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Big Brother 8 Season Finale Show 9/18!!!


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For the 5 years I've been watching this show, I have been downright giddy for the finale. Tonight, I could care less who wins. Let's face it, this show ended last Thursday night. D&D fans ruined this finale by getting them this far with America's vote. I hope you're happy.

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Maybe they don't get that much for BB. Look at it, they put people on slop or PB & J. We think it's part of the game, but actually they can't afford to buy food, lol. And they have The Chen hosting the show. We think maybe it's because her husband is the president or whatever of CBS (or whatever his position is). Nah, it's because she's already working for CBS and they don't pay her extra to host BB. And look at the fact that they give the HGs a weekly stipend, but take it out of their winnings at the end. There's enough here to make a conspiracy :animated_scratchchin: . That's probably why they went to text voting, so they could make a little pocket change.

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I'm very, EXTREMELY HAPPY!!! Best finals YET!!!! I'm so fricken excited (but really sad at the same time because it means that BB is over for another season).

I can't wait for AP to be revealed, for Nick and Dani to see each other, and for Dick to walk away BB Champion!!!


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For the 5 years I've been watching this show, I have been downright giddy for the finale. Tonight, I could care less who wins. Let's face it, this show ended last Thursday night. D&D fans ruined this finale by getting them this far with America's vote. I hope you're happy.

As a D&D fan I will admit that AC did help them out. However, the AC was ONLY 1 VOTE EACH WEEK. Granted Eric tried (and suceeded) to get other people to either: 1)put up other people or 2) vote someone else out, but whose fault is that? It's not D&D, it's all the other houseguests who can't think for themselves.

On the very first episode everyone said that they needed to break up the 3 teams of 2 but for some reason they kept D&D in there. I can understand keeping Dick in there and wanting to bring him to the end, but if you're going to do that you needed to get Dani out of there before sequester.

In closing, no matter who America wanted to remain in the house the only people that wouldn't be complaining would be the ones that wanted that person to win. Anyone that hated that person would be complaining that it wans't fair.

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I hope they don't have a 15 minute recap at the beginning of the show like they usually do every year on the finale. Hopefully, that's why they did that show on Sunday, so they can use that extra time to show more during the show.

ETA: Thanks for the updates, Ceci!!!!!!!

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I think you're onto something there lala... we can only hope they've thought things through that well... :lol:

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The show ended last Thusday, as someone has said. I hope they hurridly question and vote so the good stuff has lots of time. Even D/D fans have to be bored with this final two. I mean, they are a family...who cares? And what possible questions could even be asked? No rat and snake here...just a nest of vipers. Anywho, I can't wait to see AP revealed....hope the hg realize how much that had to do with the game. Fun stuff tonight, just hoping they put it together right.

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Still so bummed it's only an hour.

I'll be interested in seeing the reaction to the AP announcement. BUT, I think Eric has probably already told some of the jurors. They aren't watched as closely in that house and I KNOW he was itching to get it out there. I'm sure Jessica knows, at the very least.

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I do not think he has taken any chances by telling Jessica or any one else, he cannot , he is bound by his contract, and I would think that means you cannot say naything till it is announced or you will not recieve your winnings.

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I hope you're right Fatcat. I just know that previous HG have said lots of times that they aren't as monitored in the sequestor house, so I know he'd have much or chance to tell if he wanted to. I just think Eric was feeling very desperate about fixing things with Jessica. I see him wanting to tell her in order to get things back on track with her. I hope I'm wrong though,

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I'm VERY EXCITED about tonight's final show! I have to say that this is the first season that I've watched all of BB. I also have to admit that because of Dick, I started watching it on Showtime and then signed up for the feeds. Love him, hate him, agree or disagree but he made the show very interesting to watch. I started following the live feed updates and then even joined this site! There is something about a dysfunctional family that everyone can identify with...I was also a big Jess and Eric fan which made their alliance fun to watch. Although I was sorry to see them get evicted, it did make for great T.V. I'm hooked now...

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yes, bigmdgirl, I also liked the Eric and Jess alliance, you are right about us all secretly liking to watch a little dysfunction cause we all have some in our klife,lol

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I will still come to the BB page tomorrow, there will be talk and articles for weeks to come, there is every season, we will get to see some articles about what they are doing etc, so don't leave here just yet.

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