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Dick Week 6


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IF ED goes, which is a big if, most of the agitation will be gone, and I don't think Dustin and Eric would go thru with any of their threats against Dani. I think they are simply too cowardly.

And Dani will mewl, whine, and say 'I tried to stop him', 'You guys are sooo mean!', 'I tried to be your friend!', 'You never gave me a chance!', and on and on, and they'll get sick of her faster than they got angry at ED.

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Too bad Dick is still sleeping...I would think that Amber, Eric, Jameka and Dustin would have the pots and pans out by now-- a little dose of that medicine couldn't hurt too bad.

Just because Dick will stop now doesn't mean it should end. Dick should have started his campaign to get out of the house to save his daughter after the POV (results do matter), not before when anything was possible--including Dani or Dick winning POV.

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The thing is you should never stop playing or go on a rant like Dick did because you never know in this game who will flip or who you can manipulate. He should have tried a different approach.

Now he's pissed them off so much they just want him out and his daughter. His actions have not helped Dani at all in fact he's made it much more difficult for her to play.

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I think ED said that last night...he was telling Dani he was pissed because he hadn't 'f***ed' anyone...he wanted to really get Dustin, and thought he'd missed his chance.

In any case, last nights 'truce', didn't really last long, and I don't think he's going to calm completely down...he'll probably get egged on by the producers!

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OMG I hope Dick is gone...yall have made Dick a marter(sp) he is a loud mouth jerk and I am sick of Danielle's crying all the time...her and Amber are in the running of who can make more water come out of their eyes award....

the only person who really deserves to win is Jen right now because she is a threat and because of personal reasons....everyone is attacking each other and she is just lying around under the radar and waiting for the kill....

They all need to come together...get their main targets out of the house and then turn on each other....they have forgotten the game..

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I actually think Dick's play the last couple of days has been smart and interesting. Throwing people off their game (prior to an important competition) has been his strategy on several past occasions (he did it very well with Kail). I thought the croquet practice the night before with Danielle was smart and touching (although Dani's young age continues to come through as she whines and moans her way through it).

While I think past guests did get into "strategic" fights with other players (Howie with Busto comes to mind), I do not think any previous player is quite in Dick's league when it comes to "in your face mind play". I think Dr. Will did well in messing with people's minds but not in the "pot and pan bangin - god usin -you're a bad mama" in your face, approach that makes Dick, well, a Dick.

I really hope Dick is is able to see the light through the dark clouds this week and push to get the other player evicted. I would love nothing better then to see him make Dani safe and then figure out that there really may be a way to get the Post POV nominee evicted. In my fantasy, the RCA puts up Dustin and he goes home (but whomever will work for me).

I also wish that Dani and Dick would come to believe that Dick actually stands a better chance of making it to the finals alone - more so than Dani. Leaving Dani on the block and possibly going home would be a smarter choice but don't think that will happen.

And most of all the house will be just too darn boring without Dick.

I am not looking forward to the house without him.

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U notice Dustin threw Dick off his HOH game...He was so upset that Eric was not evicted that he couldnt concentrate...

I was a fan of Dicks until he poured tea over Jen's head....I felt like he crossed the line...and really should have been kicked out... for that...u dont put your hands of physically assault anyone unless they assualt you first....Then he started talking about her saying she had hygiene problems...but now he is all buddy buddy with her...I hope Jen has not forgotten all that Dick put her through...

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....they have forgotten the game..

I agree with you Spark, they are not playing a good game any of them, well except Jen. I am not surprised though that they are all playing so emotionally as I think Dick has brought out the worst in all of them.

He has made this game personal and that has ruined it for me. I prefer good strategy and game playing to this crap.

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I agree. I switch the feeds anytime they start showing Dick, I just can't stand him. If he makes it through this week, I am not going to watch the feeds until he leaves. I just can't with him!!!! :animated_bouncy:

Why isn't Eric trying to talk Jess out of putting Dustin on the block? He knows America is going to make him vote for Dustin to leave.

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Now Wicked I know I am prolly going to get a spell cast on me for saying this but I just loves ya... You are so right...

By the way please tell your sister hello for me and tell her that I am so sorry about what happened here right before she left... I was completely wrong about what was happening...

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The thing is you should never stop playing or go on a rant like Dick did because you never know in this game who will flip or who you can manipulate. He should have tried a different approach.

Now he's pissed them off so much they just want him out and his daughter. His actions have not helped Dani at all in fact he's made it much more difficult for her to play.

We were saying the same thing, the game always changes so he should have just continued to play. I felt all that ridiculous ranting will only hurt Danielle more. Well maybe Satan will help him now. Satan! Evil Dick needs your help! lol!

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<----- Dick fan. The rest are pansies, meth heads, wannabe bible thumpers and nerds.

* Does a fly-by for Dick on her broom with a banner reading MAKE EM CHOKE DICK!

Excuse me if I am wrong but Dick said he was "high" and Drunk when Danille was born. He is a hypocrite. He gave his kids away to his Mother and neglected them. He hasn't spoken to his own daughter for how long? He needs to get off that high horse he is on. He isn't any better. In fact, he is worse. He doesn't have any right to talk to anyone about their PAST drug problems or their child. He also doesn't have ANY right to speak to anyone about marriage (he was married twice so far) or parenting. He has failed at both. He is a hypocrite and a bully. Nothing more and nothing less.

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Dick "doesn't have the right" to..........blah , blah blah :rolleyes4:

Dick has the RIGHT to do anything that CBS will allow him to do.........anything that HE decides will help him strategically..........just like every other HG in there!

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Intimidation is a great strategy for dealing with the wimpy poor excuses for humans that are in there with him...I think Dick would respect anyone with Game...if it wasn't for the AP idea that threw a wrench in the machinery, Dick would totally control the house! His competition left when Mike & Nick were shown the door.

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Excuse me if I am wrong but Dick said he was "high" and Drunk when Danille was born. He is a hypocrite. He gave his kids away to his Mother and neglected them. He hasn't spoken to his own daughter for how long? He needs to get off that high horse he is on. He isn't any better. In fact, he is worse. He doesn't have any right to talk to anyone about their PAST drug problems or their child. He also doesn't have ANY right to speak to anyone about marriage (he was married twice so far) or parenting. He has failed at both. He is a hypocrite and a bully. Nothing more and nothing less.

uhhhh that doesnt make dick a hypocrite. dick admits his faults and his mistakes and ownes up to it. he never said he was the father of the year. he admits to being a crappy father, and ass, and more.

and just in case people dont understand what hyporite means:

hypocrite: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Amber however denies ever being doped up around her child to dick.. but yet said to dustin regarding her drug addiction that she had no choice in becoming a drug addict because she was taking care of 5 people and it was all she could do (take drugs) to stay awake.... soooooo yes, she was high around her child.

Amber and Jameka talk about what good people they are and then talk trash about others all day long. thats being hyporitacal. dick is a dick and says so.

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Do you think Danile has played a good game?? If the final two were Danile and Jen, Dick would vote for his daughter. She hasn't done squadush and yet people believe she is the best "gamer" out there. Unbelievable!!

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