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Eric - America's Player


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If you say something long enough, and REALLY loud enough, people will tend to believe you. That's ED.

Maybe CBS reminded Eric of that. ED doesn't tell the truth, and Eric needs to fight to stay in the game, like so many others have to do.

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Zichie that was the way of Hitlers propaganda. The "big Lie" strategy. If you say something often enough others will start to believe it.

When Dick was on his yelling rants I always wish Eric brought up the "big lie" strategy and then every time Dick started yelling I wanted Eric to start yelling the moon is made of cheese at the same decibel level. It would have cracked all the other HGS up laughing and proved the yell/lie point about Dick

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I think it is a little unfair of the producers to give Jessica information that otherwise she would not have (that Eric voted or didn't vote a certain way). They are stacking the game in favor of the LameAss 5. Why not let Danielle know, then...or the whole house. Hey, why don't they just tell everyone in the house that Eric will get a sh*# lot of money regardless of what they do?

If Eric stays in the game then he will remain in the game until sequester. Not all HGs have that edge. Kail sat back and did nothing to convince them not to vote her out...Eric blubbered and sniffled all over the house. He pouted, rolled his big brown puppy eyes at Jessica and managed to convince her to campaign with him.

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Sometimes fair and right are different. Confusing huh? If they told Jess that its probably not right but it also wasnt fair to Eric to have that banner flown over the house.

That banner could have said dick lied, dustin is the leak, kail is working with dick or anything else. Instead Eric took the brunt of it.

So they could be trying to right a wrong or balance an injustice that happened to Eric.

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I think the extra long DR session had two major points:

1. Eric probably had to record a couple of good bye messages as I think this might be a double elim week.

2. He has probably asked BB to step in when BB can to counteract the banner incident. He was outed by a banner for doing what BB told him to do.

3. He may have asked for clarification about what would happen if he told he was America's Player. Would he get tossed from the game. If not, this would be the time to come clean, so to speak. He would be out 10G's per task and no more tasks, but he would have a daddy of an excuse for his behavior. He could blame ANYTHING on AP tasks, even things that weren't.

Just my opinion.

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Actually, Erics DR session was less than an hour. The big blow up happened just after 2, he went into DR around 2:20 and was back in the kitchen around 3:10. And the other HGs started speculating that he had requested to be dropped after he was only in ther 20 minutes.

That doesnt mean the rest of it couldnt have happened. I love a good conspiracy theory.

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yadayadayada ~ This is what I like about these boards (some have disagreed with dissention on HGs and dislike opinions on these threads) is that often my perspective can be changed by someone's logical and thoughtful response. I never saw it as a chance to give Eric a fair shake because of the banner incident. Yah, I can see that it could sway votes, change opinions and spoil the game. thanks for shaking me awake.

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I've never missed Janey and Kaysar more...heck, Howie too. This is the worst cast ever and Eric and Dustin should be considered in the biggest scumbags in all of BB. Sick of Jameka, Jessica and Amber allowing Dustin to think for them. I knew trouble was up when Amber was relying on Dustin to be toe 4th vote against Eric.

Does Amber not have any convictions? She said it felt so good to tell all that stuff to Eric, and she was finally smiling. And then she just flips on all that, please. Only people in the house with any conviction (if you don't count Dustin and Eric's lying) are Dani and Dick.

And then with them, you get a bratty attitude from one, and a guy that just intimidates and berates people as the other. Granted, I care more for that than the scumbag liars, but it's not enough to keep me watching.

Eric's lying is now worse than ever, he's confronted with all that, and then sulks before going into 10 gear with the lying to people individually.

I can't even think anymore, they all make me sick. And if the rumor is true that BB tried to sway votes to keep Eric, then I'm done with the show forever....even if there is another all star show that has Janey, Kaysar, and Howie!

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With the sketchy little Weasel staying, it looks to be another "Boogie" year.

One of the postings I read recently, said it best. Boogie and the Weasel both lacked DR Will's charm. They're ham handed in their approach and they seem to have no bottom to their behavior, both willing to go to the gutter. Even Boogie's play on Erica was in the context of the game. The Weasels use of pre-game, private info is unconscionable.

This poster called the Dr. a "Merry Prankster." What a perfect phrase for highlighting the differences between Boogie-Weasel and the Dr. The good Dr. could & would stick a knife in your back as he lovingly gazed into your eyes and then gently kissed your cheek. The Boogster & the Weasel just run the knife into your spine without the grace and style that caused so many to admire Dr Will's game.

I give the Weasel credit for some great gameplay last night. He has them in his pocket now.

But one Boogie type win was enough for me. I hope another turn of events occurs and the Weasel is again exposed for what he is.

I wish I could find that post as I would liked to have given credit to the originator of the difference.

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I don't like Eric, and I wanted him gone, BUT...I think the house is better off with him. It's going to get crazy in there if he stays, and I prefer crazy to boring. I don't like that players might have been manipulated to keep him via the Diary Room, but it's also not all his fault that he's in so much trouble. Most of it's his fault, but since Whamber seems to have forgiven him, why should I be so mad what he did with her supposed secret?

Diary Room manipulations aside, I give the weasel credit for getting himself out of a guaranteed eviction, especially after Whamber went off on him. I even hope he wins HOH (which he won't) because I think America gets to choose one of his nominees. Would be better if we got to choose both, but I'd love to see him have to explain putting up Whamber after she saved his arse this morning. :bigcry:

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I can see Eric easily putting up Amber against Dick, and getting away with it to, if America told him to do it. He would tell Amber that she is the pawn because no one from the "5" would vote to evict Amber. Remember, they would have the numbers.

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No matter what they say in the lead up to the execuation -- er I mean eviction -- things change on a dime so I never count my bunnies before they hatch. animals_bunny1.gif

Whoever leaves, whether it's what I want or not atm I will adapt.

On another note, Wouldn't it be fun if it really is a double evic week.

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I think season 6 was too good of a season thats the problem. When people watch this season, its not as awesome as season six because we loved half the house and despised the other.

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