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September 7, Live Feed Updates


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Dick and Jameka in Kitchen preparing to make food. Talk about only two more competitions. Dicks says yes and then the nightmare of a 12 hour endurance. Danielle still in working out refusing to put on her microphone because she is "not talking". Zach is in DR.

Dick and Jam talking about the HOH , both complaining about being sooo close. Dickmust have gone out on a Nick question because he says no more Nick questions.

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Dick and Jameka still in kitchen talking , he is giving up alot of past information about all the guests. He is being honest and I am sure she is not sure whether to believe him or not. (Preparing her for JURYHOUSE perhaps) The littlest Danoto is poutting still. BB has asked her about 5 times to put on her mic, she walked out of workout and put it on the kitchen counter, they said it again, she turned and went to bed. LEAVING it there...little snott bag is sad!!

Dani is up again and in the kiitchen...mic on counter....

Dani has he mic on..LOL

ZACK still in DR....

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Jameka says she is going to watch the tapes, regarding Eric. Says he ran Jessicas HOHs. Dick agrees,

Jameka says she just wants to get it all out. "Jen ad a lot to say too on her way out." Dick says "What did Jen say" Jam "she just said Eric can't be trusted." "He has deals and all that stuff".

Dick says "I told you guys that Eric had a deal with Jen, I told you that. and he kept trying to say "No let's n ot get Jen out yet, and i said no that girl has been around here way to long. We planned on back dooring her all along. Her fate was seeled when her ping pong ball did not come out of the bag and she couldn't participate in the POV. Her fate was sealed, she didn't know it yet, but she was gone.

Jameka says "On the one side of things I want to lay things out on the line on the other side It's like it's not gonna matter, you're gonna put up who you want to put up, win veto, don't win it. It is what it is.

Dick agrees.

Jam says the one thing he (Zak) has no worries about is he has final 3.

Dick "That's why Danielle is so upset."

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Jameka is stalking out the DR door. She is back laying on the couches.. She is not in her room, that is where she usually is after comps..Zack still in DR,

Dick a nd Dani in BY talking about final three ...HOPEFULLY... (HOWIE) HOSTING POV this week...

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Zach is telling Jameka "I have so much to tell you. I will not hesitate." (Dick outside) Jameka whispering "Me, too." [Looks like Zach may be ready for his power play. mk] Zach & Jameka comparing notes. Zach telling her to play her ass off for POV.

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10:50 BBT

"all we need to do is take Jameka out..that's it that's it that's it" Dick outside talking to himself [or us].....

Inside Jameka and Zach talking......Zach tells her he knew she was staying.........he did tell her to keep his safety.....He asks her if he came to her an gave her a ultimataum or promise about POV and Jameka says yes..

"you better play your ass off in the POV" Zach tells Jameka...

Zach having "another beer" while Jameka sitting on the couch.. "this game is so crazy"

Zach Jameka talking about tonight's events..

Dick to himeslf saying there's a good chance he will be "final 2".......and "I will take Daniele for sure"

Zach talking about Eric saying "he was good with words" but he "couldn't sell me" and "I couldn't trust him"

Dick comes in and talk about the HOH......

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10:58 BBT

Zach telling Dick and jameka "He did the mustard" about Nick...Dick agrees even though he says "I got blamed for it" saying he would have done it "in front of her face"

Jameka saying "the balls" smacked her helmet hard............Jameka saying "i didn't put that blue ball in my cylinder" wondering about seeing the tape..

Dick "the oldest one to make it this far" saying he's proud of that accomplishment...

Zach kidding around about Janelle and Dick

Zach "58 to 59" Dick saying if they were over Daniele would have won and since they were under Zach won....

Talking about HOH comp that Zach won....

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11:08 BBT

Dick reminicing about coming in about coming in saying he wanted to tell Joe he have hin gonorrhea but BB didn't want to spoil that Dustin was his rival..

Zach wonders if its like that every season about there being "pretty peculiar people in this place"

Talking about Eric.....saying he was a full of crap saying he thought Carol and Jen were hot.....

Zach saying "I think they restocked the storage"

Dick "what an insane day" boasting both Eric and Jess..Zach says "are gone"..laughing how Jess thought she was staying Zach saying "our you kidding me" saying she should have been more sensitive......

Zach calling his "a weasle' and Jameka calling him "shiesty"...

Zach to Dick "why aren't you drinking"....Dick agrees to a beer....since Zach is on beer #3..

Dick saying he likes Eric and hope he's "not bitter" Zach says when Eric says "give me a chance to play" well its too late and should have earlier....Zach saying he is a good manipulator...saying "the game has worked out in the wierdest of ways"

Jameka saying she talked a lot.....with speeches..and questions....

Zach not asked anything with Dick saying you got screwed out of 3 questions..i got screwed out of "an HOH week"

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11:20 BBT

Jameka goes to get her comforter and Dick congratulates Zach and talk turns to the balls from POV and Eric shoving and Jameka loudly explains the green ball she "dove for it".....Talking how there were a lot of green balls that were just laying on the ground...

Zach says he pushed back Eric after he got pushed by him and "popped in the lip".....and Dick said he pushed him when he slammed into Daniele..

talking about Rick saying it was live while Eric was interviewed by JC..

Jameka talking about how Jess and Dani's long "smooch"

Dani downer out of DR and Zach called again to get his HOH key......"I hope there's pictures of when Zach was fat" Dani bitchily says ..and Jameka wonders if he was really fat talking about people going through their fat stage..and Dick says he never did..."really" Jameka says surprisingly...

Dani says she going to eat all his food....[Zachs HOH]

Dani "who is that hispanic next to me" as Dani looks at the pic wall.......it was MIke...

Dani "it's gonna be a long week" saying tomorrow's noms and Dick hopes they get an AC.....and he says "they never gone without an AC" pleading for even cards.....talking about Alice and wonderland had nothing to do with it but Dick says "I still love the setup of this house"

Dani asking about Ambers and Dani's faces when they left.........Talking about Jess and Eric playing each other....

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11:33 BBT

Zach getting his HOH room and everyone heads upstairs..........."alright and then there were 4" Zach says..and inside they look apics when he was "pretty young" 17 he said and Pics from his 10 year reunion from HS.......

Zach gets his blanket from grandma.......looking at the pics laughing....

jameka saying [ in her best ass kissing voice] "that's really cute" at the pics.."wow"

More twizzlers and the letter from...from his "folks" and everyone......

Dick "congratulations"..........Dani "congrats bring down snacks".....Jameka "congrats"

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11:39 BBT

Zach reading his letter from home and says "wow"..............and gets teary eyed.."that's cool..oh man"...saying to himself "I never would have thought"........

Dick calls Zach and Zach yelss 'alright" but continues reading

Donstairs Dani bitching about people leaving the turkey open..blames Zach then Dick when in fact it was Jameka...

They got Beer and wine......

Zach celebrating pumping his fist saying "screw you guys"...taking deep breaths "YES"...heads out downstairs....

Dani asks "how was the letter" Zach saying "it almost made me cry"

Zach saying "I requested it" about the liquor.........Dani is like "Ok" mocking him "I requested it" saying BB told him they gave it if there was "big energy"

Dick "wow final 4"

Move outside to talk...

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11:49 BBT

Dani refusing wine that Jameka offered her...Dani filling up on cookies while the guys say "we fill up on beers"

the self-congratulatory comments are flying around about being final four.......Zach "oh man" "there's a lot of information to process" and Dani tells Zach she ran two miles while he was in DR....

talking how the live show ended before HOH and it will be on Sunday Jameka saying his "people" won't know till the..but Dick says "the internet people" already know and has got a "phone call" by now........

Zach asks what they would do with money and says he would send his kids to college and tells dani "don't roll your eyes..that's important to me"

Dani jokingly says "Buy Nick a monkey"

laughing Eric won't be able to "invest in Dolphin Crash"

Jameka saying Jess and ERic on the "Early show"..Dani says seperately but "not together" Dick says "maybe they'll be on Housecalls together"

Dani mocking Eric's speech about "give me a chance to play the game".......Dick wonders "how many balls he[eric] had" no one knows....

talk about Eric's agressive POV performance......

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12:01 BBT

"the whole state of Kansas hates us" Dick says about him and Dani getting Jess Evicted...Jameka if this is any consolation the whole state of Maryland loves you for saving her.....

Dick called to Dr saying "i'll bring the beer with me"

Zach asks about the letter from Nick and when she asked for it...."there is so much information to process" Zach says...

"two weeks left..that's really exciting" Dani says......Zach trying to figure out what happens.....Dani explains how it works with endurance and the next comp to the final HOH round...

The girls trying to explain that POV is only used on themselves......or to keep noms the same....

Zach goes in ..Dani "mech..so mad at myself"..complaing how she's mad they rushed us......whine whine whine..."i was a mess about it" "it just sucks though"..........

Jameka "i really wanted to win" saying she finally won something "on my own" ..Dani "people have won the game without winning anything"

Dani says "two more weeks" and Jameka says "14 days"

Dani goes in.....because she's cold...

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12:12 BBT

Zach telling his Dad "I'll do you proud" as he talks to the internet....reading his letter again....."people at the restaurants"..........."that's hard to belive ..that's cool".."finish with honor you're right dad..that's the plan..finish honrably" "i won't fuck this up"...."good fortune...god job"......"oh man...that's huge dude"..."good thing you got that on tape"[his belching] .................."[excerpts and comments from his letter he read and sais aloud]

Jameka outside praying...or she's just laying down in pain......but there are tears of rejoice......[gag]

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12:23 BBT

Zach saying that he find it so wierd people are "rooting for me" and people that have "gotten in contact with my folks"

Zach in amazement about his popularity......

Zach goes out to talk to Jameka....talking about his letter and the "cascading of people" who are watching him and rooting for him.........a lot of Jameka "hmm mmm"

Zach "is bizarre" people who have found and reunited from his BB appearance.....saying his blog "didn't get there in time for their letter"

Zach talking about the EX "i know she's watching" can't help watching "love does that to people" saying it would bring her joy to see him succeed

zach talking about their hate that was built up by other HG [umm it was Jameka]....Jameka agreeing...

Jameka talking about adaptation..and interaction..........Zach says "i've never said anything negative about you" saying if anyone says otherwise..their full of shit..Jameka says she only heard that Eric told her that he hated her..

Zach saying they are trying to get a little further for each other......Zach says "i don't want both of them in the end..that will kill me"...'I have two request"...Zach says.."I want to put both of them up" and tells her she wants her to play her ass off for POV and "Vote Danielle out"......Zach "if you win the whole thing it would be great to have some money out of it"..even though its illegal...and says "its not about the money" saying even if its $1 or a 1000

we get foth....

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12:38 BBT

Feeds back Zach saying "i love to take you to the end" saying he's not committed to anyone.......saying he can't win against her and Dick can't either....

Dani comes out...Zach continues.. about his letter "it's wierd..it's like Truman Show"

So Far tonight....Zach still in amazement..talking about putting up D&D and going to the end with Jameka

[i'm out I'll be back Saturday Night...Night all]

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Just a quick update:

2:16 BBT

Daniele's sleeping in the little bedroom. Dick is sitting by the HT, talking to Zach, who's in the HT. Jameka comes out and sits on the couch outside. She joins their conversation. Zach asks if Jessica really hated him for what happened. Dick said Jess put him up and he put Jess up, so she shouldn't be mad. Jameka said it was what Zach said that made Jess mad. Jameka's now telling a story about something Kail didn't say to Jess, leading Jess to vote Kail out. Something about when Eric was nominated, and they all got the votes to keep Eric. Daniele comes out and joins them. She's told to put on her microphone, and she said she wasn't talking. Jameka thinks Kail was too isolated. Dick tells Zach that he's drunk. jameka has a glass of wine in her hand, and tells Zach to be careful as he goes back into the HT.

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4:00AM BBT: Zach is asleep in HOH while the other three are still in the kitchen, discussing other HGs:

- Eric could be really mean to people

- Jess was way too confident once Jameka was told she was going (Jameka never heard her be that way - such as "Do I have to pack anyway?")

- Zach is not as obnoxious now as he used to be (not sure Jameka agreed)

- Eric and Jen definitely had a deal going and planned to be mean to each other

- Speculation on what the DRs will be like for each one who is gone

- How obsessed Eric was with reality tv, and took notes on people at the finals

Dick went outside, leaving the girls to discuss some these just among themselves. He returns.

<And not a word about religion or the Bible in the last half hour.>

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Dick announces that he's about ready to go to bed and suddenly the kitchen lights dim. Jameka thanks them again for her reprieve. He leaves.

5:00 BBT

Dani says that her MySpace is set to Private - done just before the show. She says she'll open it up again when she gets back but is looking forward to reading what her original friends have said throughout the summer.

She also mentioned that apparantly Nick saw her at the finals and went home and told his parents that he "saw this perfect girl there, but she's probably an idiot."

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5:05AM BBT: The girls stand at the memory wall for a while, wondering if BB put up a bad picture of Jen on purpose. Jameka points to several that she feels are less than flattering. They discuss Carol, adding that she always seemed to beg for compliments.

Jameka gets into bed. Dani visits the bathroom and heads for bed as well. They think it's weird and scary to have the first bedroom empty. They laugh over the prospect of all being put in the round room with Dick. Dani says she would never sleep again.

Conversation shifts to Zach and Jameka admits that he is one person that she just doesn't know. She's not sure how to approach him now that he's HOH again. She knows she would do a "If you're offering, I'm taking."

On the jury: they comment that the problem with the jury questions at the end of the show is that for each one, the question asked is the one thing that person has been brewing over ever since joining sequester.

Then comes the subject of how embarassing for Erika last year, how great Janelle is, and how flattered Dani was. Jameka says she can see a mini-me sydrome - especially with the Janelle and Danielle rhyme. "It just goes together."

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5:25AM BBT: Dani asks Jam who she would compare herself to in BB history. First she says no one - wouldn't want that person coming back at her with a "You crazy, girl." Then she offers up, "Maybe a combination of Marvin, Kaysar, hint of Ivette (enounters with Dick), and Marcellas in the beginning."

Then they go back to Jen and just how odd she was. Jameka was shocked that she managed to worm her way into the HOH for the first 20 days. They agree that Kail and her group staying in the HOH all the time were making the rest of them feel like peasants.

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