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Daniele Week 6


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Daniele is a whiney brat that is for sure.

But I still hope she goes far and I think she is a kick ass player in BB. I will take her personality over most all the other houseguests. JMO

So why did she tell her beloved nick that she had a boyfriend?

Why do you care so much??? I don't get it.

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How do we know she didn't tell him that, at some point. According to the feeds she told Zach the last night Nick was there that they talked and she told him a lot of things that had been unsaid in regards to her feelings for him and that their relationship was "to be continued". She very well could have told him the truth about Kris then.

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I will take her personality over most all the other houseguests. JMO

Sorry Marty, but someone took her personality a long time ago... I don't think she even misses it anymore...

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I bring up Danile's love life because I'm trying to balance the Amber drugs things and Jameka God additions and Dustin's BJ's for Bemjamins...

If people are being faulted for things outside of the house, then they should all. But as this is the Danile love fest and I have been accused of Danealousy, I bid you adu...

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I think maybe she didn't take being on "a break" lightly at first because she still did have feelings for him and it didn't seem right. But it sounded like she's known they weren't going to be living together even before she got out so the break would make sense.

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Wouldn't Danealousy be an envy of very large dogs?

Well isn't she like 5'7"? That's pretty large...mal-nourished, but large...

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I liked Daniele a lot at first. However my issue with her now, is that she always points her finger at others for lying, yet she has lied numerous times. She probably told the first lie in the house when she said she was 21. She then had to scramble to cover that one up with Dick. If you want someone out of the house for personal reasons or because they don't do what you want them to, just call a spade a spade. Don't make up the excuse that they lied, when you certainly have told your own number of lies. I guess it is strategizing when she does it, but no one else is smart enough to have strategy. Everyone else just lies for the heck of it.

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If you're referring to her calling Eric a liar a lot, I think she's made it clear that it was also that it appeared he set Nick AND her up to look like the phantom votes so that made people turn against them or suspect them. Other than him, I'm not sure. But they have all lied so

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Just as Mike and Zach turned Jen's "I's" into a drinking game...tonight I am doing the same with Danile's "Honestly's"...if she wiggles her head when she says it, I have to drink twice. If she just says "honest" I have to do a shot of hard liquor....anyone with me?? :food-smiley-005:

If I can see the keyboard after the show...I will be back!!

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she sold out her dad

big cry baby

the weak link in team dick

i cant believe she made jameka pissed her off

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She bitches and moans that everyone is soooo fake, when the ONLY time she has spoken to the other HG's was a complete SHAM!!! This girl is unbelievable...skanky fake princess.

AHHH, I really didn't think she could do something to make me dislike her more...then she UP AND DOES IT!!!!

Way to go Dick, you raised on HEll of a daughter..

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:cheers: Francis_3!!!
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And to top it all off on reasons to hate Danile, she onl;y said "honestly" once. "Sucks" was her word of the night....stupid, fake, self centered, princess skank won't even let me get drunk....

And my back up game was to drink everytime Amber cried...WTF CBS?? Have you been talking to my sponsor???

You suck...honestly

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