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Revenge of the Houseguests / Winston

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Actually someone already 'de-mysteried' him earlier in the blog. Scott I believe. His blackened picture matches the picture of a former housemate.

If you want to find out who he is, just go back into the former seasons and see which picture his 'shadowed' picture matches, and voila.

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when the season first started, i wanted to know who Winston was.....but it's been so long, i lost interest

I felt the same way you do. I was so curious to find out his identity, but it just seemed like a waste of time. I still am a little curious to know the identity but it won't kill me if I never know. I enjoy reading his/her/its post on revenge of the houseguests though.

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Winston was the main character in George Orwells book "1984" that was about BigBrother is watching you(I think it was written in the 40's)!!! Hope that helps :)

Now as far as the person writing on the blog....its Elvis!

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Winston was the main character in George Orwells book "1984" that was about BigBrother is watching you(I think it was written in the 40's)!!! Hope that helps :)

Now as far as the person writing on the blog....its Elvis!

:lol: Erm...thanks.

Dead Elvis might be more articulate than Scott, though.

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I've been reading his posts from the CBS website, Revenge of the House Guests.

I've never cared much for the guy, but is there a reason he thinks he is the top dog from BB5?? Didnt he get evicted in like week 4 or 5?? His posts just ramble and ramble and actually hardly ever make any sense. He keeps saying how no one in the house has any character this year. (which i disagree with) I didnt have live feeds last year, but he seems pretty CRAZY and a little in to himself...how is that interesting? He seems to credit himself and Jase for Cowboy and Drew making it to the end. I for one would like to know how he did that when he left so early on in the game? I just want to know your opinions on Scott...

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This is my first season watching BB, but I agree with you about Scott's blog on the CBS site. I 've been wondering who he is and why did they let him write a blog there. His entries make no sense whatsoever.

I read somewhere else that he has or was at an internet show called "the fishbowl"

where he really makes (or made) and ass of himself.

Is he on drugs now, or was he this "out there" when he was a houseguest, too?

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He seemed pretty in to himself on the show last year...made himself look like an a$$... I am just amazed that he thinks he is gods gift to Big Brother 5 and he was evicted in week 4............PEOPLE..............WEEK 4............Give me a break!!

So was Kaysar...lol

I still Kay-Kay though.

Scott must think he's important cuz there's still a link on Mortys for his Playgirl pics...I believe he was called Needle Dick.

Seriously, he's an egomaniac...I quit reading his posts in week 2.

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So was Kaysar...lol

I still Kay-Kay though.

Scott must think he's important cuz there's still a link on Mortys for his Playgirl pics...I believe he was called Needle Dick.

Seriously, he's an egomaniac...I quit reading his posts in week 2.

But you dont see Kaysar posting threads about how ratings have dropped because he is not in the house!!! Thats exactly what Scott is saying...plus... Kaysar came back in a week 5 and didnt leave again till week 6... so its still better :P

Scott must think he's important cuz there's still a link on Mortys for his Playgirl pics...I believe he was called Needle Dick.

Seriously, he's an egomaniac...I quit reading his posts in week 2.

And Ive heard they did some uh hum.... AIR BRUSHING to Scott's picture!!! Small penis' arent good for play girl!!!

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I started to write this really huge post about how Scott has done several things since BB5, and has reason to think that he is a 'star' from BB5. I wrote at length about why Cowboy, Jase and Scott are deffinatly at least partially responsible for Drew's win. The other major quotient being Diane of course. When I realized, that it wasn't worth posting.

People have whatever opinions they have of a hg, and after the show is over good or bad that impression pretty much always lingers. I enjoyed Scott on BB5. The posts on his own website don't have the best 'flow' and seemed a little ramble-ie .. but I think that's just because he doesn't know how to structure his points.

In all honesty, I have only ever seen a few posts of his though. He doesn't really post on there compared to all of the others.

If I had any complaint at all it's that he doesn't post.

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I've been reading his posts from the CBS website, Revenge of the House Guests.

I've never cared much for the guy, but is there a reason he thinks he is the top dog from BB5??  Didnt he get evicted in like week 4 or 5??  His posts just ramble and ramble and actually hardly ever make any sense.  He keeps saying how no one in the house has any character this year. (which i disagree with)  I didnt have live feeds last year, but he seems pretty CRAZY and a little in to himself...how is that interesting?  He seems to credit himself and Jase for Cowboy and Drew making it to the end.  I for one would like to know how he did that when he left so early on in the game?  I just want to know your opinions on Scott...

I totally agree with you. I believe myself to be a pretty intelligent and well spoken person, but and I just couldn't seem to wrap my head around what he was saying. He rambles on and on, and most times the sentances dont make sense at all. He is VERY critical of the game this years houseguests are playing, especially considering he was booted so early in BB5. Now, he not only looks and acts like a meat head- he sounds like one.

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Let's raise money so Scott can get an education. He needs to relearn English. Maybe then, he can make posts that everyone can understand (No offense Scott but I don't know what the hell you're saying). I don't see why Will is on revenge of the houseguests either. I know he's very popular, but I don't think he played the game that well.

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Yes, meathead, overly critical, non-sensical and too into himself - great summary folks :D

He was also criticizing viewers last week for hating him for always fighting with Diane, but loving Kaysar even though he got in that kafuffle with Ivette on fight night. But from this week's post, it sounds like he got a lot of flack for that :lol:

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