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Daniele Week 8


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I'm 15 remember, gonna take it from a 15 yr old ???

I'm just pointing it out.

Pointing what out?? I was asking someone else a question... I didn't call you any names directly or indirectly... So your claim is denied...

Fyi, it's King not Captain!!! K Thnx, have a nice day...

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I am with you Little King, but I am kinda upset with your girl cause of her treatment of ED altely, but I am still rootin,lol

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I'm surprised a 15 year old would use the term Geez louise...maybe a 15 y/o in 1940 would. For realz.

Okay? lol..

I'm sorry but it came into my mind.

Just being a little creative here, sue me .

Alexandria, this is your Captain speaking. lol

From the oldest to the youngest poster (?) you're alright in my book. But shouldn't you be doing homework - or isn't school in session yet?

Geez louise, keep on postin'!

A hoy , Captain ! lol

School has started - but I can still go on the computer.

I can still obsess over big brother !

Nope, Homework doesn't get into my way, I find my way around it.

Fyi, it's King not Captain!!! K Thnx, have a nice day...

lol, k thnx?

okay buddy !

i didn't like that reference, what ev. :animated_bouncy:

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