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America Is Playing For Dick, Not Eric!


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Why would Eric, if he was just playing for america, would bring Jessica?

America has also voiced that it doesn't like Jessica (silent treatment). Eric can ONLY assume that America likes Amber, Jameka, Zach, Danile and Dick. Eric likes Jessica and it was pretty obvious with this flipping the camera off yesterday that he does not like America picking on Jessica.

I still think Eric's extra long DR sessions have more to do with him getting out of America's Player standings. i think he's had to do a lot more lying and weaseling than he's wanted to and he's sick of it. He doesn't like Danile, he's never made it a secret. He wants her gone. But America is a sucker for a mal-nurished skank so he can't target her as much as he has to target an alliance member.

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America's vote for Jessica to have the silent treatment probably had more to do with revolting against Eric than with disliking Jessica. From my travels on boards and such, Jess is a fairly popular houseguest. At least, that's what my vote was for anyway ...

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But Eric doesn't have access to that information. All he knows is America wanted him to give her the silent treatment, to which he can assume America doesn't like her.

That's why I think the America's Player idea was a good idea, but they need to give him access to a message board of some kind. he needs to know WHY he was suppose to target certain people. Maybe that way, he would have pushed to keep Nick more than he did.

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But America is a sucker for a mal-nurished skank so he can't target her as much as he has to target an alliance member.

Danille is not mal-nurished and she is naturally skinny .The Fox News gossip reporter said the same and is wrong too because Dick is skinny and I bet her mom is as well.Also she is very young , but I agree she is though somewhat tacky.

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America has also voiced that it doesn't like Jessica (silent treatment).

I bet Eric got that that was a shot at him not at Jessica. How would giving anyone the silent treatment benefit Eric or give him any kind of information. To me it said, "screw you eric"

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I hope Dick goes and talks to Eric... it would be benificial for both of them, as most obviously, America is on Dick's side. If Eric switched sides and alligned with Dick, his popularity would skyrocket again.

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Eric alligning with Dick is Big Brother suicide. he knows that danile wants him out, so why give her a chance? If he willingly turns on his alliance, he's out next week. Danile will put him up, Jen will more than likely put him up, Amber would definately put him up.

he can't trust Danile to do anything but turn on him. So WHY would he willingly do it? That's stupid

uhh, dicks rants have already been televised.

Telling Dustin he's going to f*ck him until his a**hole bleeds...I'm pretty sure that will not be shown tonight. I doubt Tuesday show will even show a smidge of what he said about Amber. Notice we didn't see him call Jameka a b*tch Sunday.

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NONE OF DICKS RANTS WILL BE TELEVISED!! The majority of CBS voters, IMO, just watch the shows. CBS has made Dick out to be a man who will protect his princess daughter. Most people voting don't know that the estranged family crap is total BS and think Dick is a wonderful man trying to get back with his daughter.

They are not going to televise the threats or racist comments. They will not show the "Mother of the Year" bashing. But then again, I'm sure they won't show all of the others bashing as well. America loved Dick because America loves a good villan...especially if he does the noble "I'm doing this for my daughter".

And before anyone forgets, the princess has already pledged to take out Eric and Jess as soon as she can. That girl has NO loyalty but to herself.

Wow your last 3 posts and you are really angry.

1) I think they have televised a lot of Dick's crap talk. Do you think Dick has made racist comments? They did televise most of his rant with Amber and Jameka.

2) I think Dick really loves his daugher. I believe it is very real.

3) You say the Dani is trying to take out Jess and Eric? Ya.... and Dani was Jess's #1 target with her noms. Eric hates Dani too but she should not want to evict them?

Lotza hate here.

just sayin.....

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We all vote, thinking we are getting to play...but if our vote isn't what CBS wants to happen, I honestly think that they are just doing what they want. How would we ever know? We have no proof. I think they started the polls with good intentions, but then decided to go with what will bring the ratings. If America wants Eric to vote Dick out, well, that's just not going to cause as much excitement/drama as Eric voting Dustin out....so they tell us America wants Dustin out.

I am not saying the producers don't tamper with the game but from viewing the polls at Morty's & the CBS popularity poll I would say that CBS is not tampering with the votes as the AP results have been right on par :grin2:

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I liked Eric better when he was playing his game more low key. He kind of sat on the sidelines and allowed other people to be the star and make the decisions. I lost alot of respect for him when he basically thumbed his nose at America when he disagreed with our choices regarding nominations and evictions. I don't know about anyone else but if someone insults me and my decisions like he has, I don't want to do what he has told me to do. He developed a bit of a Napoleon complex when he orchestrated Nick's eviction and hasn't lost it.

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He also said something to that effect (or is it affect??) to Kail...

And still everyone loves him...

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