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Dick Week 10 H O H


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Some of these comments to me are just as bad as what is being said about the Donatos, no one is perfect ENOUGH to go to this extreme with the HATE that is being spewed here, JMHO

As a human being, I reserve the right not to like anyone who acts like Dick. It's a game, but in order to do what he has done, you MUST have it in you somewhere. That's why no other player has gone as extreme as he has.

Just out of curiosity though, where were you when every other thread on the boards was calling Jen every name in the book? Just looking for consistency please.

Erinjs, I know for a fact you used to slam Jen incessantly, yet now you agree with fatcat? Very interesting.

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I will reserve my comment till after the pov,lol

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It is very ironic how when Dick is discussed and his antics are analyzed it's "hate." I've read many, many similar if not worse discussions about Jen, Amber, Jameka, and Eric. Where were the "tsk, tsk, this is hate" posts then? Seems inconsistent to me.

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Well I would say the same in those threads as well, there is a cut off point for me, I like to gossip and yak with the best of them but enough is enough at times for me, no matter whether it is the donatos or someone else, so do not think that I said what I did because I like D&D, it just isn't so.

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Well to be honest we have to admit that the Dick and Daniele hate this year has far exceeded the hate for any other houseguests.

I am looking foreword to the veto comp. It is going to be crazy in this forum if a Danato wins.

Go Dick and Daniele!

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It is going to be crazy in this forum if a Danato wins

Not really, I fully expect a Donato to win. That's the way it's supposed to happen this year. A father/daughter final 2. Everything has been set up for it to happen this way. Anything different will be an "upset" and not according to the producers' plan.

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boy there is no doubt about that. I have not seen as much hate for any other houseguests in past seasons, I mean Cappy , Maggie, and Ivette had their haters, and Janell was very contaversial, but this has really gotten wild. I am going off to the gym right now to work off the pov anxiety, ooooh I really am wishin and a hopein,lol

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I'm sorry, but I'm just :animated_scratchchin: with this whole thing about conspiracies and set ups for the Donato's. This game has so much unpredictability, especially in the beginning with so many personalities, that I just can't see how anyone can set this game up to favor certain contestants.

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Come on Dick and Dani, you guys can completley do this!

Have no fear, they will! I can't imagine it will be any different than it has already been ALL SEASON!

You D/D lovers really have nothing to worry about. It will go according to plan.

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It's a game but I actually like this new rivalry. At least it brings some liveliness out of two players who have done almost nothing. Dick and Danielle have actually played the game since day 1 which is why I think at least one of them hopefully will go to final two.
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