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Julie Chen


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I heard that Julie Chen has this job ONLY because she is married to the CBS president Les Munves ( however you spell). So I highly doubt she will be going anywhere anytime soon.

It's true that Julie is married to Les Moonves, but the fact that she ONLY has her job for that reason is an ignorant statement. She married Les last year, and has been in broadcast journalism for 15 years... including working for CBS.

I agree that she's a little robotic. But, again, the show doesn't have issues because of her so much as because the production is taking the year off.

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julie is doing a fine job. she is not there to be a part of the drama, she is there to be the host of bb. I think they want her to stay neutral and not be like jeff from survivor.

you could put anyone in that job and they (cbs/bb) are going to want that person to do what julie does now. why bother changing hosts? plus, it wouldnt feel the same. like that tacky music they changed to this year! I want the old music back.

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I voted for K only because of the choices given I wanted to pick someone. lol

I actually like Julie and think marc and gretchen need to stay put and just do housecalls. and I'm not a big fan of Ryan lol.

I think Julie gets a bad rap cause she is the only one we see associated with the show besides the houseguest. and we take our fustrations out on her.

If arnold did a weekly appearence we would aim those fustrations out on him more than julie IMO

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Its the crap like forcing in the little "drama paragraphs" that were obviously being read word for word off the prompter screen during the live vote to evict rachel that piss me off. Just let them walk in and vote, I dont need to hear "blah blah blah, who will Maggie vote to evict?? She was actually speeding up to get the whole thing read when the people walked faster to to the DR to vote

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Guest thepikey
I dislike her too. Maybe replace her with an actual talking robot or someone whose a good talker, like a Marc Summers.

LMAO. Well said. Julie is so stiff and robotic that they should either get a real robot (which would probably fumble much fewer lines), or hire a host that's a good speaker.

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They need someone with more tact. Someone who can be subtle, yet get the point across to those houseguests who might actually read between the lines. Someone who can actually make waiting for a twist sound fun and exciting.

I don't mind Julie Chen. I just think there might be someone out there who can play a more fun, more tactful with words. Someone the houseguests might actually fear talking to because of quick wit or reasoning abilities.

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I think it's a bad idea for any former houseguest to become the host as from that point on you would naturally compare each evictee to the host - and you would be effectively suggesting the way the host plays the game is the best way to play it!

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