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Dick Week 7


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I have a sneaking suspicion, that when ED sees himself and all his spitting on tv he is going to try and change that bad habit. Ya know sometimes we do stuff for so long that we just do not know how bad it is and your friends can even tell you that you are gross and it doesn't sink in, well then when you see yourself in all your ugly spitting glory on tv you may change the habit, let us hope so because that its the thing about him that bothers me the most.,lol

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I have a sneaking suspicion, that when ED sees himself and all his spitting on tv he is going to try and change that bad habit.

They don't show all his spitting on tv. What we need is a YouTube compilation for him to see when he gets out.

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Dick is probably used to spitting on the bar room floor. I'll bet he enjoys watching the other bartenders and waitresses go slip sliding away.

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its his game to lose

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Hey Dick lovers

Just curious, the past few weeks Dick has been made to be a hero because he told it like it was and didn't LIE to anyone. It is always straight up honesty to their face (that is what has been posted week after week)

Does it matter that he is currently talking to Jen on ShoToo as if he is her friend, but just 5 minutes ago he was talking to Zach and Dani about how Jen is going up and will be backdoored this week? Seems like Dick is doing exactly what Dustin did. And you all bashed Dustin daily.

Let the Dick bashing begin.


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If D and D backdoor Jen, there will be hating going on... They owe Jen at least one free week... I don't trust dani in the house and I wouldn't trust her outside of it...

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Dick is a real prick saying he thinks Jen will cry when she is put up and thinks she will make a scene . I hope she proves him wrong. Dick would be gone without AP last week and it is very laughable to see him praise himself so much over his unwarrented greatness !

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the problem with Dick and Dani giving her a free week is that it could come back to bite them in the ass...I've come to like Jen but it doesn't change the fact she's the floater of all floaters and goes to wherever the power is that week..and that could be very dangerous to D&D in the weeks they don't have power. so it's smart of Dick and Dani to get rid of her now..

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Jen is a floater that can play..makes her dangerous.....but she's definitely a floater..Dick is smart to unload her now that they don't need her anymore...Jess Amber and Jameka are worthless floaters...

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Lately I don't even like reading the theads. So many people every post is compare Dick to this person or that person. Who is worse ~ what action is worse.

I would like to think that posts could be more creative and just post what they like or don't like about someone without always having to compare. :animated_scratchchin:

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