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Pov - Week 6


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i am not surprise

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Dick wins POV. In a perfect world, this is what happens next. He takes Dani off POV, then Dustin (assuming he doesn't chicken out which is what I bet) again pushes for that whole have him put up as a pawn against Dick so he can give his little speech he wants to give. He thinks he's fine because he thinks at worst 3 vote split, Dani/Jen/Zach for Dick and Amber/Eric/Jameka for him with Jessica placing the deciding vote.

However, he doesn't know that America probably makes Eric vote to keep Dick. And Eric has no idea of that possibility because he probably figures America hates Dick and loves Dustin.

So then after voting, everyone is shocked that a mystery vote removes Dustin and Eric has a double breakdown. First, that America likes Dick more than Dustin, and then that it was his fault it all happened and no way to run from it. Then Amber/Jameka/Jess drop him like a hot potato and everyone else ignores him too.

Just what both Dustin and Eric deserve. Eric for being a scumbag, and Dustin because he's a backstabbing hypocrit. He's playing the hypocrit role right now in the feeds saying Dani's actions dont coincide. Damn, Dustin, pot call the kettle black much?

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Now ya'll know Eric. He is suppose to work on getting dustin nom. He will not do it because he knows he will have to vote him out. He could if he wanted try really hard to get Jes to do it, but he won't. He will prob talk her into not putting dus up as a pawn.

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Hmmm, so it wasn't a big scandalous rigged, fixed twist? It wasn't some special veto like everyone believed on the first 3 pages of this post? Color me surprised. :animated_scratchchin:

I hope he sticks to his plan and takes Daniele off. Then finally he will be sent packing.


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I want it to happen like that. But, don't you think Eric will do everything he can to make sure it doesn't happen. Because he knows he will have to vote Dustin out and that will piss his "friends" off.

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5 will get you 10, that Dani begs ED to use the veto on himself, because she just 'can't take it anymore', and he'll want to stay in the house so he can keep being the maniac that he is. She'll say, 'you win, and it'll be good for both of us'. She'll whine, she'll cry, she'll say, 'no one likes me in here, I don't want to stay here by myself. They just told me that I'm to blame for what you do...how can I fight that?'

And ED will agree, because he realllyyyy wants to stay and keep terrorizing everyone!

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He doesn't know for sure he would have to vote out Dustin. Infact he just said he bets America hates Dick due to all the people he's said things against in general. However, Eric is probably smart enough to think its a possiblity. So I just hope Dustin's supposed need to give his speech makes him push so hard for it. However, I bet he chickens out making this all a moot (or is it mute?) point.

As for Dani asking to leave, I don't think so. She's smart, she wants to play, hence the whole talk in the HOH trying to sway people her way. She's the absolute smartest player in the game, shades of Janelle. If she didn't have those bratty moments, she'd have more support here.

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