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Saturday, August 18th


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:gossip: Eric, Jess, Dick and Zach should change something up in the game....

Like let Jen win POV ........(what does it matter really).........

Then when :skellington: Princess Skeletor has a hissy-fit about it

they could say that they had a meeting about it and she wasn't around for

consultation... :fight2:

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corrected me last nite .If Jen wins POV and lets Amber use it or Jameka they still cannot put Jen up this go around.I guess you mean if someone wins it other then Jen.

EX:: if bill and frank are on the block, and suzanna wins POV and saves Bill. Suzanna CAN NOT be put on the block, thats what makes it the "GOLDEN" POV

(i hope suzanna doesnt win! i want Bill gone! lol)

Daniele, you rock! good luck!

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ummmm who isn't using who??? There are only a few couples that aren't in it for the win and not using others. Maybe Eric and Jessica and Dick and Daniele.

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Even though she hasn't expressed concern vocally, I'm sure she's considered it. She's too smart a player to not have, so I'm sure she's going to be playing hard for the pov.

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my god... everytime jameka and amber eat together its like listening to cows chew their cud. (is that how you spell it? cud? ) anyways... or pigs eating slop.. yeah.. pigs eating slop. its disgusting.

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