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Dick Week 10 H O H


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I doubt it. BB are the ones that gave him the opportunity for it to happen, and it's not like it didn't happen in other seasons. Who's to say that his son actually went through with it anyways?

BB also are the ones that gave Jen the opportunity to eat by having food available, it didnt stop them from giving her a penalty vote.

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But by letting their families give them a letter, they run the risk of this happening. It's BB's own fault for letting them have contact from their families. I bet they don't do it next year

yes but when you have a HG admitting to cheating then something should be done. Jen wasn't sneaking food , dick didnt keep this a secret.

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yes but when you have a HG admitting to cheating then something should be done. Jen wasn't sneaking food , dick didnt keep this a secret.

There is nothing they can do. He's already on the block so no penalty nom. A penalty vote does nothing because he would only go if it's 2-0, and we know Dani won't vote him out. They have invested too much to kick him out this late in the game when he can't even decipher the code anyways.

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When they gave Jen the penalty vote, it still had to be a majority to send her out. They won't allow a tie with a penalty vote. If it had been 3-3, they counted it as 3-2 or 2-3 depending on who the actual votes were for.

Edited to make clearer

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Northeast, even tho i am a die hard Donato fan, this post is hilarious,lol

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There is nothing they can do. He's already on the block so no penalty nom. A penalty vote does nothing because he would only go if it's 2-0, and we know Dani won't vote him out. They have invested too much to kick him out this late in the game when he can't even decipher the code anyways.

How would a penalty vote not matter? 1-1 a tie and like every tie HOH breaks it

Anyone want to bet me this little request gets granted?

Absolutely, like someone said above..look for a pumpkin seed spitting challenge

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How would a penalty vote not matter? 1-1 a tie and like every tie HOH breaks it

Like I said before, there is no tie with a penalty vote. They proved that when Jen was penalty voted. They had to have a 4-2 vote for her to leave. That's what the producers said.

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Why won't they allow a tie with a penalty vote? When they found out that a penalty nom would just help Jen, they "decided" to give her a vote. Dick cheated. Dick cheated when he was first HoH (as he got a letter from Vincent with the code). Just because it didn't help him much is beside the point (Jen's eating didn't help her, either). HE CHEATED. HE CHEATED. HE CHEATED.

I'm even willing to forget the other conspiracy theories, the AP help and other speculations, HE CHEATED.

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LOL Dick says his shoulder hurts. Danit tells him to tell the Dr people. He goes and tells them and now they will now structure the hoh around that.

Poor Zach, the producers seem like they wont even give him a chance to win. Final POV of the year was questions? Ridiculous. They set it up for Dani again. Nothing physical that Zach could win.

BB8 has turned out to be a total scam

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