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Sunday, August 5 - Live Feed Discussion Thread

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They think they are sitting pretty right now...they do have the largest number to compete for HOH.

Operative word "think".

In actuality I think Jen, D/D and Zach have the best chance at next HoH.

Jen, Dick and Zach can play it and both Jen and Dick have won HoH before. Zach, who knows, but Dick and Jen are a proven HoH commodity.

On the other hand, I doubt Eric will try to win HoH if he's here even now. He especially won't want to give America the vote if he gets off this week by the skin of his teeth because America would mess him up even more with noms.

Amber, I don't think she could win a comp if her life depended on it.

Jameka can't play.

Jessica could win but may throw it and Dustin has won before so he could win.

So at the very least it's a wash and a 50/50 thing on which group wins HoH this week. Only my opinion though.

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It is so nice watching the bonding and good times between Dani and Jameka this morning. I hope that Jameka will see that Dani is not such the bi+ch that that the Tard Herd keeps telling her she is. I don't know why Jameka has been so glued to Amber.

Seems to be a lot of fun time with Jen too. I think their night of fertilizer baths is good for HG getting to know each other better. I wasn't up all night but it seems there is no game talk. If Eric and Dustin and Amber were around things would be so negative and the scheming and game talk would not stop.

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You guys are quick to forget that it was the LNC who threw Dick/Dani under the bus FIRST. Everyone knows my feelings about Dick but come on now! The LNC plotted first to get rid of Dick/Dani, not the other way around. When they first started discussing it, Dick/Dani were still loyal.

So lets back up here and not rewrite history.

Just trying to be real.

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Xal I so agree with you on your last 2 posts. Yay for Jen for making a smart move for her. I hope she goes far in the game. I think this new alliance will make the game a lot more fun!

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Dustin, Amber, and Jameka were so mad that Dick and Dani "would have" changed their vote if they knew someone else was going to. Meanwhile, they were going to throw the HOH comp to Kail or Jen to get Dick and Dani out. They are just mad they didn't get to strike first.

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Xal glad that you made the point and reminded all how LNC was going to throw D/D out first, and I too feel that this split has done nothing more than make the game far more interesting for us who watch and read the feeds.

I want D/D to put up Eric. No problem in AP getting screwed up by the 55% who only watch the 3 shows, and it would make the statement that D/D are not as powerful as they feel. Which deep down I think Dani already realizes ....


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I agree that they spoke about getting rid of Dick/Dani...but they didn't really take any actions to get rid of them. From day one everyone ran through different scenarios of who is going to go next...who they want to be in the finals with...who they'd put on the block...etc....so it's not fair to call someone out on separating the group when all they did was talk future how it would be divided. I've heard Dick say numerous times in the past weeks that he's got to get rid of Dustin, Amber or Jameka...no one is accusing Dick of throwing them under the bus. Dick even said he had to get rid of Nick...and was whole-heartedly in agreement of and instrumental in backdooring him. The entire LNC (and Dick is (was) a member of the lnc!) had a plan to get rid of Kail, Jen, Zach before they went after each other. Dani/Dick will be striking first by nominating Eric...even though they have good cause to do so...and it was inevitable the group would sub-divide...just premature.

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The smartest play for Dani is to put up her dad.

She would get 'revenge' for Nick....Dick did really want him gone and talked her into it.

The fact that no one should trust a father/daughter combo would be shattered.

She could then start to build some relationships in the house without her boyfriend or dad shielding her. And she ain't going far with dad around.

Either she throws him under the bus...or he'll do it to her.

It would certainly make for some compelling TV this week.

Evel Dick is the root of all evil.


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You guys are quick to forget that it was the LNC who threw Dick/Dani under the bus FIRST. Everyone knows my feelings about Dick but come on now! The LNC plotted first to get rid of Dick/Dani, not the other way around. When they first started discussing it, Dick/Dani were still loyal.

So lets back up here and not rewrite history.

Just trying to be real.

very true... but we will never hear the LNC admit that... or some of the folks here... just the way it is...

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The LNC plotted first to get rid of Dick/Dani, not the other way around. When they first started discussing it, Dick/Dani were still loyal.

And why WOULDN'T they? D/D are clearly THE STRONGEST alliance in the house (blood thicker than water, you know) and breaking them up is the ONLY way any of them have a chance at any $$$. Seems like smart game play to me.

And it seems pretty clear that D/D are pretty much first and foremost loyal to each other.

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I love that we have a new game with a new alliance. They game is going to be so much more interesting.

Now let the games begin. I would like to see Jen or Daniele win.

Dick and Daniele are only one vote for the other. I think the little tard herd has such a bigger block of votes. I don't understand all the parnoia about splitting up a couple.

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I agree that they spoke about getting rid of Dick/Dani...but they didn't really take any actions to get rid of them.

They were going to throw the HOH comp to Jen or Kail to let them do their dirty work for them. Danielle screwed that up by winning it.

Also I thought it was against the rules for the HGs to sleep in the back yard? Jameka and Kail are snoozing away right now.

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jen said it is the best sleep she had gotten in the house... she and jameka are both asleep on the couches while kail is half laying down and zach is just sitting there awaiting the next poo dump...

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What you said JFletch about Zach "just waiting for the next dump." Got me thinking, when your use to something that happens to you so often...it just gets easier and easier.....

Zach is use to being dumped on... :animated_rotfl:

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so D/D are blood and blood is thicker than water... they are still only 2 people against a whole house... geee... thats scary!


2 against the poop scoops hmmmmmm well, then again, they havent been able to get rid of kail or jen either... so maybe there is something to be afraid of. sFun_arrow.gif

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Also I thought it was against the rules for the HGs to sleep in the back yard? Jameka and Kail are snoozing away right now.

They seem to have suspended that rule during this task. Zach was asleep out there in the wee hours of the morning waiting for the next buzzer. Jameka and Kail (or Jen) noticed and said they'd be doing the same thing.

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sooo i am watching them pour crap over themselves and one by one they dump it over their heads... when it comes time for jameka.... she bypasses her head and dumps it down her back.... uhhhh why is she so special that she doesnt have to do her head but the others do?

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Most black women who take the time, money and effort to get their hair done (processed or weaved) will go to great lengths to not get it wet too often. I saw her dump it on her head twice last night after ED said something about it. But girlfriend would probably end up with a fro if she did it every single time, at least I think that is her fear and reasoning.

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