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Dick Week 10 H O H


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Guest edgesoftwilight82
You D/D lovers really have nothing to worry about. It will go according to plan.

Of course..its part of the script!! LIGHTS...CAMERA...ACTION!!

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BB will make sure a Donato wins Veto today no question. They don't want Zach or Jameka it is so obvious.

Did anyone hear Zach ask Jameka how the next week works and she says did you ask BB and he said

yeah they aren't giving me anything and told me I should have watched the other seasons. Nice. So

he says he has seen some but can't remember and was looking for clarification of how it goes down.

This show is being ruined by AG.

I wonder if the Donatos get that same treatment. Some how I doubt it.

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thats so dumb. BB doesnt rigg the games!

they said the same thing about CG when he won HOH, and said it about Jannie too two times. And they didnt win either times. if thats what they called rigged, then they suck at it.


Good luck with POV Daniele!

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OMG, I would be so nervous too. I mean, this is HUGE!

I do think he's trying to help calm his nerves and Dani's. Zach isn't worried too too much, until one of the Donatos win POV. Then you will see him be upset, BUT he is very mature so he will behave maturely. I haven't seen him behave too ignorantly so.... kudos to Zach on that.

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but when the person you want to win leaves, or isnt as good as somebody else, there is no reason to say the game is rigged.

Yet I am still entitled to interpret the season. And I may see a number of reasons for drawing the conclusions I have. Again, this is a discussion forum. I read opposing viewpoints from mine every day. It's to be expected. However, if you have difficulty dealing with opposing viewpoints and have to start generalizing about those who disagree with you, maybe reading the disagreeing posts is not for you.

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and zach also has the least brain cells heading into the competiton too, so maybe it evens out :animated_scratchchin: lol :animated_bouncy:


Carmen i dont have a problem with opposing views, i think daniele is the best player in the house, if you dont, say it, and im fine with it. it doesnt bother me.

but when people say that the only reason somebody is doing good, is cause the game is cheating, thats just not true. if they cheat (like people say every season), then the person who they are "cheating" for would win, and they clearly havent in past seasons. so i just think its obsurd.

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Carmen, I wasn't directing that at you. Not anyone in particular. I was just trying to say that some people refuse to believe that the show's not rigged, and for King to give up trying to get them to think otherwise. Sincerely wasn't my intent to upset you!! :animated_wave:

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Wow. A racism plan of attack. Just when I did not think Dick could sink any lower. I wonder if he is planning to manufacture anything, because I can't say I have heard Zach say anything that I would take as racist. The crack about "That's mighty white of you...", I would not be offended by. A lot of black people say that all the time (including me), it's actually sarcasm. Dick on the other hand, has made more than one borderline racist comments. Such as "the ghetto fried burgers" and his description of Jameka's behind. I hope Jameka and Zach are not distracted by his pathetic attempts.

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A game doesnt have to be rigged for the producers to use an uneven playing field to favor 1 hg over another. Most of us have seen several instances where the producers helped the game go in the direction they preferred. That made an uneven playing field. I'm sure that the winners are not always the person the producers want to win so the winner isnt rigged but that doesnt mean the producers do not play a role during the game in what direction it goes. There has been overwhelming evidence that the dr people try to influence the hgs.

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Im not upset either, i just dont think the game is rigged, cause if it was the people they are rigging it for would win, and in past seasons that clearly hasnt happened.

Zach is a choker! he wont win this. i can see Jam doing it, but my bets are on the donatos!

Good luck with POV Daniele!

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