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CA NOW Issued An Action Alert To Its Members To Contact Cbs About Dicks Behaviour.


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NO ONE wants to give him credit because he's only doing it because Dani made him realize that he's going to needs votes from the sequester with the remaining HG's.

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i would just hope that NOW has better things to do than watch reality tv and complain. they can walk down any street in any town, USA and find a true recipient of abuse.

to speculate without proof that dick has a criminal record is just wrong. i'm sure if there were proof of that it would be spread all over the BB fan sites, even showing his mug shot. does anyone remember janelle? lol

dick is vile

jen is vile

cbs is in it for ratings

reality tv is not real

let's watch if we like or turn the channel if we don't.

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I hate how people say Jen provoked the attacks. What did Jen do that makde Dick so angry. She followed him around? Well Dick doesn't own the BB house and Jen can go wherever she pleases.

Also I would love for Dick to find out about the comment made about Danielle because then he will see how it really feels. We are not taking a TV show too seriously just stating some facts abot hate and discrimination. Dick is a woman abuser and thats a fact. And yes Amber and whoever else that made racist comments are prejudice as welll but not to an extent of Dick.

I actually kind of pity Dick because even at 42, he still acts like some immature prick. When he is in his dying ages, he can look back at all the great things he did at life like abusing women and drunk driving.

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I do think that one of my lesbian friends did mention this group to me once... See the thing is I am really happy with my life as it is now... I get to work from home in my own business with a hubby that is very happy to spoil me... I have a very good life... We aren't rich, but we live comfortable, and I like it the way it is... :)

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Bill O'Reilly has a lot of power I doubt he will get Dick off but he can damage how CBS looks in the public eye .It would be interesting to see him jump in over Dick and Amber's rant about Jews . He stopped Pepsi from using Ludricous as an example.

I doubt he would go after CBS like he does NBC though !

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Think back over the years of reality TV, think of every little bad thing that happened on every show... nothing has spouted from it then, nothing will happen now. (I've also never heard of NOW)

I can't think of a reality show where there was a Dick who treated HG's/contestants the way he does. They've been crude and maybe rude, but nothing that didn't get stopped by the show or was with practically every person.

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i didn't say she provoked all the attacks, however, she did provoke dick the other night by destroying his cigs. she was just mad she had been outplayed by danielle and dick, period.

dick is 44.

throwing around untrue statements about criminal records and drunk driving convictions without proof isn't right either.

everyone was so sure maggie was a terrible nurse because of the way she acted in the house, but no one knew for sure. and i was not a fan of maggie, but come on. we didn't know her outside of the house, and we don't know dick outside of the house.

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IF in fact Jen is a vicitm of abuse, verbal or otherwise, what makes her any different than any other woman in her situation? Well, she provokes intentionally, even if its just that passive aggressive crap she does where she meanders into a conversation and plants herself where its clear she isn't wanted. The other thing that makes her just like any other woman in this situation is that IF she feels she is being abused, she (unlike many women in her situation) can GET OUT! If she feels that she is in that much danger, no one is forcing her to stay. In the real world, in a perfect real world, her acts of recent days would place both her and her abuser in lock up for what they have done. We all know this isn't the real world. This is, if not staged, then at the very least orchestrated by the production people for TELEVISION. Now, before anyone argues that kids shouldn't be seeing this and being given the impression its ok to treat people this way, try the V-chip. Everyone jumping on the NOW bandwagon should be putting their actions where their mouths are and do something that counts, like support you local chapter and the real women in the community that need help. Who among you have helped out at the local women's shelter lately? Just think how much good you could accomplish if all this energy went to helping someone in your own neighborhood.

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"Bill O'Reilly has a lot of power I doubt he will get Dick off but he can damage how CBS looks in the public eye .It would be interesting to see him jump in over Dick and Amber's rant about Jews . He stopped Pepsi from using Ludricous as an example.

I doubt he would go after CBS like he does NBC though ! "

B.O. loves Dick!! :animated_rotfl:

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Who among you have helped out at the local women's shelter lately?

Raises hand... I am a Jaycee and my local chapter takes food to help feed them once a month and we also are raising money to build a women's shelter in the actual town I live in... We help the Macon shelter, which is 5 miles outside of the town I live in and is a much bigger town...

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Bill O'Reilly(dont get me wrong i do like him) but come on now, look at his record rofl

and geez its a SHOW!!!!!!!!!

I was in an abusive relationship, it took ONCE for the man to treat me like crap and you know what? I had kids too, i LEFT and did not stay in that position...

Jen states she does not need the money, she could leave and use all the publicity that she wants from this IF she truly felt victimized..yet shes still there

just another Dick did it all post is all this is..dick is the reason for all bad things that happen to everyone :animated_rotfl: JMO

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Who among you have helped out at the local women's shelter lately?

If you do a little search of my posts this year you'll see what one of my positions is in the field, which is one reason I was so up in arms when the Jen abuse was happening earlier this year. I work with people who have been both mentally and physically abused and the overwhelming majority happen to be women. This is why things like this touch me so much more severely than so many other people here. In a way, I take it personally because I have seen first hand what words like Dick has used constantly can do to a person's psyche.

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I haven't helped out at a women's shelter but in May I organized a charity dinner for the Sheltering Partnering Program at my local Humane Shelter. We raised enough money to save the lives of 4 dogs & send them to their new homes in Maryland. I have also organized a charity drive for this Sunday with my local MINI Cooper club where we will be raising money for our local chapter of the American Cancer Society.

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I am sorry, but I think a lot on here really do take this a tad too seriously, it is a tv show, and ED knows for sure he is getting air time, he likes to play the role, he wants and craves the attention whether ist is negitive or positive, just like yes a kid.

All of them in that house has said and done things not so becoming in different degrees, even Jameka when she called ED's mom a bitch, Really Jen IF she really thought she was at risk of harm coulda walked out, coulda complained to high heaven and gotten ED to shut up or kicked out, any different scenerios. It is pointless to try and point the finger at each and every one of them for what bad things they have done or not done, who is good , abusive or otherwise, it is a game, a kind of mean game that does not bring out the best in folks, and yet all of us are here every season to watch and them discuss our opinions. It is the Same every year, and nothing is going to come of this, and if Jen thinks she has a law suit when she gets out then let her go for it. I doubt she can prove damages, anyway just tuned in here and saw all the bruha ha(sp) and decided to add my 2 cents, and as always it is just an opinion, so do not blast me to the moon for Gods sake,lol

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Then Xal, you of all people should see my point that there is so much that can be done on a personal, real level to affect change. Much more so than pouring energy into a stupid TV show. That is NOT where one can make a difference. I would guess that the ones like yourself and Yana who respond to that particular line of my post are ones who have in some way been personally touched by abuse, whether simply by involvement with an organization or by personal abusive situations. The others are just TV bandwagon riders.

Who knows, maybe BB can claim that the placement of DIck and Jen in the house was with the intent to draw attention to the problem of abuse in this country. That would be one way to caover their behinds.

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