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BB9 Twists.


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i dont care to see any twist. BUT... i would like to see them change the format of the show. maybe take some things from other countries BB shows and put them to play in our Big Brother. and go back to making them earn there luxuries.. no more free rides.

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I see them getting rid of HOH and POV and NOMs and just letting Allison evict who she wants. Cut to the chase

Just curious. Will you be watching Big Brother next year?

I can't think of any good twists but knowing CBS they will have one. I don't like the slop. I do think they need to earn their privileges. I would like to say I think they need to be punished for breaking any rules but then I had this picture in my head of people saying it was not done fairly. People will think so and so got punished for singing 3 times but someone else didn't. Then they would have to measure if someone just did a 2 second humm and not a sing. I picture it getting ugly again as people will have those they hate and love. I am stressed already.

All in all I did not think this was a bad year except for the AP factor. It just gave fuel to the fire and took away credit from those that played the game well.

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i just found the answer to the black eyed peas song "where is the love?" ITS HERE!

(yes i know, that cheesy! but you know how much i love cheese!)

Back on topic

I would love to see a BB senior citizen addition, and watch a bunch of "wiser" people walk around playing strategy! hehe! :D :D :D :D

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Don't worry joyami... if they're good... they wouldn't use them anyways. :animated_rotfl:

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I would like BB to kidnap the HG's instead of giving them time to plot codes or call others.

But I would like the HG's to have to work for things. Start off with army cots, make them jump through hoops to get beds. Same with food and clothes.

I say get rid of the washer & dryer and go back to the hand washer.

I don't like slop, either. But I don't think PB&J was too bad. Maybe switch it every week. like you can only eat green beans for a week. or carrots for a week...or pudding. One thing to eat for a week is torture in itself.

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how about BB battle of the reatility show hosts.

and we have have Juilie and jeff, and phil, donald trump.and all of them on there. then we can have people like Chuck woolery and pat sajack, Bob barker, ect. and jannie be the host.

i can see it now::

DT- i will give every one of yu a weeks vacation if you let me win,

JC- but first we will need to talk to jeff and see if he would want to form an allaince

JP- Juiley, you know that fire represents life in this game

BB- come on down!

CW- its two on two

Phil- Chuck, you have finished 2nd this leg of the race,

PS- looks like time is running out, i will give the wheel a final spin.

BB- come on down!

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I would like to see more games available other than chess. Honestly, most contestants don't know how to play anyway. Maybe some oversized children games since the times I like best is when they have free play like little kids. Also use nurf balls for baseball, bowling and the like. Tug of war would be good for a challenge.

Maybe the twist could be taking them back to grade school since thats how some people act anyway. HoH could be the teacher and choose the activities and who gets sent to the corner.

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I see them getting rid of HOH and POV and NOMs and just letting Allison evict who she wants. Cut to the chase

^^^ Brilliant.

I think it would be sort of funny to tell the houseguests that there was an America's Player, but not actually have one. They would spend all summer trying to figure out who it was. :)

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I'll bet you from here on out, whether there actually is an America's Player or not, they'll be suspicious that there is one. It might be a good strategy to play it up, even if you weren't... though, maybe not... but it might be good to cast suspicion on someone else, say. :animated_scratchchin:

I think they should introduce a cage fight to the death... or you know elimination. Mix it up, throw some excitement in there, gladiator style! :party_smilie:

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They need to make the houseguests unlock all of the rooms except for the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. That would be great if they couldn't unlock teh bathroom or backyard. What would the sleeping arrangements be?

(of course, give them clues on the locks to open the doors)

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