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September 8, Live Feed Thread


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10:21 bbbt lots of Jedi training in the HOH room with Jameka & Zach. Discussing days of all bb events this season. Jameka telling Zach that he won't have to worry if it's an elimination comp because he (Zach) is already in the final 3 they will work on eliminating her (Jameka). Zach tells her he will be defending her. Zach is now saying the final four will be known as Good vs. Evil (LOL...ok Amber). Back to more Jedi training. (Both sounding extremely excited nervous and a tad bit stressed)

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Jameka and Zack still drilling. They seem nervous. They are trying to figure out what it could be about.

(Being 90210 is starting up soon, perhaps Will is gonna host)

They keep asking and giving each one answers, one is always wrong the other corrects..they are clueless...

Rumble time soon...lets all pray..FOR THE DONATOS or we will sleep thru the feeds.... :outfitted_pirate::cartoon_tinkerbell:

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All feeds on D/D sitting at the bar.

Dani: Can there be that much to talk about?

Dick: They're just beating a dead horse.

(Guess Zach and Jameka are still upstairs together.)

Dani just cracked her neck and Dick looked at her and said that was major. (Very loud crack).

Well, Jameka just walked from the living room saying they still won't tell them anything. Zach is called to the DR. (Maybe the very start of the veto comp!) Jameka uses the bathroom.

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And the taunting begns. Jameka's in the shower and Dick tells her that this is it, she either wins it or goes home. He says he knows she has a deal with Zach, and he'll probably keep it the same. He wishes her good luck, she thanks him and says the same to both of them. Dick joins nai in the kitchen saying if they can't beat them, they deserve to go home. Dani says please don't say that. He asks her if she took an advil, and she said yes.

Dick's now alone in the kitchen, pacing.

Dick giving Dani a major pep talk. She's just sitting quietly. He's telling her she's done it before, she did it with Janele here, she needs to be overly confident. He keeps pacing in the kitchen. He farted a lot by the front door. He tells Dani that they chose who is there with them. he tells her they picked both Jameka and Zach to be there with them. He also tells her that out of all 14 people, who he would want on his side the most is her, and he really means it. He says with Nick still there, as well. Dani says poor Nick. Dick says the other two would pick Dnai, too, to be on their team. Dani says Carol, too. Dick's practicing that he wants his speech to be. he says he really wants to give it, but knows Dani wants to, too.

Zach comes out and says they'll give a time limit of when it's about to start.

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Zack runs by them in the kitchen(Dick and Dani) tells them they will get a warning. They ignore him. Dick is a tad bit wound up.LOL To say the least. Dani is just sitting there very relaxed but tense. Dick well he just wants to kick some ass, any ass..He is ready to rumble. They banter back and forth about things to say to Zack. Dick is going to call him out on his Racial remarks from early on during the veto comp to make sure it airs.

Zack is now up in HOH listening to music talking aloud that it better be worth it or all of it was for nothing. For all the little guys who get stepped on, I was one of those little guys yadda yadda....He is not taking his shit, that bastard is not gonna win today...(they will) Zack is scarred like a teenage girl with no money in a mall. Now he is holding his hands oput checking his nerves, *cut the blue wire, cut the blue wire*...reference to a movie about a bomb defuser. This guys is gonna cry like a girl...

see video thread.

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Dick and Dani in the kitchen general chit chat about what's going on later with the POV. ED is pissed that BB got him the wrong Cigs.

Zach and Jameka up in the HOH discussing the POV also. Just the same stuff, over and over.

Dick is ready to go, looks ready to attack Zack, ED is just pacing around. Dick just crushed something up and putting it into a baggy. Something white, looks like pills.

ED just pured himself a cup of coffee, added a little creamer. Talks about J & Z hiding in the HOH. He talks about winning comps before when people just hang out in the room hiding.

ED to the BR, Dani whining about something

Dani stroking her wrist with Bengay, moaning slightly :) ED back into the kitchen.

Also, they are ID LD

11:24 BBT

Dani just mentioned that they are still building, and it's going to be forever.

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Now the two groups have separated to their corners and are prepping eachother. Zach keeps thinking it is sling shots breaking plates, or something where they'll each take turns. Zahc thinks the golf from last year was at the end of the game. He names a lot of people that were in the finals that were there when the golf game was played (of course they were there, the golf game was the second veto last year, not one of the lasts.) Jameka's thinking it's elimanating people. There agree to team up against one of the D's. First they say Dnai, but Zach says they should go after Dick.


Nothing new. The D's are still in the kitchen, with not a lot of talking going on.

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11:28 BBT: Zach and Jameka still talking strategy; if it's elimination they'll target one of the D&D pair first and focus on taking them out, then worry about the other.

Dick downstairs making sarcastic remarks about how they're hiding up in HOH

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Zach and Jameka praying together. Everyone is freaking out. (They need to do this competition before they all implode!) Dani has a sore leg that hurts soooooo bad. Dani comments that they're still building; it's gonna take forever. (They must be on indoor LD)Dick doesn't want the competition to be something random (like random things falling from the sky where it helps if you're tall.) He wants it to be some purposeful task; do this the best, the fastest, score the most points.

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Dick and Dani in kitchen Jameka and Zack upstairs doing a prayer. I tapes it on four feeds to hear what Dani and Dick are doing while Jameka and Zack are praying to the lord...They are gonna need it!

See video thread


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Dick and Danielle go to take a nap. Jameka and Zach quizzing each other in HOH room.Talking about the most recent veto competition; Jameka says BB said that they were going to look at the tapes (presumably to see what happened with the ball in Jameka's column.)

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ED up to the bathroom and back to bed, just laying there, not sleeping.

Mean while, up in the HOH cave. Zach and Jam continue to go over everything in chronological order of what has happened in the BB house.

Jam is declaring something to god.

Zach talks about his letter from home. How his dad wrote "finish this game with honor". That's when he knew he had to be with Jameka to the end (jesus this guy is a douche bag -opjones).

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Zach and Jameka are doing floor ex in the dining area. Dick is up in HOH pounding out on his CD (he took it up there with him), getting himself psyched for the comp.

Zach and Jam move into the storage room for more quizzing privacy.

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After FoTH, Jameka and Zach are stretching, getting ready for the PoV comp. Jameka said she thought Dick and Daniele had an agrument, but she didn't know what about. Zach said 15 minutes to the competition, then burps. Jameka said that better be a good luck burp. Zach said his shoes comfortable, but not as forgiving on the bottom of his feet. She asked if he double tied his shoes, he said triple. She said she always tucks hers. Zach has been stretching his legs, back, everything, trying to be ready.

They heard a nail gun outside, think the art department is still trying to build something.

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Jameka asks Zach to go to the storage room. He said he has to get his gloves and hat, and she asks if he wants to go now. He said he can get it later.

Zach and Jameka go into the storage room, and she starts drilling him again. He gets the PoV winners in order, but misses on dates of other comps. He said he really doesn't think it is going to be this. She said she knows, but they have to be ready for anything, and after all this time, they should know this. They continue Jedi drilling.

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Dick is really jamming in the HoH room, listening to his music.

Zach and Jameka in SR, he tells her o go with her first instinct. If she had, she would have been i the power of 50. Zach said he is ready to rock, he is going upstairs to get his stuff. When in HoH can hear Dick's music, it must be blasting, and we get brief FoTH.

Feeds back on Jameka pacing in the kitchen/DR. Zach comes back and makes a noise, and said he was testing her nerves, she said she has them! Jam talking about bathroom breaks. She said you go, it is just a trickle, but it seems like you are going to burst.

Zach looks at himself in the mirror and does his Eastwood imitation. "Do you feel lucky? Well do ya?"

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