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Jameka Week 6


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Marty, I decided to take you off ignore just to read your comment tonight.

I didn't say he's to blame for their behavior, what I said is that he starts on them and what is to be expected. When Jen stood back and did nothing she was chastised, when Jameka takes a stand she's "all ghetto" - there is no way to please anyone. But, it is natural for someone to fight back when attacked and he starts all the attacks..so what else is left to do.

People complained the house was too quiet today because Dick was quiet...see my point.

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Jameka stated early in the show something along the lines of "...never been around so many white people..." and that it was going to impact how she plays the game.

I think the true Jameka came out this week. I'm not saying, I just saying...

Please not that I am not saying she is better or worse than anyone else in the house

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Marty, I decided to take you off ignore just to read your comment tonight.

OMG Gingersnaps I am really hurt that I was on your ignore list. I have done nothing but say nice things about you. Honestly I am hurt. Maybe I should just stay away from the BB boards. I don't have a clue why you have put me on ingore.

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She's going to get fired from her job because she called someone's mother bitch? :animated_scratchchin: HA! that's the dumbest thing I've read in a while.

Honestly, I think people were looking for a reason not to like Jameka, besides for her outward display of religion. As if anyone really cares about Dick's mom? I'm sure it wasn't the first time she's been called a bitch. I bet Dick has called her one a few times himself.

Calling Jameka a fake because of her language is stupid too. Religious people make bad decisions all the time. No one is perfect. Just because someone is very religious, it doesn't mean that they are going to be perfect. If you expect them to be then you are seriously diluted.

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I never said she would "get fired because she called his mother a bitch". :rolleyes4:

In the school district where I work, school counselors (and others) are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner in front of the students..........and, like it or not, she put herself on national TV, in front of everyone.......school counselor's main job in the school is to "mediate" problems between students............going to be rather hard to go to mediations and have a kid say "but look what you did when he was picking on you!!"

And, in our district, if the parents complain enough to the school board about you........you're on your way out :giljotiini:

We'll see.......

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I liked Jameka at the beginning. I thought she was really going to be a fav. But she's changed, Well, I guess she hasn't "changed". We don't really know her, do we? But she's shown a different side. And I don't care what anyone says, I don't like a so called christian, who speaks as crudely as she does. Or Amber. Kail didn't speak that way. If she had, I wouldn't have liked that, either. The rest of them speak with profanity, I don't care about that. I may not agree with wwhat they say or the words the choose ~ but they don't run around the house praying to God all day, either.

Practice what you preach, b*tches (<---That's to Jameka & Amber).

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She's not perfect and she's not in a professional setting. She's on a game show. A game show where you have to play dirty to win. Besides, you have to look at the context of the situation. I'm sure any parent would understand. Parents say worse things in front of their kids. I don't know what world you're living in, but you act like she stabbed him. She called his mother a b*tch. It's not that big of a deal.

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I disagree... To me talking about someones child or saying bad things about someones mother is the worst thing you can do... It's beyond redemption to me...


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Just an observation about Jameka. I noticed her very bad mood last night and continual focus on Dick and Dani all evening. That followed the very first time that she'd ever been criticized to her face by anyone in the house. It showed me that she holds herself in very high regard and when anything about her is negative it spins her into a mood, almost an internal rage. I remember Zach saying recently that she's "very rigid" in her thinking and I believe that's true. Up until Dick said a few things, everyone has been kissing her butt and of course she enjoyed it and believed it. Woe be to anyone who says anything otherwise.....

She, as most of them, has alot of growing up to do. I sure wish they'd get a more mature cast in there - I'd like to see some real life experience coupled with intelligence, something that's been sorely lacking in previous seasons. I think it'd be alot more interesting to watch intelligent people match wits and outplay each other.

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I live in the world of school administrators, school boards, students and parents........

I'm not sure why you keep referring to her "calling dick's mother a bitch"............I'm talking about her whole reaction that night and many of her other actions on the show..........she's not in a professional setting but she willingly put herself in front of all her students and their parents............I've seen teachers get blasted for far less, once parents complained and trust me........there are lots of mommy's and daddy's who do not want their little kiddies "counseled" by someone who may lose it!

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I finally saw the footage today of Jameka and Dick's argument...and I like to say OH YEAH!! you go girl way to stick it to Dick...Thanks for not backing down and not letting him intimidate you!!! When I saw Eric and Dustin jump in I was like SHUTUP....they didnt have the guts to speak when Dick was picking on the other women in the house...Now they feel like they have the power and finally Eric and Dustin are going to say something..Pleeease!!! However when Dick came to speak to her one on one in her room...she should have sat down and talk to him...it is a game...both could have came to some sort of an agreement....

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I think it'd be alot more interesting to watch intelligent people match wits and outplay each other.

I 100% agree with this. This year it seems everyone is seeing how low can they go in their insults. For me its not fun to watch people continually bash one another with the same tired complaints over and over again.

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How anyone can be supportive of Dick is beyond me! He is the biggest hypocrite in the house! Jameka stood up for herself. Who wouldnt? So she called Dicks Mom a bitch So what? It's not like Dick hasn't said worse. Jameka is human. I don't hold what she said against her and I can't figure out how anyone could! Dick is a white trash, low life, child neglecting piece of crap. His daughter has learned well from him. Dick and Danielle have low morals and need to go out. I'm sure CBS knew what they were doing when that put those lying, trashy nuts in that house. Both of them are so busy judging the others that they forgot that BOTH of them have been trying to back door everyone! Dick talks to Zachs face like a buddy but has been trying to get him out for weeks. And how Dick or Danille can go on and on and on about Nick when they voted to out him yet attack everyone else about it is way beyond me. Neither one of them can cry foul at this point. I really wonder if Dick will really save his daughter or himself? I don't really care. I want both of them gone. Dick can go back to name dropping as he tends bar and Danielle can find a new man. If her boyfriend takes her back after what she has done with Nick then he is welcomed to her. Neither Dick nor Danielle have a moral leg to stand on. And BTW DICK I don't have an issue with Janeka or her religion. You, however, need a few lessons in humanity. Its shocking to hear that your own Mother is a "minister" How sad she must be about the both of you right now. You are so lucky, Dick, that I am not in that house. You would have gotten a lot worse from me.

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I do. I think its really disgusting to incorporate religion into a game that involves lying, cheating, and manipulation. The only HG to actually live up to the religious card has been Kaysar and it cost him the game last season when he couldnt go against his original alliance and join Danielle. If youre gonna thump the Bible, fine..you better live up to the name (in Jameka's case, turn the other cheek). BTW Im not approving anything of what Dick has said, but he's not the one claiming to be holier than thou, Jameka is.

agree but do you think the producers told her to play up the religious card. she wasnt this bad in the beginning she took it to another level like she is playing out a role jmho

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I disagree. Christians are not perfect and Jameka has never claimed to be perfect. How much can a HUMAN BEING take? Dick is a loud mouth . He got it back! No one was standing up to him. He told Danille that he was going to attack Jameka and Amber. Christians are human and have feelings to, you know? All she did was sit down and here comes the mouth. He has attacked and attacked and when anyone dares go back at it with him he has to use their religion or past drug problems against them? Hes nothing but a hypocrite. Jameka and Amber hit back. So what? Dick needs to understand that for every action there is a reaction. How anyone can think that immoral, child neglecting, drunk ,druggie is on a higher ground shocks me. How do you think his "minister" Mother feels about his behavior? Instead of being concerned about Jameka calling her a bitch, in the middle of a heated argument that HE started, she should be more concerned over her son and his actions. How embarrassed she must be to be a Minister and have her own son attack her God that way. I feel bad for HER, not him. It must be awful for her to see her son and Granddaughter (that she raised, not Dick) behave in such a way.

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

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Christians are not perfect and Jameka has never claimed to be perfect. How much can a HUMAN BEING take?

Nope you're right Jameka isn't perfect, but if Jameka were the christian she claims to be then she knows that the Bible says to turn the other cheek and if it continues you should turn the other cheek 100 x 100 times... She never turned the other cheek once...

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I disagree. We are human too. Dick has made it his personal mission to be a jerk. His remarks about Ambers CHILD was way out of line but I guess that is ok because he isnt a Christian. Think what you want. Christians are human too and we do lose our tempers at times. Dick got what he deserved. Jameka already said she was sorry for saying some of the things she said. But I guess you must be perfect or else. If someone tries to stab or ashoot me, I won't turn the other cheek either. SInce we are not in the house and we don't know everything that has been said or done then we shouldn't judge too harshly.

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His remarks about Ambers CHILD was way out of line but I guess that is ok because he isnt a Christian.

Yep they were out of line, but you can't say that christians are people too and say that it's ok for them to call peoples mother a bitch and cuss the way she does...

If she wants to use the Bible to tell other people what they should do and how they should act, then she herself should follow the Bible's teaching and turn the other cheek 100 x 100 times...

I don't understand why anyone can say that one is bad, but I like this one and anything they do is ok...

Dick didn't try to stab or shoot anyone so that point is moot... Nothing in the bible says anything about not defending your life... She wasn't doing anything that was going to cause her to die...

Thanks for the bait though... No... I have never claimed to be perfect, but the fact is we weren't talking about me and for you to even try to turn this around on me and bait me that way just goes to prove my point once again... DON'T SAY YOU ARE A DICK FAN OR SOMEONE IS GOING TO SAY SOMETHING NASTY ABOUT YOU AS A PERSON...

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I think this is going :offtopic:......... this thread is supposed to be about Jameka, not a place to bash Dick.........he works in a bar where I'm sure they are very happy with his performance/he said on the show "I'm going to do whatever I can to make these girls HATE me, so they'll keep Dani".........he's playing his strategy.............Jameka on the other hand is reacting and making a fool out of herself when she loses it (and blaims dick), fully knowing that she school counselor, trained to teach kids how to handle stress..... who is going to have to go back to her life and face kids, parents and administrators.

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