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lol was just wondering. Because they are deffinately one of the top BB sites, after Mortys and Joker's Updates/The fish bowl.. they're deffinately one of the sites you hear about.

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This is from The comments secton of Reality Enquirer

Posted By: Reality Enquirer

Posted On: 3 days ago

Views: 777

Reality BBQ

Reality BBQ will be back on the poll when the webmaster follows the rules :)


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I found this site a few days ago, and I have not been able to take my eyes off since! I definitely voted for Morty!

I don't get live feeds, but I don't really need to with all the great work you all do!

Thank you so much for giving me my BB fix! :D

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Ok, I got us tied (got my hubby to vote) :D

BB Updates: 249 votes 27%

MortysTV: 249 votes 27%

ElitesTV: 221 votes 24%

Come on gang... ONE more and we'll be #1!!!!

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