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Sunday, August 19th


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my only wish for this bb now on out since its clear dick or daniele will win is cbs do their part in getting amber the mental health she deserve. the girl is an absolute retard

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my husband was flipping through the channels on tv, stuck it on showtoo for a few seconds and looked at me questioningly....i saw amber and jameka in the hammock, and told him to keep on flippin

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Major props to Zachy baby...

He's telling Dani that he had a robot that he entered in that TV show Robot Wars...and won 2nd place! I used to watch that show, and it's really cool....these hand made robots go at it in a fenced off ring, and bash each other to death...as Zach just said, nerd stuff, but it was cool to watch!

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when she gets out i think she may harm herself. if she does i blame cbs for making this lunatics get on the show. no way was she mentally ready for bb

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Wham-Jam should have taken a page from ED's book...get up in the face of their betrayers, and give them the what for...

Talk about rolling over....Jam listens to Eric last night, knowing full well he's doing a snow job on her, same with Whamber....and they just take it.

Whining Whamber, justified Jam....what a pair....they are both on the outs, and whine to each other about it....pathetic...

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Did anyone catch the conversation between Er & Jess in 1 of the bedrooms? This was before he went up to the HOH rm, where Zach & D were. I heard them mention Amber, this weeks vote & the next HOH, if they win but I couldn't hear the details.

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Hmmm, but a few weeks ago wasn't it being said that this was THE hot bunch?

Seems as though some of us were saying that Nick should stay (would be interesting becuase of Dick and Dani), Mike should stay (not sure what he had to offer besides he was HOT, but would be better than Amber and Jameka), Carol HAD to be better than whats left, Joe ( I hated him.....HATED him, but would take himnow for entertainment value, Dustin (at least he was willing to beat off in bed next to amber and it was the ONE thing she didn't cry over)

Hmmm, but most on the board were happy these folks left but are sad now because the feeds and shotoo are boring.....interesting


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I always bemoan the loss of the hot looking, buff, studly, contestant. Or the capable, strong, articulate game player, in any of these reality shows. It happens every time. And we get left with the chaff.

What as viewers, are we supposed to do? Get on with it. Deal with the cards as they are played, and try to find something entertaining out of them.

The bore facter began the minute Dustin left. Now, it's a mutual admiration society, with Wham-Jam rolling over like the meek kitties that they are. Maybe, just maybe, some fireworks might ignite, when it's final 4, with the 'big four', fighting and scrabbling for dominance.

Time will tell...

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The final 4 should be interesting....sorry the boredom is worth

it with Dustin gone......JMHO.....LOL

I'm still laughing when I think of the look on Dustin's face!

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I also feel that Amber will need some serious help when this season is over, especially when she gets out and sees the way that she has been labeled and represented in the media. I also think that she has shown a serious decline since the season has started. While she doesn't seem to cry as much as she did at first, now it seems that she is having delusions and is starting to see things.

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Did you hear Jameka telling Amber that she is certain that a free education will be offered to her so that she can obtain her dream of being a nurse?? Jameka says that current doctors and hospitals will sponsor her. If you watched the feeds, there would be no way in hell that anyone would offer Amber money for college. Nurses show compassion and must care for all types of people. Amber's racist remarks already put her out of the running. Amber is nice only when it is beneficial to her. As soon as someone walks away from her, she is cursing and saying how she hates them. I think this girl is so whacked out of her mind that she doesn't even realize people are watching her. She really believes that she is America's Sweetheart. I hope CBS gives her the proper counseling she needs when they release her back to real life. Can you imagine the look on her face when she views the popularity polls? I really fear for this girl's safety. I think CBS is setting her up for a big fall too because she mentioned that the DR was asking her about being a model and inspirational speaker. You know they just want to use that footage so the viewers will laugh at her.

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when she gets out i think she may harm herself. if she does i blame cbs for making this lunatics get on the show. no way was she mentally ready for bb

CBS producers are not psychologists so why lay blame on them? Besides, nobody MAKES people go on the show.


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I'm sure some folks will find this weird but I did a four card tarot spread to ask who was going to win BB8. I have done this before in the last couple seasons, just for fun, but the readings were usually just kind of iffy. This time, I was surprised at how strong the cards fell. Here's how it came out.

(A reversed card indicates that the traits of that card are the opposite, in whole or in part. I will give the straight meaning of the card.)

Princess of Swords, reversed- Keen intelect, studious, reserved. Also suggested is the influence of the powers above, from superiors or elders. An eloquent and knowledgeable debater, she is skilled and subtle in the use of language.


Princess of Wands, reversed- Great ambition, reasourceful and adaptable. Trustworthy and faithful. When ill aspected she is often irrational in her asperations and is quick to change her mind or the track of her thought. She has little patience and never forgets an injury or insult.

Amber or Jess?

The Lovers, reversed- The card suggests a choice made from the heart, not the mind.

Since the card is reversed, the votes placed not from the heart but the mind?

Queen of Wands, reversed- The Queen is adaptable, kind, generous and warm hearted to her friends. Her intelligence and attractiveness makes her popular and her friendship is eagerly sought. She is caring and sympthetic to the problems of others, but she may be irritated by opposition.

The reversal of this sounds like Dani to me.

So, the reading would be Jameka, Jess or maybe Amber and Dani in the finals. Votes come down to votes made from the mind and not the heart. Dani wins.

I know some may think I staged the cards this way but I didn't. I was going to bed, just decided to pull out the deck and ask the question and this is how they came out.

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Eric is gonna be in more trouble i think biecause once Jen goes up for Jam/Amber, I think everyone will vote to evict Jen except eric because I think america hates Amber/Jam. Of course they don't really like Jen either, but I think Amber/Jam will win and eric will win and he will be screwed. The vote will be 4-1 and unless they think Zach casted the vote, There will again be trust issues not only from D/D, but also from Jam/Amber/Jessica. So unless AP chooses to vote him to evict Jen, he will be complety screwed. If Amber wins HOH, which she has come close in last to competitions, eric will go up if this happens probably along with either Dick or Dani.

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CBS producers are not psychologists so why lay blame on them? Besides, nobody MAKES people go on the show.

THANK you!!! I'm obviously not on the 'feel sorry for Waaaahmber' block!! She's as manipulative as they come. She certainly doesn't seem helpless and teary-eyed when she's being nasty and back-stabbing someone else. She's not delusional - she's just a manipulator that thinks that she can make others see her as she portrays herself.

HOW many times has said "I'm not that kind of person..." and relates some negative quality? All the while, she is exactly that kind of person!! GRRRR. I don't like her. I don't like people like her. She had a vision?... She told Jamememeka she had a vision... that doesn't mean she had one. I think she's just trying to say whatever she can to work Jameka and appear saintly or whatever her warped sense of 'saintly' is.

I hope she is evicted - period, end of story - as she and the others have said (soooo many times!)

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I, too, hope Amber leaves this week, but it seems like Daniele has the votes for Jen to be evicted this week.

And Eric will probably be the only one to cast a vote to evicted Amber, because the way the polls have been going, it seems like more viewers dislike Amber moreso than Jen. Unless some people talk to change things up this week again and evicted Amber. I don't see who would do that, though. Jameka will keep Amber over Jen. Jessica, too, most likely.

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