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Sunday, August 19th


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Didn't Amber swear on her daughter's life that she wasn't going to swear on her daughter's life ever again? whoops...there she goes again....and again...:lol:

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I believe Amber lasted all of 5 minutes and 38 seconds before blabbing she had a deal that she can't talk about.

If I was Jameka I'd tell Dani next time I spoke to her. Take me off, not that blubbering idiot!!!

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Didn't Jam also get a letter from home that they made her read out loud...and she started to cry...ruining the party...:crybaby:

I'm hoping Dani gets a letter from Kris for her b-day...they make her read it out loud too...and she starts to cry. :crybaby: Fair is fair isn't it?

(oh yeh....and btw, that would be a "Dear Dani" letter. ;))

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I don't get it? Technically the sides are 4 apiece ..why does Dani want to backdoor Jen?

I say get rid of Amber and then let the next head of household make the play....but if they stay true to Zach and Jen one more week they have a better chance to get rid of Eric and Jess.

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The majority of the board were against the Nerd Herd and even Xal can agree with that.

i was againtst the whole season 6

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^ :lol:

booorrriiinnng!. The guest of honor being awfully sullen....could it be because she didn't get a letter from Nick...or that other guy...err....what's his name...;)

I had to laugh at ED following her up to the hoh room...wanting to drink champagne with her...Dani had to remind him it's not her b'day yet...:lol2:

edit: There is a long letter...who's it from?????

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I'm in this place, and I hate 'em both, I don't want to be associated with those who like them.

Well, when you come to a board to talk about BB then you are associated with those that like all of them... :)

I know what you guys mean... I don't want someone talking for me either, and I shouldn't have said that America had spoken... I am the first to say I don't like to be lumped into a group when it's something I disagree with...

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What day is her birthday and why are they celebrating it today?

edit: There is a long letter...who's it from?????

I doubt it's from Kris unless he's trying (unsuccessfully) to one-up Nick with that girly paper.

Dani must be so sullen (as someone said above) because she has to be wondering where the letter from her (ex) bf is. Kinda crazy.....

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