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Dick Week 6


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I absolutely think that it is a big mistake on Daniele's part to isolate herself from the rest of the house. I think she should at least get out of that bedroom.

like jameka told her its a little to late. what i like about jen while the house was against she still making friends. daniele not even a good wannabee janelle

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Well if Dani puts an effort forward and people think it's too little too late, then it's on them. Jameka should take a page out Jen's book as much as Dani should...Jen forgave Dick when he apologized and made an effort with her.

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dick apoligize to jen only cause he need her vote simple as that. daniele is no victim she deserve everything she gets :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates: jen , zach got the same crap and they didnt run and hide like her

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Guest jordansmom

Besides if things would have went the way D&D wanted them to last week do u really think he would have changed with her? He did what he did to try and stay in the game. Nothing wrong with that but I don't think for one min that Jen really believes him.

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Dick and Dani went on an all out battle last week with everyone, trying to convice them of Eric's deceit........they got slammed for it by the group...........so then they should try to play kissy, kissy with everyone afterward? :rolleyes4:

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Looking back why did Dick and Dani go so crazy overboard against Eric? The banner plane? Or revenge for Nick? Two really dumb reasons IMO to throw out someone from your own alliance.

Why didn't they talk to Eric instead of accusing him without really knowing? Why were they so eager to turn on Eric? Which IMO has cost both of them the game.

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Looking back why did Dick and Dani go so crazy overboard against Eric? The banner plane? Or revenge for Nick? Two really dumb reasons IMO to throw out someone from your own alliance.

Why didn't they talk to Eric instead of accusing him without really knowing? Why were they so eager to turn on Eric? Which IMO has cost both of them the game.

true words

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IMO, they figured out that eric has been lying about everything/all of the time (and he is).........that's why they got so passionate about it.......... the banner just confirmed it for them..........and they were dumb enough to think the others would be smart enough to see it.......wait until they all look back :animated_rotfl:

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No matter the reasons they decided he had been lying...they were right. And I agree...it's going to be funny when they see why.

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IMO, they figured out that eric has been lying about everything/all of the time (and he is).........that's why they got so passionate about it.......... the banner just confirmed it for them..........and they were dumb enough to think the others would be smart enough to see it.......wait until they all look back animated_rotfl.gif

First of all your giving dick and dani to much credit. Second, who cares if they thought Eric was lying? If they knew he was lying, so what let him lie. They needed Eric and the LNC to get farther into the game. If they had any brain power what so every they would have seen this and waited a few weeks. But instead they formed BAD plan to back door eric who had an allience with 4 other people, and made themselves the biggest targets in the house and for what? Revenge? Because going after someone for lying alone was a bad plan, because it really should have effected them.

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On the other hand, if they would have convinced one more person to go along with them and the votes turned the other way (which some people convinced them they would) it would have been a great move...........and, they would have gotten the credit down the line for getting the creep out..........as I've said before, wait until they all look back at this week :smartass2:

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Will it be OK for the other house guests to treat Dani like this when Dick is gone or is Dick the only one allowed to act like this? Not that any of them would. I dont like many of them but I dont see any of them acting like this regardless.

Well, lets see... Dustin and Eric have talked about when Dick leaves how they are going to get in her face and laugh at her and tell her how they are going to torture her now that she has nobody in the house, and make sure that every day she has left in the house she spends it crying, and Dustin has even talked about when Daniele is walking out the door as she is about out the door and it's about to close he is going to kick her in the a*s and scream at her that she deserved it... He swears he is going to do this and that BB can't do anything about it, because he won't be hitting Daniele, but kicking her out the door and his foot just conected...

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Well, lets see... Dustin and Eric have talked about when Dick leaves how they are going to get in her face and laugh at her and tell her how they are going to torture her now that she has nobody in the house, and make sure that every day she has left in the house she spends it crying, and Dustin has even talked about when Daniele is walking out the door as she is about out the door and it's about to close he is going to kick her in the a*s and scream at her that she deserved it... He swears he is going to do this and that BB can't do anything about it, because he won't be hitting Daniele, but kicking her out the door and his foot just conected...

It should prove an interesting next week for most posters here. I would think many would find this as equally "entertaining" as Dick's rants on Jen, Kail, Amber and Jameka.

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I can see eric and Dustin pointing their fingers and laughing at Danile not having a man to hide behind (unless she gets Zach to do it). But I cannot see any of the banging pots, threatening to rape (or have unwanted violent sex with) her or condemning her for her religious beliefs.

I CAN see them bringing up that if Danile really wanted Nick to stay, then why did she vote to evict him. And why is she now doing her hair like Jen and hanging out with a girl she repeately said she hated...

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If they attack Dani after Dick leaves, it shall be the biggest mistake on thier part, (IMO)it wil never end...all but 2 of them will endup in sequester at one point and there it will be just as hard if not harder then what it has been in the house with him.......BB really needs to give us the chance to watch sequester.....id forefit one of my 4 camera shots here for one steady shot in squester! lol

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I didn't think they could see the feeds in sequester?? If they went after Danile with as much venom as Dick went after them, how would Dick know unless Danile was in sequester??

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No they cant see whats going on in the hosue fromsequester, but dani (if she fails attempts at HOH and POV) she very well could be next one out...she will share what has happened if they in fact follow through on thier idle threats.. he will bash them as soon as they walk into sequester.

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