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Why The Hell Won't Bb Split These Couples Up?


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I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up yet, but after Chen said next week the 2 evictees will be shocked at what happens next. It leads me to believe that they will be separating the couples. Because that will leave 8 total people in the house after this coming up couple is evicted, hence leaving 7 jurors and one winner? I'm not sure... but they should break them up...

otherwise, think about it, next week there will be only 2 couples who will vote to have one of the couples be evicted, and then the following week it would only be one couple left making the show end in something like 3 weeks or less... I hope this made sense.

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well according to the FLO TV Big Brother contesent rules on cbs.com BB9 will end April 29)Tues.)

So im thinking either Amaerica votes or its a competion on who comes back bein(Jen/Parker,Amanda/Alex, or Next week evicted couple) and the winning team returns to house and all couples are broken up.(as ChenBot said the BB9 game is NEVER be same after next wendsday.)(so nabey name change of show from till death do u part ----- and istead "BB9" lol)

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I can't wait until they split up the couples. Instead of having 5 sets of 'soul mates' we will now have 5 sets of 'divorced' people... bring on the extra doses of drama, back stabbing and b.s. .... I do wonder though if they get 'divorced' who gets custody of the guinea pigs? hmm... :animated_scratchchin:

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It doesn't seem as though the show is doing that well. Look at Morty's -- we've got our avatars back, because we've got plenty of space for them, apparently. That never happens during BB. That's just one indication, but it's a barometer of how popular the show is, imo. So, I'd say that they want the option of shortening the season by keeping the couples together.

Of course, if and when they split them up, it will be interesting to see their reactions when their "soulmates" stab them in the back. Especially someone like Natalie, who thinks "Mattie" is so great...

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Chenbot said it would start a new "chapter" of the show. Maybe they still have to do things as teams, only people will be evicted one at a time. Till death do us part...that doesn't mean both have to "die," it could be one person voted out and the other stays and is able to play single. With that Grodner idiot probably hoping it will cause love triangles.

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On a personal note, if they break them up then this game drags out longer....I think they should triple them up.

I couldn't agree more !

I do think if they start evicting one at a time it would be interesting to see single persons mixed in with couples! Something has to be better than whats going on now! jmho


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I was trying to figure out what the producers wanted the outcome to be. Not sure who the producer's favorite is. I think a lot of fans loved Alex but he did not get much air time so don't think Producer's loved him......

Maybe they are going to install poles for the pole dancing. puke

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My prediction-

After next week's eviction, where the couple is voted out by couples... the HG get to pick individually one of the evicted to come back top 2 come back into the house and singles game takes over.

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i doubt bb let hg pick

i think it be an ac of sort

to aplease the fans into thinking bb cares about them

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A regular BB game is supposed to last about 11 weeks I believe. If there are 13 houseguests, the game will not have any double eviction weeks. If there are 14, they have a double eviction week (or a fast forward eviction).

This season is obviously moving along a faster pace, but they have to go for three months

Regular game: 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 -5 -4 -3 -2

This season: 14 - 12 - 10 - 8 <<< where we're going to be Thursday. I think this means that couples will end up splitting, but two people may come back.

In BB3, someone came back. In BB6, someone came back. Now we're at BB9 - I think I see a pattern ere.

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I am transfering my prediction from last week to this week. I think that after the couple is evicted, the pairs will split and we get AC to put ONE of the evicted HGs back in. I am now torn between who I am going to vote for (in this imaginary scenario) between Alex and Parker.

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you might as well vote for alex since he will win easily

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