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Okay, so she lies about giving Matt a BJ, but Chel is the sinner.

She strips for the house and rubs her breasts, participates in a group orgy kissing session, yet Chel is evil.

She says she likes pot, but then says she doesn't do drugs? Huh?

Last year, Amber and Jameka both thought praying to God that good wins over evil would win them the game and now its basically the same ol same ol coming from someone who seems to be as doped up as Amber was, with about the same or less amount of brain cells.

I'm sorry, but the more I see of Natalie, the more I cannot stand her. Whoever wins the money, please put some aside to buy Natalie a clue!!

I love your post and agree 100% :)

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Note to BB. Take the Bible away from Natalie. She is obsessed with it. She seems to think that God is going to help her in the game. On BBAD last night she nust have quoted the Bible every 2 minutes. She didn't even know what adultery was. She was chastising Chelsia for letting Matt "fingerbang" her in the SR. She said this was adultery. What about the BJ's. Neither is adultery but Natalie is acting hypocritical, sef-righteous and holier than thou. Not a Chelsia fan either but come on. If I wanted to be preached to I would go to church.

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Honestly ~ I do think Natalie has a chemical imbalance and needs some kind of medication. I hope she gets the help she needs. She is not a bad vicious person like Chelsia but Natalie is delusional.

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Agree Marty but don't they all need medication. This is the worst season. The cast of BB10 has it made. No matter how awful they might end up being, any cast would be better than this one. After watching 3 hours of crap this morning on BBAD I have more facial lines, grey hair and am developing a nervous tick. Put an end to the misery. Triple eliminations until no one is left. Give the money to the Ginuea Pigs, the camera people, anyone other than these hg's.

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11. Thou shalt not destroy thy neighbor's Easter eggs or anything chocolate (Chocolate is SACRED!!)

:smilielol: that is the worse thing you could possibly do on Easter dont ya know!!! HORRIBLE! but dont mind me as i go shove my cooch in someone's face that i just met... brb. :lookaround:

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i last night grew tired of nutty natty and turned the feed off.

her mad ramblings with her half assed attempt to being christian was getting boring.

i know that adultry involves at least one married person, and ive been pagan for nearly 30 yrs.

the more the bible crowd thinks of themselves as so much better, the more i wish james to win

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what is funny is she wanted to say chelsia committed adultry by allowing Matt to :glove: her (which is made up right? she is just saying it to piss natalie off. there is no proof of it happening) but natalie does not think giving BJ's to matt falls into the same catagory....

i mean... if we were to stay with natalie's definition of adultry. :animated_rotfl: it is any sexual act with another person.

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Ummm, have you SEEN this chick? Boulder, hell...I 'll go straight for a gun.

So you want to kill someone on a tv show because they annoy you?


Go Natalie!!! Drive em' all nuts!!!

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For all those who are saying the whole thing about He who is without sin, cast the first stone, etc....

Perhaps Natalie needs to look up the definition of who the father of lies is. Anyone? Anyone? Could it be SATAN???

So as she lies about giving Matt a BJ, she's paying homage to the evil one himself. Not to mention any lies said during gameplay.

Then, as she sits there condemning Chels and James for being evil and plots their demise... lets talk about Loving your enemy. Is she loving her enemy as she talks about them behind their backs and judges their actions as evil?

How about judge not, lest you be judged? There's another one. Maybe she needs to read the New Testament again.

And here is a doozy... If you do not forgive others, your Father in heaven will not forgive you.

So as she exits the Big Brother house, how about all of her friends and family who are here and witnessing this actually tell her about these extraordinary lessons she needs to learn, because if she is touting herself to being a Christian, she is a horrible example of one.

You could say that I am judging her. Yeah, I am. But I'm also not touting myself to be some great good non-evil person. I'm wicked and I like it that way too.

And by the way... Chelsia was not coveting her bunny. Coveting is wanting it for herself. If she'd wanted it for herself, she would have eaten it or stolen it. Not smashed it into pieces.

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