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She's up in HoH telling Sharon everything and if she opens her ears and listens. Sharon is doing a CHITTY job of covering herself. She's double talking herself in the same sentences.

Well, Sharon has official thrown Josh under the bus. :lol: She just told Nat she'd put James up on the block next week if she wins HoH next week. :animated_rotfl:

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Man, you can't take this chick for her word AT ALL. I thought the others were bad, this ones taking the cake. I'm going to rip my tounge out of my mouth for saying this out loud but I think the Pole Dancers just might win this. But right now as I sit here typing and watching her turn against the alliance she just made I want to jump thru this screen and BEAT HER ARSE!

All together now TEAM JAMES AND JOSH :outfitted_pirate:

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I am laughin, I need to get off here and go watch the After dark,lol we will not know for sure what the hell is gonna happen till wens I am sure, that is the only thing I am sure of,lol

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:angel: I'm going to jump on Natalies little religious band wagon and start praying,,,,,,,Dear Baby Jesus, if you make this dip wad, pimpled face, backstabbing, 2 faced, lard butt, trailor park trash chick , and make her pay for turning on James and Josh, I will be good for 2 months and donate $50.00 to my favorite charity! In Jesuses name, AMEN!
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lol, I was just gonna say" thank you baby Jeasus" for letting Natalie spill her guts and ruin putting out Sharon :lol2:

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I'm going to jump on Natalies little religious band wagon and start praying,,,,,,,Dear Baby Jesus, if you make this dip wad, pimpled face, backstabbing, 2 faced, lard butt, trailor park trash chick , and make her pay for turning on James and Josh, I will be good for 2 months and donate $50.00 to my favorite charity! In Jesuses name, AMEN!

Maybe you could ask Adam & Ryan if you can join their "Bible Buddies" group :skellington:

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bad fatcat :bash::ciao: I gots to hit the sack, see y'all tomorrow

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This is the only good thing about Natalie winning HOH.....everything will be spilled within a few hours (maybe minutes?) of her finding out. As much as I dislike her, it is sad she can't keep her mouth shut. If she just kept things quiet, she could possibly win this season. She can do the physical stuff, she is NOT as stupid as she is portrayed, she just yaps too much. She should play her cards a little more careful. She hasn't and it is gonna bite her in the ass hard.

But, gotta give her credit for what she has done. At least she tried to be bold.


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I got back up to my key board when I heard the girls plotting,now if Natalie can just do it right, I think shar can keep Sheila zipped, it will be soooo funny to see those boys faces on wens,lololol

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This is the only good thing about Natalie winning HOH.....everything will be spilled within a few hours (maybe minutes?) of her finding out. As much as I dislike her, it is sad she can't keep her mouth shut. If she just kept things quiet, she could possibly win this season. She can do the physical stuff, she is NOT as stupid as she is portrayed, she just yaps too much. She should play her cards a little more careful. She hasn't and it is gonna bite her in the ass hard.

But, gotta give her credit for what she has done. At least she tried to be bold.


IA ... Nat can't keep her trap shut for isht ... I really don't know where her true allegiance lies ... I thought she was with Adam and Ry but then she turned around and told Sheila and Sharon the plan to keep Josh ... And now she is back out side talking to Adam and Ry telling them her new plan ...

The girl is smarter than most people give her credit for in this game and she does have the potential to go far...

but yes her mouth is definitely going to be the death of her in this game ...

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From what I've been reading, I think Gnat is keeping all her options open because it's really not clear what her intentions are. But, it's good to know they filled in Sharon and Sheila on everything, so at least we know she's not totally leaning toward saving Josh.

I knew she would be a HOH risk, but I got suspicious when she started dissing her Matty. I think she's obsessed with him and that didn't sit right with me.

Oh well, whatever happens happens, but it would be great if Josh goes this week.

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Funny thing with Natalie having all these side deals and flip floping and promising and going back on her promises she is not taking ANY flack.

Natalie promised James not to put him up and she was going to work final 2 with him. She totally played him. Who does James freak out on? Sheila.

As far as I can see nobody is gunning for Natalie the person best at comps and the one with the most people on "her" team.

Wow these people are really dumb.

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you cant target hoh

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uvp I am not talking about this eviction goofy. I am saying that they talk about getting this person next then that person bla bla bla. I really have not heard them trash her like they have all the other HG and say we need to get her out.

At least I have not heard it yet.

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the reason they havent target her yet

it is convient to keep her for awhile

she would do their bidding and screw over her alliance

so she must be kept in play

i dont see josh or ryan not targetting her soon

beside james she is strongest in comps

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she is female version of josh

but unlike josh i dont think her alliance mates would fight as much to keep her as they do josh everyweek

Natalie has just surpassed James as my most hated house guest this season.

how come?

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