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Amber Week 8 Evicted


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Didn't Jen do some swim suit modeling? She sure strutted her stuff

around the bb house. ANTM has nothing but skinny girls. Dani skinny!

Jen most certainly was sure of her looks and knew she looked great on camera and in creative unitard looks...something that pissed off many. Didn't know having self-confidence was such a bad thing. I'm sure her blog does not read..."I want the perfect body" because she already has it.

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i don't think amber will be on america's next top model. i think somebody posted that on wikipedia, because of cbs making fun of her on the show about that. even if she was model material, i highly doubt she would get on because of her racist comments. the show would have too many people upset over casting someone who had that made those comments.

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If Amber was a hottie and had a great figure I do not think she would have been disqualified for her stupid remarks.Those comments were not that big of a deal to CBS and would not have any bearing if she was model material.Also Time Warner owns 50% as well as CBS of CW network .Tyra Banks and crew would not care about BB

BS only her outward appearance.

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The new season of ANTM starts the 19th of this month. Amber will never be on that show, she looks like she is tall, but is not slim enought to be a model, and not toned enough to be a plus size model, she has pretty hair, but her features are all off, certainly the most non looking model types Tyra Banks had had on her show Amber would not even compare to them. Amber has nice eyes but her nose and her mouth is really strange, not model material, and as far as being a motivational speaker? What and whom would she want to motivate. Lots of prople kick their drug habit, and her habit is still in the young stages of being clean, to inspire people you have to have done something inspirational, and I do not know what that would be for her at this point. I think she should stay clean, go to nursing school and be the best she can be and get her head out of the delusions. I do not know why Jameka told her she could be a model.

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Did anyone see any of the articles about Drew Carey trying to cancel Wambers appearance on Power of 10? Supposedly Drew made some very strong statements regarding Wamber to the National Enquirer. I'm afraid that Amber will have a lot of explaining when BB is finally over. Top Model is not even on the radar for her.

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The new season of ANTM starts the 19th of this month, about a wek or so from now, so I doubt Amber is on it.

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The article said that due to Amber's bashing of both Jews and New Yorkers, Drew Carey wanted Amber's appearance on Power of 10 canceled. Drew did not want to share a stage with Amber. CBS decided to go ahead with the show. I think that this is only the beginning of what Amber will have to deal with once the Press can get to her.

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Its never fair to generalize a whole race of billions of people negatively based on the actions of a few whether you are a waitress or not. I'm sure there are bad and good tippers in all races.

Jem I was trying to be nice by not naming names. Amber was one of the 2 hgs that insulted Asians.

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didnt like amber whole season but wish she could have went further than jameka who added no value to show even after she got off her no hoh nor did she place well in any pov comp. amber was a nutcase but still had at least a chance to win comps unlike jameka

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I can't remember any house guest in the past getting the kind of negative press Amber has gotten this year. Even Drew Carey didn't want her on his show. So how tough to you think the public will be on her after she leaves the security and safety of the Jury house? Will CBS prepare her for what is going to come or do you think they will feed her to the sharks with out so much as a heads up? I have been wondering this since the day of her rants and am wondering what others think.

Personally I think CBS should at the very least warn her and do what they can to protect her during post finale interviews. While I am not an Amber fan at all, I do feel kind of bad for her because she has no idea what is waiting for her.

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i blame cbs for casting her in the first place she clearly has issues. i hope media give her a break she not the brightest and make her go on with her life. if they go after amber they need to go after jess who was just as bad

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i think the last thing BB will do after the finale show and right before they cut them loose is to take amber aside and tell her whats up ...

its not really a question of how brutal it will be... amber can't handle ANYTHING so whatever comes her way will cause a nervous breakdown....

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It's very sad, IMO, that Amber is being treated so poorly and held to a higher standard than most people. What she said, although offensive, was not said out of malice. She did not say what she said to Eric's face, but in a discussion with a friend in the house. Amber is being treated worse than the likes of Mel Gibson or Ja-rule, when their statements were meant to hurt.

In my opinion, her comments were made out of ignorance and those "holier than thou" celebrities should use the opportunity to educate. But then again, that would require them to come outside of their glass houses.

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yep neuro the media has very selective memory somefolks are just easier to target than others

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