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I could barely stand to watch her last night, she was all wide eyed, like she was trying to convince herself the most, she was lookin up at Adam, just goin aon and on, yet when James joined them when they wer eating cookies she made a huge deal that Sheila was with Ryan and that he should go see what he could hear, James really sort of faltered, but then went. She is definately workin heerself into a frenzy and Sheila told Adam for sho do not let the boobs get in your way of thinkin the right way on shit that is gonna come down. I as you know am not really a James fan, but I hate to watch Natalie go on and on, that is why I said I would not be mand at Adam if he put up Natalie, oh my all hell would bust loose,lol, she would blow her cover soooo bad,lol

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Good Post BigMD

I do really think that Natalie wants to take Sheila to the F2. She has contributed to the Sheila bashing to now end. She has made sure the nobody in the house is on Team Sheila. Natalie is going to turn on the guys so fast after the next HOH. Whoever is the next HOH she is going to try to run the show and make sure that one of the guys leaves.

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well Sharon talks game off on the sidelines but she has yet to do much except protect Josh, and say she was with the girls, now or she was courtin James last nite, but I just read James is up so that is not going to work, unless they evict her,and that could happen,lol

Natalie has been able to keep them distracted very well with her yapping, she really yaps more BS than Sheila.

Ya know tho if she pisses off too many in this last campaign and Sheila goes to the final 2 Sheila could win, Natalie needs to be verrryyy careful and I am not sure the way she has been acting that she can do that,lol

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i think nat can beat sheila

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Let's hope not, joyami, but she has played a good game and they 'usually' end up voting on gameplay moreso than anything else. Maybe when they all get to sequester they'll realize how she's manipulated the entire game for so long. I used to not mind her and think she was funny. Now, since it's getting so close to the end, I'm sickened at the thought of her winning. She'll get Matt's vote for sure. lol.

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this james act is growing old

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Nah, uvp, it's just now getting good. Hang on, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

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The next few days will be James picking on Nat. He says, he won't be as bad as Chelsia was but he is going to pick on her stupidity... He says, DR is upset with him because he couldn't talk Adam into putting Nat up instead of him.

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I would say usually they do vote for the one who they think played the best BUT, this is a different crew here, and they may just really take offense to the fact that Natalie really went above and beyond with all her crap, even tho the guys have been readin the bible , they are not like Natalie is when is comes to religion, I am not so sure they would give her the votes, if Sheila is with her, they may say , hey she is the first one ever to not win a thing, except the last stuff and make it as far as she did, and she may have been annoying to a lot of us with her yapping, but she has be relitivly tame is comparrison to the rest, so it will be interesting.

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Natalie is now freaking because James is picking on her. Funny how Natalie never cared when they were picking on Sheila and make fun of Sheila for getting upset.

Tables are turned sweetie.

The difference is she is in the kitchen with Ryan and she is getting all kind of sympathy from them. They are trashing James for picking on Natalie.

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I could never see, Josh, Chelsia, James voting for Nat. Also, Sharon, Ryan or Adam (if they make the jury). Maybe Matt might give her a vote but I doubt it.

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I really wish that the DR would stay out of things 100%. I know they think about ratings but it kind of changes the concept of a natural outcome of people being in the house.

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i believe they wanted james to stay! i agree they tried to manipulate it...but they didn't do a good enough job for me! now they need to bring back the coup d'tat, with the magic power to change the nominees. they need to hide it in the diary room. when james is in there...alone...

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James gets called to the DR and Natalie starts yelling at Adam that she is not going to put up with James crap and that Adam better get James to stop the crap.

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wow, no one ever came to help Sheila, so shut the hell up Natalie and take it just like Sheila did

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She has tried to take it, james is a sore loser, who thought he could cry and talk his way out of eviction He dumped pickles on the girl at one point. for goodness sakes. nat is always picked on when something doesnt go right for james and crew. I was rooting for james at a point but Adam is the one that put him up ryan was the one who took shelia down, yell at them. I sick of watching some of these boys lash out at the women

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Natalie voted for the pickle juice thowing James to come back in the house.

Nobody deserves being treated like that. When they were doing it to Sheila then Natalie thought it was funny and said Sheila was making a big deal out of nothing. She was hugging James at the time and saying he did not do anything wrong.

just sayin

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