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Daniele Week 6


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Sorry I think she is adorable, smart girl, they all whine in there, so whys everyone picking on her?? Jast sayin

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She said tonight that in the beginning she did not think it would bother her for him to leave but she feels different now, I think the house has been good for them, Dick was hilarious tonite,and I could see a little flicker of a laugh in her eyes when he was goin off on everyone.

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Well, if they ALL do these things, and Dani does them to, they she deserves as much picking as all the rest!

I think, that if her Dad wasn't there for her now, she'd be out of the game! First it was Nick, now it's her Dad, and they enable her to hide out from the game.

I want ED to stay, but if he did go, and Dani started to really play the game, and played it as well as people think she is playing it now, my opinion of her would change. In other words, if she has some hidden potential, I'd be happy to see it! I just don't see it now...and IMO, winning contests is not fully playing the game. If she can't exploit those wins, it's a missed opportunity.

Last night, ED asked her to talk to Eric, about the vote, and try to bring him over to their side. She refused, even when ED said it would help him. She's gone to Jen, and Zach, even though behind their backs she says she can't stand them, so why not try to get Eric on their side? For her Dad??

Dani just needs to get involved more.

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if i have to hear how she hate's it there and she hates everybody and she's sooooo frustrated i am going to kill my neighbor!

I hope you don't live next door to me... Is there a big gold castle on your left??? It's the only one in the trailer park...

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Zilchie, I agree she needs to get more into the playing of the game, and if her dad goes, she will have to do that, I think she may surprise us, She is so young, I know I was an idiot at 20, seriously, I just think out of all the girls there, she is the prettiest,and the lights are on. All the other girls really gag me, I can take a little of Jen tho,lol, she also is an attractive girl, but in a different way than Daniel

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Sorry, I think Dani has a good logical head on her shoulders and coupled with Evil's street knowledge and bartender's ability to read people, she has done pretty good for herself...again she is the valedicktorian of a pretty sad group of female minds. Jen has one but it is clouded with narcissistic overtones, Amber is a poor excuse of a human being who has ruined her brain with Meth (if there was one in there to begin with) Jessica can sit and think for short stretches but anyone can knock her off her train of thought easily, I think even a bright shiny object might do it! Jameka is blinded by her obsessions with religion and if that was her plan going in...good luck to her, it ain't working! Dustin is the only Fe-Male left in the group and he's useless to ALL of them...

So Daniele IS the cream of the Crop...hampered by Nick in the beginning with the albatross of her Dad-daughter situation...she is still capable of playing this game.

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I was laughing at Dani saying she hates fake people who lie, when her entire HOH shouting match was nothing but pure BS.

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That was recent when she said that about her BF....she led the hg's to believe she is in a commited relationship.

And yup...she's the fakest of the fake. The HoH scene was a hysterical act...she came right out and admitted it when she spoke to ED and then again in the DR.

I could care less that she's lying and manipulating (part of the game as far as I'm concerned)...It just irks me though when posters argue that she is sweet and real.

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I wouldn't call her sweet and real. I DO like her though. If you're going to be on BB you have to lie and be fake to people. I just think that the others in the house are far worse than her. I do think that outside the house she probably is a nice person.

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