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CA NOW Issued An Action Alert To Its Members To Contact Cbs About Dicks Behaviour.


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I'm just curious why you guys keep comparing doing things like that to family members and people you know (as well as being very young when doing it) to a 44 year old stranger doing it to a 23 year old woman he has just called every name in the book.

It's not even in the same ballpark.

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Hmmm I guess Jen whining about Dick being near her at the beginning of the show was ok though too. The fact that they have spent over 40 days and 24 hrs a day with each other, I could see how that would still make them strangers.

If I had just met someone who smoked I know that I would be whining to everyone else to keep them away from me or tellling the smoker to stay away from me, too, because I would feel comfortable telling a stranger that and not someone I don't consider a stranger.

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Yath, thanks for bringing this up. i think to say that a person is "touched more severely" vs. everyone else here (not even knowing anyone's background) is hogwash! i hope people realize that just because the women here dont post openly about their knowledge or first hand experience regarding abuse doesnt mean its not there.

I never said everyone else here. How about instead of taking something out of context you actually learn how to read what I actually wrote.

I said so many others here, I never said everyone because I know there are others here who are in the field or have personal knowledge of abuse. I would never say everyone. I am always careful about what I say so as not to group everyone together.

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It's been blown completely out of proportion. End of story.

Who wants to join my letter writing campaigning spouting nothing but love for Dick?!

Yep, saying you want to have sex with someone in the butt until they bleed to death, you want to feel the bones in their windpipe crush under your fingertips and that they would be better off dead is totally blowing things out of proportion. How dare people think others shouldn't say things like that NO MATTER the circumstances. How dare we!

This season drew a line in the sand and it's interesting to see who stands on which side.

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You know what's going to be funny? Assuming there is a season 9, Dick has sent a precedent on the show and you know they're going to be more people like him coming on pushing the boundaries of good taste and hate speech. After all, Dick is the most popular HG and he's also the rudest one in the history of reality tv. Thus, people are going to think the ruder and more vile you act, the more people will love you.

It's great that you're rewarded on television for being as rude as humanly possible.

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I'm not angry. Thanks for assuming you know more about me than I do though.

How would you like it if I started saying when you post you sound confused? I doubt you'd like that but you sure do enjoy saying once or twice a week I'm an angry poster.

P.S. - No one screwed Dick but Dick and his vile actions and comments.

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It's funny how because we see this on tv, we're laxed to react. We witness Dick freaking out on Jen and just sit back, cheer, pop our popcorn, and hope for more. Maybe because we're seeing this on tv we forget that it's real, that Jen is real, that Dick's comments are not acceptable. Tell me, if this happened at a store, and you saw some guy treating Jen the way Dick does, would you just stand there and watch? Hell, would you cheer him on and defend him the way you do Dick on here?

It's funny too how we all freak out when racist comments are uttered, but it's totally okay to trash an entire gender. I think that speaks volumes for where we're at in society..women still mean sh*t basically.

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They are a very very very extremist group which considers everything sexism and believes abortion is the greatest thing ever.

Well said. I am continually switching back and forth regarding Dick. Sometimes I like him and sometimes I don't. :animated_scratchchin:

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