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Official Dick Confronts Eric Thread!!!!!!!!


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I thought so too Marty, but Daniele said Dick was going to confront Eric today before the PoV ceremony, or did I read that wrong?

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How great would it be if BB took Dick in the DR and said, they do not want to see it get ugly, so we're going to tell you something Dick...Eric did not place votes against the group.

It would send Dick into a tizzy!

Eric is getting 'info'. They should give Dick some too.


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Yeah, usually the POV meeting is on Mondays. As of right now, Daniele does not have the votes to get rid of Eric. Unless Dick's outing is so good it really gets to people and changes their minds, Dick and Daniele are really making a bad choice.

I hope Jen gets HOH this week, to see if she will keep Dick and Daniele safe, and who else she would go after. I just don't see who from the 'Nerd Herd' she would put up.

(Can we come up with a different name for this years 'Nerd Herd'? That ter should stick strickly to BB6.)

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BB will probably call Dick to the Diary room and offer him money to leave Eric alone. They won't want to mess up their America's player deal.

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Geek Squad

Liars and Criers (I suggested this one before)

Weasel Alliance

The D.A. (dumba****)

The Paranoid People Alliance or PPA

The Special People (for Amber) or SP

That's all I got for now.

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I still like some of the people on that side....but Liars and Criers (L&C...not to be confused with LNC) does seem appropriate...and not really too harsh.

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When I read your list, JFetch, I liked them all, but especially liked Liars and Criers. And it's funny that everyone else does too. So does this mean we can make a new thread announcing Amber, Dustin, Jessica, Jameka and Eric as the Liars and Criers alliance?

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