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What happened to the Natalie that used to say, "Come on...let's have a little fun. Life's too short." What happened to the free and easy self-confessed pot smoking, pole dancing stripper dancing, cool whip covering nipples, skinny dipping, breast squirting Natalie?

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natalie then says that whatever happens under the cover stays under the covers (like the vegas saying)

natalie suggests that everyone gets butt naked and make it a really crazy party (partay!).

natalie says that showtime is happy with us because they got to see some crazy ass people get crazy in the hot tub.

Ohhhhh, that's right...she's good people and God is going to rain down on her with his goodness because she deserves it.

The Bible thumping Natalie must be working better for her at this point in the game but I wish someone would call her out on it (without kirking out).

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There is no way in hell I would like to see this psycho win HOH. I really would like to see her gone. I felt sorry for her and a thought she did well on the disco ball, but I seriously have disliked watching or listening to a BB player more than Natalie. ( okay I lied....maybe Evette and Sheila are in that boat too)

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yes indeed , it is Evette all over, I am rootin for Gnat tonight tho, I want J,R,J,S to squirm like hell

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