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if she tries to boss adam around like she usually do

i can see her on the block

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Adam is smarter than anyone thinks so he will do the right thing this week. Hope he has the other side shi**ing their pants tonight..

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I hate that Sheila is soooo smug right now that Adam won HoH. I can't stand her. She acts like she is holier than thou and she's flipped her vote so many times that I'm dizzy from it all. She acts like she's entitled due to her age and her being a single mom. I hope Adam puts her on the block--I would crack up laughing for sure and it would sway me to like him...LOL

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i see holier than thou. and delusional. last night she was acting like she's the mastermind of the world. i also can't believe she honestly thinks ryan took ANYTHING from her! the winner of the contest got the money. this guy has student loans and is planning his life. but he's supposed to let sheila, who brags about her great life ( being "famous"...with men and women giving her everything) keep the money because she's a single mom. that's entitlement to me. she signed up for a reality show. not a guarrantee that she'd win all money offered and that no one would call her on any of her bizarre behavior.

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I understand why she went back on her word to Ryan...so that James would be the one with dirty hands...I just don't like that she did. It was like she was trying to make some kind of a statement or take a stance against James...but I don't think him being the tie breaker vote will reflect badly on him, except to Matt and Nat...and they already didn't like him anyway.

She gives out her word so easily and changes her mind so often that it really means nothing any longer. Probably it was stupid on her part to commit to Ryan in the first place, however now nobody will trust her word again...this will come back to bite her. It would have been a better strategic move on her part to stick to her word and prove to Ryan she can be trusted..she knew he was staying in the game...why give him ammo against her.

She should be safe this week...Adam does need her vote/support...as much as it will pain him to have to listen to her and put up with all her drama!

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I was under the impression that after some of the drama from yesterday & the day before that she genuinely thought Matt was staying. She had been swayed because he made so many convincing arguments against Ryan.

Although she told Ryan several times that he had her word, I would have figured if she thought it best to be a split vote then she would have let Ryan know.

If she really thought Ryan was staying, I don't think she would have voted for Matt because she then creates a false trust with Ryan, who stays.

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maybe she did....I just never got the impression that she trusted Chelsia to vote to keep Matt. I think I recall her talking about wanting to let James be the deciding vote if it went 3-3...and not have the eviction of either of them on her hands.

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Oh, absolutely she was saying that.

Thereafter the boys started screwing with her head, whispering game in front of her and that's where it went south.

I can only hope that this week she keeps her mouth shut until after POV cereomy so she can remain safe and keep the numbers in tact.

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I can only hope that this week she keeps her mouth shut...

:lol2: yeh...like that could even possibly happen! Thanks for the chuckle JBunny!

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Isnt it convenient that she-bag learns a valuable lesson with each eviction? and that everyone should reward her with not putting her on the block or evicting her the next week. :brood: I mean seriously.

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I agree, she isn't the only one... The others are way more cut throat than Sheila could ever be.

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