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Dick Week 6


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like i said before.. i hear people yell out "suck this" or other disgusting things all the time.. of course i live in NJ and people curse like truckers here so its not shocking to hear stuff like that.

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Dani said she grew up in fear of him

I agree with Marty. Danielle has said a lot of things, but I have never heard or read that she said she feared him, ever.

I think it was a "good parenting" decision that Dick didn't raise his daugther. Apparently, he knew it wasn't the best thing for Danielle. It had to have been a very hard decision. If he didn't love and care of her, he wouldn't have given her to his Mom to raise. He obviously loved her enough to sacrifice his relationship with her in order to give her the best he could. I don't fault him for that.

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Dani said she grew up in fear of Dick. That he would get up in her face where she would feel his spit. You may not have read it but that doesn't mean she did not say it.

Based on his rages in the house and how he treats people in general I think her "story" was very believable. Never mind that Dick himself said he knows Dani is smart because she refused to talk to him for 5 of the last 7 years.

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That he would get up in her face where she would feel his spit.

uhhh.. not for nothing but there are millions of children that had their parents in their face. this is nothing shocking.

if you polled women across the world, you would find that at sometime in their childhood their mothers pulled them by their hair at least once. (not all, but a lot)

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Yeah, personally, my Ma was wicked with a piece of hot-wheels track when she was losing it...and the fly swatter seemed to work well for her too at times....lol

As for Dick and the pots....i really think he wants to ENSURE they vote him out and not Dani this week....he is gonna push them and make them so miserable to make sure they don't flip and flop about like every other week. :animated_scratchchin:

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I don't believe anything Dani says regarding their relationship...then again, I am one of those who do not believe their estrangement story. She may have said things about Dick to enhance their "enemy" status.

They are there to win money like the others (though from the looks of previous game play I would say they just all needed a vacation from their everyday lives).

PS - Dick could verbally abuse them and throw pots around until Thurs...but I think in the end it will be Dani they try to get out. She has more a chance to get to the end then he does...she is more of a threat. And if they do vote him out, it's probably out of pure boredom of his ongoing behavior.

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He's ruining the game for me...I'm sick of him and all his bs.

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If Dick robbed a bank and killed 3 women and children some people would blame the bank for having money and the moms for bringing the kids to such a dangerous place.

That is something I realized the other day, the love for this guy is scary.

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