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Saturday, September 8th


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That's what Dick thought he said, but what he said was that "She carried you this whole game". He was saying that Daniele carried Dick. Now they're telling Jameka that too, but they misunderstood Zach. It was an honest mistake.

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I have a question and I am simply asking to see if there is any corroboration for this as I do not have the live feeds. I am interested especially in those who may be doing live feed reporting. Did Dick actually say this to Danielle?

Dick whispering to Dani "they (DR) were rooting for us to win..."
I saw this from a live feed updater at another site and would like to get someone from Morty's to verify this or reject that this actually happened on the live feeds.

Can anyone corroborate it?

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Carmen, I have had my feeds on non-stop since like 2 hours before the comp. I didn't even leave the computer until recently. :blush: I did not hear that at all. D/D said their family were rooting them on, as well as the first five evicted HGs. Not once did they say the "DR" was rooting them on.

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I didn't hear that at all. I guess I can't say it didn't happen, but I did not hear it in all the time I've had my feeds on.

and zach had walked off so he doesnt even know they heard it wrong i dont think.

No, you're right Fizzle. Zach didn't hear it and then he went into the DR right after, so I still don't think he knows.

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Bad people?

Yes, you heard me right.

It's OK if you don't agree with me, I'm entitled to my opinion about Dick. Just because something that is considered a bad action is done in a game doesn't make it any more or less of a bad action. Dick has done so many rotten, mean and hateful things in the house there really is only one thing I can assume, he has it in him and thus is a bad person.

Even now he continues to try to push the racism thing on Zach and continues to rub it in and insult Zach after Dani won the veto. He's a piece of trash. Good people, at least good people I personally know, would NEVER EVER do the things he has done. NEVER. Game or not, it would turn their stomachs.

Dick is scum. I may not be able to say anything about Dick supporters but I can damn well tell everyone exactly how much Dick turns my stomach. He's a poor excuse for a man and a rotten pig of a person.

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There was no way anyone could beat an alliance of 2 plus the AP vote going their way.

I don't the Donatos should (nor will they) feel bad about the way it went.

But the other HGs sure will have some sour grapes to mash for a long time.

Wish D/D could show a little humility towards the others, but doubtful it's in their genetic makeup.

Zach still has the slimmest of chances, but Dick screaming 'IT'S OVER!' seems to be on the mark.

AP vote will be against Zach.

Amber will vote D/D

Will Jameka, Jess and Dustin vote for Zach? maybe.

Jen will be the deciding vote possibly.

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Wish D/D could show a little humility towards the others, but doubtful it's in their genetic makeup.

Have you not been watching the feeds? Dick has apologized more than once to Jameka for their happiness coming at her expense. Jameka understands that it's a game, and they are all 3 talking like normal people. Zach is the one that's been hiding in the HOH room.

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Dick and Daniele from week 2 were a target. They were the biggest target for weeks. They made deals and Dani won comps to make them a kick ass team.

They had the biggest target on their back week after week. They are in the F3 and probably F2. Nuff said

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