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Zach Week 10


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Zach giving himself a pep speech up in HOH. He is talking to the cameras and his girlfriend Lindsey.

He said he is not taking any shit and he is going to beat the bastard.

He is saying cut the blue wire - cut the blue wire ???

Deep breaths deep breaths.......

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I have to say...it makes me happy to see J&Z working together to win the PoV!!!

I wish that right before they walk out to play PoV...they'd say something like how they'd been working together since the beginning without anyone knowing. That would rattle Dick so bad!!!

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OMG Zach and Jameka up in HOH holding hands praying. He said let us beat Evil that is spelled EVEL.

Now Jameka is taking over the prayer. Zach is crying. I think the spirits have taken over their bodies.

Is God going to make them win this veto? God and Big Brother again.............

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Come on Zack, give the people what they want... Start getting in peoples faces so you spittle them, bang pots, tell the houseguests you want to rape them till they bleed, burn someone, dump icetea on them, trash and hide clothes and be the biggest hypocrite in the house...

This playing a smart straight game has got to go... we can't have that... We need to be entertained 24/7.... Throw your integrity out...

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