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Amber Week 8 Evicted


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You are actually correct here. Girls don't have to be beautiful, sexy, or even good looking to be a model. It's mostly about facial structure, body type, and presence. Unfortunately for Amber, she has none of the above.

True, I've watched some of this show and aside from those things you mentioned there were many that had personalities quite like Amber...so I too believed it wasn't that far fetched for Amber. Also, there is the token "hefty" girl on ANTM each season too.

It's all just an illusion, smoke and mirrors. Any female could be attractive with the correct Make-up, Hair style and clothes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard on realitytvspoiler.com that amber is going to have a guest appearance on America's top model. Is there any truth in this? I remember hearing something on this site that Amber was signing up for ANTM. Do you think amber has a chance? I doubt she'll get on she doesn't seem like the model type to me. I haven't watched the next top model before but From what i heard it's not filmed life like BB so i guess Amber will appearing in the next season (cycle10?) in the spring. I think it would be hilarious if Amber would be in a model show.

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I think it would be so much fun to watch! I just wonder how she'll keep that makeup on with all that crying. Anyway, would be curious if that's true. I would be surprised, but ONLY because she would have to enter as a plus-size since she doesn't have the weight as the other contestants. She is NOT fat for non-celebrity standards, but she isn't model skinny.

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OMG !! I just went to that site, i read that post about Amber from Big Brother is supposed to be on America's Next Top Model and i totally think that she should be ....she represents the real woman and i think that America would benefit from her being on ANTM!! I think there might be some truth to that.....cuz i heard from realityblurred.com that Tyra Banks was wanting to do a cycle that represented a more average womans body type. :animated_scratchchin:

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Amber is NOT "Material"..period. She has an out of shape, flabby body and a face that could stop a freight train. Average or full sized models are one thing, Wamber is another! Larger sized models can look very good, if they take care of their bodies.......slovenly out of shape bodies of any size are just not attractive. Sorry, I do not mean to offend anyone.

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I guess that's just personal opinion since I don't think she's an obvious "ugly" candidate. She's no Rosanne Barr or lochness monster. I have always thought in her BB picture on the wall, she looked really pretty. She's always crying........ but when she's not and has make-up on, she's prettier than many girls imo.

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I seriously doubt it.... the cw has a fanastic spoiler scout, and she doesn't have a thing on it. Everything she finds is true.... but I guess we will see.

Ambre wouldn't be able to have contact with anyone right now anyways....

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I just re-read the Amber rumor and some more of the rumors regarding America's next top model and I'm starting to believe what they say. there's information about this on wikipedia as well under America next top model cycle 10. I'm going to search through all the reality sites tonight and try and find more truth in this. Apparently ANTM cycle 10 doesn't start filming until mid October so Amber can still make the show.

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I've watched ANTM and if and I say "if" Amber ever did that show,

Tyra would chew her up and spit her out.....Tyra can be very rough

on the girls. Amber would start crying and Tyra would send her

packing! JMHO :pixiedust:

JMHO...most of the girls on that show aren't very good looking....

but once they have their make-up and hair done they look pretty

good. Their photo-shot pics look great too.

I thought Amber looked nice on Power of 10. The make-up and hair

did Amber alot of good. lol

The only way Amber will be on that show is if she does a quick walk-

on and says a quick hello and good-bye! :animated_wave: She's too old anyways.

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Didn't Jen do some swim suit modeling? She sure strutted her stuff

around the bb house. ANTM has nothing but skinny girls. Dani skinny!

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