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Thursday, August 16th


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I hope that doesn't happen. I hope they don't have time. What makes Jess think that she can trust Jameka? Jameka would sell Jess out in a second if she had the opportunity.

Jessica said she doesn't want Jam to be mad at her. What surprised me is Eric said Ok to it. Jessica can be talked out of anything in seconds. Hopefully, Eric has thought of the consequences and will stop her from doing it. Totally dumb if it happens. Let em be mad afterwards. Plus, who cares??? They're planning to evict them anyways. They should keep their eye on the prize...as in this is a game!

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Question here:

Do they go to the DR and tell BB who they will be voting for in the live eviction?

I would think that they would have to since producers would need to know ahead of time. I'm sure they don't want to wait around and be surprised.

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Why did Eric say it was okay to do that? When did Eric say that?

Why...I don't know, keeping Jess happy I guess. When: it's in the feeds, late this morning when they were in bed, shortly before going to sleep.

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If you want to be big players in the game and make moves, then do it and keep your mouth shut. Deal with the effects afterwards.

Amen, Kalgirl. I couldn't have said it any better! You'd think that they'd learn that they can't trust ANYONE in the game and the more tightlipped they are, the better chance their strategy has of succeeding. Tell Jameka and, not only do things go back to the original plan, Jess and Eric would risk retribution from D, J and A. SHUT YOUR YAPPERS, JESS AND ERIC!

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Question here:

Do they go to the DR and tell BB who they will be voting for in the live eviction?

I would think that they would have to since producers would need to know ahead of time. I'm sure they don't want to wait around and be surprised.

They probably share their thoughts and tell BB what they're inclined to do at the moment, but they still reserve the right to vote however they want on Thursday, I think.
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I found the conversation about telling Jameka in the feeds:

Jess asked if they should tell Jam...she feels like they are setting her up.

J: I don't care if we dont' tell Amber...

E: I don't have a problem with that

J: She's going to be all...which doesn't make sense, she had a deal with Dustin...

E: Tell them Dustiin had deals with 3 different side....

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How come when they're all on HOH lockdown, someone doesn't get the balls and call out someone. With HOH lockdown, people can't leave or go far away...

what are you talking about? get the balls?

oh wait... i get it. never mind.

i thought you were talking about THE balls.. as in ping pong balls... sFun_crazybat.gif good thing its almost time for me to go home.... i am thinking about crankcalling this richard donato guy... lmao...

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Why, why , why would they want to tell Jameka?? I hope producers can stop that move. I seriously think whenever Eric gets called into the DR today, producers are telling him how to play it.

BTW, did Jess tell Zach and Jen to vote to evict Dusting yet?

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I think telling Jameka is from Jessica being soft. Telling Jam means she WILL tell Amber and Dustin and the fight is on. She knows she's expendable and wants the protection of Amber, Dustin and Jessica. She'll also know she's not a part of the "deal" and will be heading out the door, especially since Dick will still be around. She's hiding with the herd in the numbers game - evicting Dustin will instantly change that scenario and she'll be on the outside looking in. She has no protection since she can't win HOH, still one of the dumbest moves ever made.

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For all we know Jameka feels as iffy about Dustin as Jessica, after his near flip last week.

I think people just put too much stock into projecting alliances long term. In the house an alliance is good for a week and not much more than that. Thinking otherwise is what leads to the graveyard of eliminated players.

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By eric and Jess telling Jam & Amber, they can still work together later on in the game. If they get Jam and Amber really pissed off, they're risking the chance of Jam and Amber approaching the other pairs to form an anti-Jess/Eric alliance...

Why make enemies out of the friends you have, by trying to make friends with your enemies?

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It's like 12 o'clock in the afternoon there so,

when ever the lock down is over then they have

to clean the house for tonights live show + get ready as well.....

They might not have the time to chit chat with Jam.....

I agree, telling her would be a BIG mistake!!!!

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