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Pov - Week 6


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At one point Dustin said he would take a nomination against Dick/Dani so as he can give this speech he wants to give. You know, in his condecending sort of way. Odds are that was all talk though as him and Eric are masters of the whole all bark, no bite sort of thing.Jess could consider it if Dustin was sincere in wanting to be put up as she knows that whoever does get put up, will now be a pawn who will stay against Dick. And then she has an enemy, one of which having a shot at HOH.Even if Dustin chickens out, she might consider the using a pawn from the group with their blessing because they think they have the 3 votes with her the tie breaker regardless. It's all on Jess.

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I have said before...I don't hate Dustin's game tactics persay. (Some things I dislike, but that's true of all the guests in my book.)

I hate his condescending tones and superiority complex he uses as he lords over the Turd Herd.

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I don't understand why all this hate towards Dustin...he has been playing the game. Then there are all these people that like Dick. A true puzzlement.

same here. again i am not one of those haters. dustin and jen imho are the two who deserve the win at this point

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I don't like Dustin due to his fake niceness to people, then behind their back talking so much crap. Plus, the way he's so condescending to people. At least Dick confronts people to their face mainly...not that I'm a fan of how he does it though. The main thing I root for with Dick is that he fixes his relationsip with Dani. Probably alot of people feel the same way and that is where the source of rooting for him comes from, regardless of his confrontations.

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i know dick is trying to play nice guy role by saving his daughter which i believe is crap. he came to play the game for himself not her. she use her pov on herself why the hell wont he do the same. to save face i say he just not use pov and let chip fall where they fall.

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Have we found out who Eric has to vote for yet?

Wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if Dustin DOES offer to go up as a pawn...then Eric gets his orders that his vote has to go to Dustin,..and then Jen Zach and Danielle(after Dick pulls her off the block) all vote to evict Dustin,.plus Eric's vote,..then Dustin goes HOME!


I'd love it! It woudl be the best moment in BB history!


Hope no one has already said this I haven't read all of the posts yet so forgive me if this is repeated!


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For Eric's game it would be best if they put up Jen because both her and Dick are high in the popularity and after Tuesday's episode if they show Dick's crazy ass rant this weekend he may loose a bit of his fans. If they put up Zack AP will have to vote for him.

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Don't kid yourself that this wasn't a fix. What's daddy dearest to do now, save his own ass or his dear daughter?? Tune in and find out the CBS way. IMO its a clean slate with the "fixes" both sides had their turn, lets just play the game for REAL now, can we please CBS????!!! ^_^

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Don't kid yourself that this wasn't a fix. What's daddy dearest to do now, save his own ass or his dear daughter?? Tune in and find out the CBS way. IMO its a clean slate with the "fixes" both sides had their turn, lets just play the game for REAL now, can we please CBS????!!!

yep he leaves out saving his daughter. what a storyline ending to a trouble relationship?

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I don't like Dustin due to his fake niceness to people, then behind their back talking so much crap. Plus, the way he's so condescending to people. At least Dick confronts people to their face mainly...not that I'm a fan of how he does it though. The main thing I root for with Dick is that he fixes his relationsip with Dani. Probably alot of people feel the same way and that is where the source of rooting for him comes from, regardless of his confrontations.

1st. Dick doesn't have to be in the house to fix his relationship wiht Dani they can work on that outside the house.

2nd. Dick and Dani have been really tight lately to the point I'm begaining to wonder if the whole thang was not a set up on there part to get them both in the house.

3rd. I don't like the way Dick treats people he is rude and mean for no reason, he thinks he is in control of everything in the house and I think he needs to go I'm sick of watching him, surely I'm not the only one out there that hates Dick.

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2nd. Dick and Dani have been really tight lately to the point I'm begaining to wonder if the whole thang was not a set up on there part to get them both in the house.

after the first week act i never seen any tension between them. both are frauds

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2nd. Dick and Dani have been really tight lately to the point I'm begaining to wonder if the whole thang was not a set up on there part to get them both in the house.

its not a setup! she wanted him out for the first 2 weeks, then there relationship was fixed!

and i dont hate dick.

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It was all an act. Conflicting stories...estranged 5-7 years, yet two years ago they did something together. I don't know and I don't care, but I do laugh when I read the endearing posts about how they were separated for so long and have repaired their relationship in the bb house. funny.

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I will say this:

I only saw my dad on rare occasions over the course of a 5 year period, and only talked when absolutely necessary. And when we talk about that period, we refer to it as the "years we didn't talk." It was nothing of substance whatsoever on the rare instances we were together.

So I can't judge what their relationship was before the house based on the little info I know about it.

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They said from the beginning they had not talked for 2 years.........when dani hooked up with her boyfriend.......I don't blame some the HGs for hating dick but i think it's really funny that some of the posters hate him and want him out more than the HGs do! :animated_rotfl:

He won the POV........and in my opinion, if he gives it up for his daughter, than kudos for him :animated_bouncy:

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