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You got to make alliances with someone or more. And, everyone in that house has broken their word/promise/hand shake/etc., except for Sharon... as far as I know.

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The fact of the matter is that if Natalie were smart (very big IF), she would have gone with the alliance with James. The moment James is gone, she is the big target AND she can't be HOH next week. She is so full of her own self-importance that she feels like she is the only one who deserves to win and therefore, she will. The more she talks, the more Ryan and Adam are going to totally distance themselves from her. Sheila is only using her so she will stay safe longer. The moment it is convenient, Sheila will turn on Nat too (as we've already seen Sheila kissing up to James just in case he wins POV). Truth be told, other than checking in to see who wins POV, I am not really interested in watching the Bratty Four coo over their supposed goodness, listening to Sheila and Natalie jabber on about how its pre-ordained that they will win, blah blah blah. Self-righteous BS if you ask me. Just wait till Nat finds out that everything Chelsia told her was true regarding Matt. If Nat wasn't bragging all the time and acting like a spoiled brat, I would feel badly for her. Because she delights in the misery of others, I just truly don't care if she likes it or not. Matt definitely needs to get a restraining order against her and fast.

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I agree 100% with Misha. I know it was in James' best interest for Natalie to align with him but it was also in hers. Not only that but she talks to the others about how Chelsia and others act as if they're entitled to win.. actually, I've heard that much more out of Natalie's own mouth in regard to herself by saying that God wouldn't let things happen against her.

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hey come on they all talk and act as if they are the true winner and deserve it the most. They are all pitiful, on that I am going to bed nite all

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I love this Natalie as HOH week!! Like I said before, new and interesting levels of her psychosis are being revealed. I don't think she knows the difference between reality and fiction any more. I think she actually believes the crap that is coming out of her mouth. In her mind she never gave Matt a Bj. I really hope one of the boys wins POV forcing her to put someone else up. I'm sure she'll create a whole new reality to justifiy her choice.

I don't like any of these people, but I am loving the drama!!

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I'm not a Nat fan but, she handled herself so well last night. Consoling Sheila, pumping up the boys, understanding to James, stirring it up to Josh and Sharon. Each group she did the "rounds" to she articulated herself so well AND put herself in the best position possible with each one of them... it was actually brilliant. (Did I just say that??? :lol: )

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CeCi I have noticed this many times. I have seen where Natalie knows the right thing to do and how to get people on her side. She is a fruitcake but I think she knows the game.

Still don't like the hypocrite and her using God in the game. yuck.

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she handled herself so well last night. Consoling Sheila, pumping up the boys, understanding to James, stirring it up to Josh and Sharon. Each group she did the "rounds" to she articulated herself so well AND put herself in the best position possible with each one of them... it was actually brilliant.

Sing it sister!!!




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grr I detest Natalie. I really can't put my finger on why, but something about her grates on my nerves.

Now that I've said that, she's guaranteed to win.....the people I detest in reality TV usually wins. :animated_shocking:

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I kinda hope that Natalies game is all for show and that at the end we will see her as a bright, intelligent player that had all of us fooled.

.....really I want this to be true

....I need this to be true

....please let this be the case

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If Nat is intelligent then Sharon is a prostitute, Josh is straight, James is a priest, Ryan is secretly dating Parker not Jen, Adam is president of the Florida chapter of Just say No to Drugs, and Sheila lives in a convent of nuns that do not speak.

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If Nat is intelligent then Sharon is a prostitute, Josh is straight, James is a priest, Ryan is secretly dating Parker not Jen, Adam is president of the Florida chapter of Just say No to Drugs, and Sheila lives in a convent of nuns that do not speak.

:smilielol: too funny

if she was intelligent she would NOT have had a willy wacker in her mouth on night 2 :scared:

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I just watched Nat come downstairs for the morning and she did her Good Mornings and she even said to it James and offered her arms to hug him... he accepted and hugged back... She is a sweetheart and I hope things go better for her!

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