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Daniele Week 9


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I'd love it if anyone but the Donatos won HOH and immediately put up both Donatos. That would be so sweet, if they turn on Jess. By the way, it was interesting on the show that both Daniele and Dick think they've played strategically and have been "straight up" with everyone. Are they kidding? Daniele went after Eric and turned on her alliance, and Eric was blamed for things that had nothing to do with him. Plus, she had no proof that he had done the things he HAD done as AP. As for Dick, he has gone to every houseguest who is leaving and lied to them and told them they are staying, so that their alliance members will be upset during the comp. That's fine as a strategy, but at least be truthful about how much of a liar you are.

I've noticed that Jess is now inching out Daniele as more popular on the CBS poll. Maybe America is beginning to see what Daniele is really like? Daniele doesn't like anyone, and always says she hates everyone there, is fake to their face, and yet she wants everyone to like HER. Sorry, Daniele. You are not America's sweetheart. Jess is. And you are FAR from Janelle's equal. Janelle was always loyal to her alliances. Always. She did more than win competitions--she was a true team player.

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I think they really believe that they have been better players strategically. What they fail to realize is that the jury will look at the fact that CBS fixed this game for the Donatos, and they were never enemies, and therefore they had an unbreakable alliance since the beginning of the game. That's an advantage no one else had. Not only that, but if one of them went to the jury house, they would have someone campaigning for them and a sure vote. I don't think the jury is going to forget that. I personally believe that the jury will give the money to anyone BUT the Donatos, because they will feel that they had an unfair advantage.

If someone manages to get one of the Donatos out, that person will be the one who will get the money, imo.

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i know that the house guest get a little crazy after being in the house for so long...but dick (and to some degree.. daneiele) is more upfront with people than others. until now he has kept his word. the whole thing with eric would have never happened had he not been the "phantom" vote. a lot of weird things were happening and they thought it was eric. by default they no longer felt they needed to stand with him if he was betraying the group. just like any "contract" if you default, the contract is then voided. so to say that they went back on their word first way back then... well.. just because they realized eric was double dipping and working everyone in the house doesnt mean they have to stay true to him.

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Like I said, guilty by associaton. The Jen backdoor had as much input from Dick as Dani executing it.

OK So by that logic, when I was 14 years old my best friend told me she was going to steal some lip gloss for the local drug store... I gave input to her, so I am just as guilty as her because of my association with her? She is the one that the cops picked up, not me... I told her not to do it... Dick tried to tell Daniele not to do it to Jessica at first too... Jen wouldn't vote for Dick under any circumstance...

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Yeah, just like Eric was feeding information to Kail, when it was Dustin, all along... :rolleyes:

Anyone who truly believes that Dick and Daniele are "up front" with people, and truthful with them, has a different definition of those terms than I have.

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The feeds wouldn't be worth watching. We'd see Dick begging Daniele for attention, while she locks herself away in a bedroom somewhere and sleeps, counting her money. Oh, and Dick begging Daniele to split the money with him as promised, while she counts the full amount and refuses. Dick would give money to Vincent and Daniele, regardless. Of course, Daniele has no intention of sharing (I don't think she should--I'm just saying there is little to no chance that she will share if she wins, yet she will expect Dick to share).

Then, in the finale, she will tell the jury that she won comps and Dick didn't, and that is why she deserves it more. And since the jury dislikes the way Dick treated people, they would give the money to Daniele. Yawn.

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