Anderson thing going on. I think J would look even prettier without all of that makeup, and with her natural hair color. I also think that many women who dye their hair blond would look better with their natural color. Most people who see someone with dyed blond hair are going to know they aren't a natural blond.

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Guest deltaT

I don't *adore* Janelle, but I like her. Not my ideal of beauty, but she's pretty, and I do think she's fairly honest compated to a lot of the HGs. To be fair, most women I know who've had breast implants have bigger breasts than she does. And Janelle's are not so gravity defying either. (Really can't tell unless you see them nekkid!) Maybe some people are jumping to conclusions because she has dyed hair and wears a lot of make up.

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Guest essie6

It didn't look to me like she even had implants, judging from her pic on the last page...............

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Her platnium barbie look is no diff't than Eric wanting tae be a wee Arnold or Howie wanting tae be Mister GQ...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....next time you're on the street or out tae dinner..look around.Bet you'd see a couple and think.."What does that girl see in that homely guy"etc.

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She has implants and hair extensions but she is pretty in the face. Hey if I had alot of cash or could dupe someone into paying for implants, extenstions, facelift, lipo I would be first in line.

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Whether you love or hate her you have to admit...Janelle is beautiful


If you like a girl where everything about her is FAKE! :roll:

It depends. Sometimes I look at her and she is stunningingly beautiful. Other times I see either a drag queen or a stripper...with that really made up look?

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