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Amber Week 6


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I think the op is correct -

If Eric stayed and Dick won HOH, it'd be Dick's gang of 4 versus LNC with 5. With Dick and 2 LNC not voting, the vote would at best be a 3-3 tie.

But Eric can't vote for himself. So it doesn't really matter whether Kail or Eric stayed because the AP votes have all been going in favor of Dick. Worse yet for LNC, they THINK they have Eric's vote - Amber tried to tell Dustin Eric couldn't be trusted based on his past voting record but Dustin wouldn't listen.

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Ugh. I can't even tell you how fed up with Amber and Dustin I am right now. Honestly, I never even close to hated Maggie and Ivette this much. At least Maggie and Ivette were somewhat quiet about their hateful ways.

I feel the complete same way. I've been a fan of BB since season 1 and I've never disliked anyone as much as I dislike Amber and Dustin right now.

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Sam if Dick was hoh he would be the tie breaker and that would have been another swing for Dicks herd but I think the OP is mad Eric stayed. If Amber listened to Dick instead of Dustin than the numbers against Amber would have been worse.

Besides look at how Dick is treating Amber and Jameka tonight. Anytime people dont do what he says he goes nuts on them. Like he is some sort of King

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I dont like Dustin or Amber but I think its great they finally stood up to dicks bullying. Dustin had a great line. Dick has tried to terrorize (dicks own word) every single player that dares not vote they way he tells them to vote. He seems to think he is the dictator of the house.

"Dustin to Dick: "Washed up, deadbeat, whitetrash dad!!!" (Yelling from BY) NT"

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Is it a coincidense that Dick is always "terrorizing" all these people? I dont see any other HG acting as Dick does. Terrorize is Dicks own word for what he does. Remember what Dani said he used to do to them as kids? How can people keep making excuses for Dicks behavior? Thats ironic I ask that because I did for 3 weeks as well but at some point enough has to be enough. Its no longer just Jen. Its every person in the house besides his daughter and zach

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This chick is crazy as a loon! She's going off like a spring-loaded nut about how her 8yr old daughter shouldn't be exposed to any of this -- actually she just said 'my f***king daughter' ... and she has the nerve to question Dick's parenting skills!?! I seriously want to know how anyone can stand to be around this wastoid in the real world. Geez, I so can't imagine what she must have been like when she was a tweaker. I really hate this chick.


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What is wrong with Amber?? Why would any sane mother let their daughter watch the internet??? I don't care that she's on it - it's not for an 8 yr old to be watching. Amber is a total wreck and probably not a very good role model.

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I'm so happy that Amber's daughter is not going to die..........I can't wait to see all those

STUPID people's faces when they find out that they were taken in by Eric and CBS..... :animated_rotfl:

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All season long Amber flip-flops.......she runs back and forth picking the side that she

thinks is the strongest..... :bump: I can't wait until she finds out Dustin went back

on his word.....

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can someone let me know how/why amber is now HAPPY that eric is in the house? i couldnt figure it out from the feeds i'm aware of... what did i miss?!!

You didn't miss anything, the chick is off the reservation.

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That is going to be the bast Part of the SHOW when they all find out Dick was right...Amber might lose what is left of her mind...Jameck will pray a forgive him...Dustin will say he know all the time and I hope Jess does not talk can stand to listen to her....

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Dick's bullying was extreme but I never saw anyone standing up to him. In fact, they were alll for it - to a point - when it was the "other" side. Truthfully, at least Dick was wide open and honest to everyone - bully or not. Love to hate him or hate to love him - Dick kept it interesting.

But to be stuck with watching just Dustin with his own form of bullying and arrogance and out and out lying; or Jameka with her God is 'gansta' and her "ummmhmmmm's" while she says "F..." this and "F..." that; or the disgusting, emotional black-hole Waaaahmber with her smacking, slobbering, crunching, blank-eyed protestations that she's the "good" person and "a lie could not pass her lips" while she sucks up to everyone and lies like a rug...

I don't know if I can watch the show anymore.

Right now, it just feels so YUUUCKK!

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I agree! It will stink if he leaves. I hope they do put Dustin up as a pawn (was mentioned he offered under another topic) & besides ER was bashing A & D to Jess.

I like Dick. Yes he is over the top & says disgusting things but he says it to your face. The other "nerds" just lie & talk about eachother & out of both sides of their mouth! Such bible thumping hypocrits! I hate that religion is such a big part of the BB house but I luv the music that BB plays when they show Jam on the live show! Mocking her! wait til they all get out & see "who" ER really is & has done & that Dick really knows all the people he name drops!

Personally, I think Dustin is soo much worse than Amber! She shouldn't even be in there! She really needs help & once she gets out of there & see's what is written about her on here & on TMZ.com & other places, she will need to be watched 24/7. (well at least she will be used to it)

BTW, when Dustin told Dick that he lied earlier after the eviction, to get in Dicks head, about him not voting out Kail, he was lying about that reason. he didn't lie to get in Dicks head before the HOH comp. He lied because just incase Dick won the HOH, he could say someone else voted for Kail!

Either way, after hearing about the things that have been said to the guests in the DR, I am starting to think BB affects the outcome of this game. I was never 1 to believe in conspiracy theories but..... we knew Jess would win! The last question about Carol to jess & BB egging the guests not to vote ER out (some people posted that they heard this said) SAD! So much 4 reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND.... everyone remember Waaaamber NEVER lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wait a minute,didn't she admit earlier that she "DID" have a hand in getting Nick out! Which 1 is it????

This reminds me of the nerd herd season! I won't have anyone to root for if D & D leave!

Sorry, I know i went off topic but needed to get all of that out!

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Okay, I just saw the feed of the argument with Jameka/Waaahhhmber and Dick. I don't believe I'll watch anymore of this season. It was absolutely disgusting and hypocritical of Jameka to call Dick's mother a b...h while proclaiming to be a Christian in the same breath.

The goal of every Christian is to try to be as good a person and as Christ-like as possible. It isn't a free pass to behave however you like. The most important tenet to every Christian, though, is to represent Christ's love to others - especially people who have doubts or don't know His love. Jameka gave Christians every where a black eye - even though, hopefully, people saw through her hypocrisy.

While Dick's outbursts were horrible - he never professed to be anything other than what he was.

On another note: Jameka is so incredibly ignorant because all she can do is just keep repeating the same phrases over and over and over and over just to drown out whomever else is speaking. If she cannot come up with anything intelligent to say - or even an intelligent retort - she resorts to repitition - like a 6 year old saying "I know you are but what am I - I know you are but what am I", etc.

She fell all the way to the irritating level that Waddling Waaahmber sits on and if that's all that is left to watch on this season - then forget it - I'm out of there.


PS: Oh, and let's not forget about the disgusting, cowardly conduct of Dustin - peeking in through the door - yelling his brave insults behind the skirts of the other two.

I'm only copying this same post here because it applies to both J & A - and how utterly done with this Season I want to be!!!


PS: Yet... I'm still here!! (wink)

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another cowboy she make it to the end i gurantee it

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:giggle: Amber asked Jameka what superficial means.

It's always entertaining when she's using Jameka as a dictionary.

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