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Eric - America's Player


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A girl can hope! I can't say that I really *like* Eric, but I would hate to see him get booted because of the outside influence of a banner plane (and you can argue that Dani was figuring out beforehand BUT I think the plane had a critical role in all this).

i dont give her credit for being that bright. the banner is totally what help her figure it out

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i dont give her credit for being that bright. the banner is totally what help her figure it out

I was just trying to be nice... I totally agree with you there, but *some* have argued that she was piecing it together prior to the banner. I have my own serious doubts.

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hey eric!

when dick confronts you, here's what you should say..

you attack my character, when i've been nothing but nice to everyone here.

you on the other hand have been plain rude and obnoxious, and want everyone to follow YOUR plan.

when YOU were HoH, the target was kail. you made the switch to mike.

when nick was on the block, i saw both sides of the story, and we all said nick should go.


when you leave, you will see that.

and i will want an apology.

all of a sudden YOU are best friends with jen.

strange to anyone else here?

you say i'm in alliance with kail, but we've had her on the block 3 times and YOU have managed to talk us into other targets.

i'm the conniver. sure dick.

(at this point, get up and leave)

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hey eric!

when dick confronts you, here's what you should say..

Oooh!!! SNAP!!!

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Eric seems to get "twitchy" when he has to campaign against someone that he does not really think should be the one to go. Face it this "Americas Player" thing has totally messed up any game he could have played. I think he is a good player to have gotten as far as he has have to follow stupid orders. If not for the banner nobody would have figured out anything.

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I am all over the AP player concept. It did not work and Eric is way too spastic about it. It did not turn out to be much more then a vote that messed up the game sending Nick home.

Even if Eric was not AP I would want him evicted. I really have found him repulsive.... along with Dustin and Amber.

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It's going to be weird for Eric to complete his new task we're asked tonight since he's freaking out in the house. Especially if the poll is directed to someone like Dick or Daniele. Do you think he might avoid doing the new task tonight because of all the tension in the house?

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So Eric seems to think he can get HOH whenever he wants huh? That's fine, but I seriously doubt he gets to pick both of his nominees. He has to know that. Why is he saying he'll put both Dick and Danielle up? How is it going to look when he ends up putting someone else up instead? I would laugh so hard if he only gets to put one up, and the other gets POV and takes the other down.

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Eric is telling Jess that he has something on Amber......What a lowlife!!!!

We all know Amber is "mental"....but telling Jess and people listening on

the internet personal things is crossing the line....Lie, cheat and backstab,

but don't hurt someone with info that will hurt them outside the game.....

I'm sure its gotten to her family and friends already.......sure Amber should

of kept her secrets to herself......but I'm sure good old Eric was being her

new best friend.......Shame on you....Eric.....

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Eric totally hit a low point for me tonight. He told Jess he's been keeping some dirt on Amber to use against her later. It makes me sick what he said. How could someone stoop so low with something like that and using it to further himself in the game. Eric isn't my choice...for all i care I'm going to make sure i sabotage everything he does...

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The secret was Amber had 2 "real" abortions and "faked" she had 2 more and told her boyfriend that. She told him not so say anything to anyone and immediately told Jess......lowlife loser........

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With so much at stake this week..unless AC is Jessica my guess Eric will blow off this week's task.....I voted 10 times for Dick...If he tried to form an alliance for "final two" Dick would massacre him with the info......

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